Filter and microbalance sensitivity in measuring fine particulate matter mass is greatly influenced by particulate properties and environmental factors. Temperature and humidity control inside a measuring chamber with a microbalance, and neutralization of static charges on filters are essential for consistent filter weighing. Commercial weighing chambers are expensive with a unit price of tens of millions won. This study developed an inexpensive weighing chamber for weighing fine particulate matter and evaluatedits weighing performance. A microbalance with 1 μg precision was used to measure the weight of a filter. The microbalance was set in a transparent acrylic enclosure (100 x 60 x 65 cm3) equipped with temperature and humidity control equipments. Weighing performance of the chamber was examined using Teflon filters with or without different particulate sample types. Temperature and humidity were maintained at approximately 23.2±1.2 ℃ and 36.2±1.8℃ for 8 days, respectively.