
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2021.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this article, firstly, we talk about why we respond to “climate change impacts in nature and society” educationally. Secondly, we try to find ways that Jeju also has the ability to halt biodiversity loss and apply nature-based solutions to conserve biodiversity, enhance resilience, and so improve the well-being of the people on the island and in turn to improve the well-being of the people on the planet at the grass roots level of UNESCO internationally protected areas. Thirdly, we try to develop World Environment University Online School Leads Establishment of World Environment University so called “Lead WEU.” We will announce “World Environment University Online School Leads Establishment of World Environment University” at Private Meeting of the 2020 World Conservation Congress on September 9, 2021 in Marseille of France. We propose ”Jeju Global Governance of World Heritage; Climate Change Impacts and Integrated Management of UNESCO internationally Protected Area, at the graduate class of Jeju National University from September 2 to December 9, 2021. The core program centered at the University itself would be developed initially on the basis of the comparative advantage offered by its location in Jeju and the quality of faculty, full and part time, that could be recruited to the University.
        2020.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The long term objective should be to achieve a high degree of self-financing for the WEU. However, initial funding of at least US$5 million will be needed to develop the University through the launching of its initial programs. This will have to come primarily from Korean sources. Korea will need to take a lead in mobilizing the funds required for the ongoing operation of the University until the WEU has progressed to the point where it can command attention and support of international funding sources and significant fee income. The process to establish the University will be initiated as soon as the final decision of the Government of South Korea is confirmed.
        2020.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The University is to be established as an independent institution, with an appropriate status under the law of Korea. It will require such arrangements, incentives privileges and immunities as will facilitate the recruitment of international staff and the participation of faculty and students from all over the world. The University must be fully autonomous to ensure its intellectual and academic integrity and freedom from ideological constraints. The relationship with United Nations can be achieved without making the University an actual UN organization, through cooperation with UN agencies and organizations and participation of UN personnel in its faculty and programs. The core program centered at the University itself would be developed initially on the basis of the comparative advantage offered by its location in Jeju and the quality of faculty, full and part time, that could be recruited to the University. To reflect the complexity and range of issues in the field of sustainable development, it is planned that the academic program of the University should be organized from two mutually reinforcing perspectives, core competences underlying the whole program and specific areas of concentration.
        2020.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The University will contribute, through its high quality of education, training and research, to the containment, reduction and management of the problems confronting humanity in the transition to sustainable way of life utilizing the latest technologies of distance learning. Through international collaboration and leadership, it will generate, mobilize and share knowledge, experience and skills throughout the world so as to promote equitable and sustainable progress and to preserve and enhance the natural world on which humanity depends. As merit of the location of center in Northeastern Asia and North and South countries, Jeju Island has a remarkable natural beauty matching with unique environmental culture tradition, and a wide range of expertise, connections and capabilities in regard to global commerce, finance and transportation, and to the management of watersheds and biodiversity as a newly established international free city, all of which are relevant to world environment of sustainable development.
        2020.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper we try to classify three kinds of Peace Island Bridging Culture such as Jeju 4.3 Peace Village, UNESCO Environmental Village and Longevity Village, which compose vision of Jeju Social Healing Villages through villager case studies. We can demonstrate Jeju as one of the world’s historical longevity islands which specialize not only environmental villages as UNESCO World Natural Heritages, Geoparks and Biosphere but also Jeju 4.3 peace village overcoming tragedy of the Jeju Massacre between 1948 50 1954.
        2020.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The name of the University. While there is a close relationship between the environment and peace, this should be reflected in the establishment of an institute or program rather that in the name of the University which should be, as originally conceived, the World Environment University. The credibility of the University will depend on the involvement in it from the beginning of highly influential leaders of the world environment movement. There is no better way of ensuring this than to obtain the formal involvement of IUCN which has in its membership most of the leading nongovernmental and governmental organizations of the environment and conservation movement