The Welsh onion beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua (Hübner), has attacked Welsh onion and is now the most important pest of Welsh onion in southwestern Korea. The beet armyworm has a wide host range, occurring as a serious pest of vegetable and fields. The relatively high abundance of beet armyworm has stimulated frequent application of insecticides to foliage. Insecticide resistance is a major problem in management of this insect. Accordingly, pesticide application for the control of beet armyworm was tried in both the open field and in laboratory, using 4 synthetic compounds such as metaflumizone and chlorfenapyr, indoxacarb, flufenoxuron, emamectin benzoate. In the laboratory, each developmental stages from eggs, larva to pupa was tested against 4 insecticides. Against the eggs of welsh onion beet armyworm, there was no significantly different with each other. These tested chemicals no killing effect to eggs. However, the population of 1st larva hatched from eggs were reduced because they eaten the egg shell with residual insecticides. The tested insecticides were taken very high mortalities to 1st to 3rd larva of Welsh onion beet armyworm. Otherwise, there were decreased the death rate from 4th to 6th larva. On the other hand, their value of control effects were relatively good against Welsh onion beet armyworms in the field between 87.2 and 90.5% on 10 days after insecticide application.
파에서 파밤나방 유충의 시기별 공간분포 양식을 충남 아산군 인주면 파 재배 단지에서 조사하였다. 유충의 발생 최성기는 8월 중순과 9월 중하순으로 2회였고 유충의 공간분포 양식은 2가지 형으로 10월의 임의 분포를 제외하고는 모두 집중 분포를 하고 있었다. 유충의 영기별로 공간 분포 양식을 분석한 결과 각 영기 모두 집중분포를 하고 있었고 집중도는 영기가 낮을수록 높았다. 전남 광주와 무안 지방에서 기주 식물별로 파밤나방 유충의 공간 분포 양식을 조사한 결과 발생량이 많았던 고추, 대파 및 주기주 작물인 쪽파, 배추 무 등에서는 집중 분포를 하였고 녹두, 팥, 땅콩, 상치, 호박, 국화, 콩, 개비름 등 발생량이 적었던 작물에서는 임의 분포를 하였다.