In the era of 2.0 web, blog has become the media that men can express themselves with fashion more actively and independently, as paying much attention to their personal appearance and cultivating an upscale lifestyle. They often create their fashion images in the virtual space where enables a free and creative operations of self-expression. The study aims to identify the types of men's ego-images represented on the personal fashion blogs based on the framework of analysis from the previous research (Suh, 2014), to build the base data for analyzing men's fashion style in 21st21st century that reflects changes in men's sexual images, and to verify the framework as comparing with the previous case study about the women blogs (Suh, 2014). The case studies conducted 5 men's personal blogs such as bryanboy, iamgala, little fashionisto, katelovesme, and stylentonic. The study results almost same types of women's ego-images as following. The imaginary ego-image is classified as narcissism, regression, identification, and virtuality, the social ego-image as symbolism of roles and others'desire, the real ego as primary instinct, practical reality, object a, jouissance and sexual perversion. The personal style of men shown on the fashion blogs appears as a significant factor to analyze male customers in the growing men's beauty and fashion market.
Web 2.0 communities are providing new opportunities for teachers’ professional development by supporting more flexible sharing, communicating, and collaborating among teachers at a distance. Meanwhile, literature concerning teachers’ professional development increasingly places value on communities of practice and web-based learning communities. This paper presents a case study on the design of teacher training supported by a Web 2.0 community. The training program discussed in the paper is characterized by employing peer-coaching to facilitate teachers’ learning in a Web 2.0 community, and is a part of a project funded by the Ford Foundation. The paper gives a brief introduction to the training program, and reports some important findings and reflections on design and practice for in-service teacher training. It includes the theoretical framework design, a training model as well as activity design, and the implementation and evaluation of the training program and useful experiences. Initially, taking account school teachers’ needs at the K12 level for curriculum reform and quality education, theory, knowledge and practice competences for learner-centered instruction were examined by using peer-coaching methods supported by online communities. The suggested training program was delivered in two Chinese districts in August 2009: Tianhe district of Guangzhou, and Wuhou district of Chengdu. More than 120 participants, including subject teachers, school principals and local teaching researchers, took part in the f2f training, online activities and the further practice activities. Even still on-going, the comprehensive investigation and evaluation of the training program explains that the initial results and observations collected during the process of training are very positive. With cause for optimism as to the prospect of achieving the training program’s goals, the study has demonstrated that a task-driven approach and peer-coaching supported by a web 2.0 community are effective methods for in-service teacher training, and that peer-coaching can be greatly extended by out-of-school activities.
Web2.0 refers to a new service models based by a community oriented philosophy. This creates new opportunities for technology providers and service. The agricultural technology information service in the base of open source technology provide opportunities for increased distribution and visibility to farmer and general user. We would like to find out vest service models and platform that will find new ways of agriculture technology information service. This study suggests that these new agriculture information service strategy in new paradigm of web 2.0. should be revised and adapted to Open API and new applied strategy in agriculture should be developed considering the impact of web 2.0.
Currently in Korea, there are about 1200 dam (height 15m or more) Recently, natural disasters are caused by abnormal climate and they have caused a lot of damage. but many institutions about dam don’t resolve this problem because dam was owned and managed by other institutions.
Therefore, to develop Web2.0 Smart Management System, it will be possible to combine different institutions and do efficiently intelligent management of dam.
현재 항만은 유비쿼터스 개념의 U-Port로 많이 변화되어 가면서 안전과 운영관리에 대한 자동화 시스템이 도입되었다. 이런 시스템들은 선박 입출항 및 선박의 승무정원, 컨테이너 자동화 시스템 등에 관한 각각 기준을 정하고 있으며 항만 시설물 유지관리를 포함하는 종합적인 안전관리와 적정 수준의 유지관리 여부를 수시로 점검하는 시스템은 찾아보기 어렵다.
본 논문에서는 현재 사용하는 항만 운영시스템의 성능을 종합적으로 관리하고 수시로 점검할 수 있는 시스템으로 개선하고 항만 구조물 관리 및 제어, 자연재해 U-경보를 통한 예방 지능화등 기존 항만의 기능을 지능화 하여 극대화시키는 유비쿼터스 센서 네트워크를 통하여 효율적인 운영방안을 제안한다. 이러한 서비스 제공은 유비쿼터스가 주목을 받고 있으며 기존 IT 기술과 건설 기술의 융합을 통하여 항만 건설의 미래 방향성을 보여주고 있으며, 항만 간의 경쟁에서 우위를 점하기 위해서 매우 중요하게 적용되는 사항이므로, RFID, RTLS 및 스마트폰, 센서등의 IT기술과 융합을 통하여 항만 전체 리드 타임 단축 및 무인 자동화 녹색 항만 시스템 구축을 하여 항만의 경제적, 시간적, 효율성을 높이는 방안을 제안하고자 한다.