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        검색결과 2

        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pollinating insects function significantly in structuring ecosystem as well as agricultural production. Among the variety of pollinators, Osmia cornifrons is one of the important pollinators in apple orchards. Unlike honey bees, O. cornifrons is able to pollinate at low temperature that facilitates its wide commercial use. The female O. cornifrons in nature lay their eggs to the interior of the bamboo reeds where they spend their larval and pupal stage throughout the summer and during fall they overwinter as adult. The adult bee emerges from the overwintering cocoon in the spring seasons. Since the complete synchrony with flowering period is critical, farmers collect and store the dormant state of O. cornifors in cold storage and expose them in due time to outdoor temperatures for their emergence, pollination activity can be performed. However, information on biological and ecological requirements for the emergence of overwintering adults are rarely reported. We carried out the experiments on temperature dependent adult emergence and constructed the emergence model based on developmental rate and distribution. Parameters were estimated from linear model and weibu
        1995.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Adult diapause in insects is characterized by suppression of reproductive development. It is induced by environmental cues such as photoperiod, temperature, food availability, and other conditions Diapause-inducing environment is recognized and analyzed by the brain of the insects. The interpreted information is conveyed via endocrine system to target tissues such as ovaries, fat body, and other tissues. From this signal hierarchy of a brain-endocrine-target tissue axis, several factors are involved to express a diapause trait in a quantitative mode, even though the insects show a binomial phenotye between being in diapause or not. Recent works estimated that the number of the factors is relatively small by a series of crossing trials between high and low diapause lines. Heritability of the diapause is quite high (ca. 70%) in some species. Epistasis, sex-linkage, pleiotropism, and other nongenetic components also affect diapause inheritance. Most physiological studies have been focused on control mechanisms of the juvenile hormone (JH) synthesis in corpora allata (CA) because JH level in hemolymph of teneral adults is critical to decide a later developmental mode. Allatostatin, an antagonizer of JH synthesis, has been believed to be a potent brain message to CA for adult diapause induction.