According to the second high-level radioactive waste management national basic plan announced in December 2021, the reference geological disposal concept for spent nuclear fuels (SNF) in Korea followed the Finnish concept based on KBS-3 type. Also, the basic plan required consideration of the development of the technical alternatives. Accordingly, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute is conducting analyses of various alternative disposal concepts for spent nuclear fuels and is in the final selection stage of an alternative disposal concept. 10 disposal concepts including reference concept were considered for analysis in terms of disposal efficiency and safety. They were reference concept, mined deep borehole matrix, sub-seabed disposal, deep borehole disposal, multi-level disposal, space disposal, sub-sea bed disposal, long-term storage, deep horizontal borehole disposal, and ice-sheet disposal. Among them, first 4 concepts, mined deep borehole matrix, sub-seabed disposal, deep borehole disposal, multi-level disposal, were selected as candidate alternative disposal concepts by the evaluation of qualitative items. And then, by the evaluation of quantitative and qualitative items with specialists, multi-level disposal concept was being selected as a final alternative disposal concept. Design basis and performance requirements for designing alternative disposal systems were laid in the previous stage. Based on this, the design strategy and main design requirements were derived, and the engineered barrier system of a high-efficiency disposal concept was preliminary designed accordingly. In addition, as an alternative disposal concept, performance targets and related requirements were established to ensure that the high-efficiency repository system and its engineered barrier system components, such as disposal containers, buffer bentonites, and backfill perform the safety functions. Items that qualitatively describe safety functions, performance goals, and related requirements at this stage and items whose quantitative values are changed according to future test results will be determined and updated in the process of finalizing and specifically designing an alternative highefficiency disposal system.
본 연구에서는 경수로 사용후핵연료로부터 다시 핵연료 물질로 재사용할 수 있는 우라늄과 초우라늄원소군을 분리/회수하기 위한 고온전해분리 공정(Pyroprocessing)의 기술적 타당성을 조사하였으며, 나아가서 핵비확산 측면에서 기존 핵연료주기기술의 대체기술로서 적합성이 있는지를 검토하였다. 먼저 고온전해분리 공정에 편입될 각종 단위공정을 조합하여 전체 공정을 구성하였다. 그리고 사용후핵연료에 들어 있는 여러 가지 물질들의 분리 과정에서, 본 연구에서 확보한 실험결과와 관련 문헌에 발표된 각종 분리도 자료를 바탕으로 문제의 원소군들 즉, 우라늄, 초우라늄원소군, 희토류, 귀금속류, 그리고 열발생원소군들이 공정흐름도에서 어떤 경로를 따라 흘러가는지 그 향방을 추적하여 보았다. 결과적으로 전체 공정의 물질수지 산출 결과에 의하면 우라늄과 초우라늄원소군(TRU)은 각각 98.0wt%, 97.0wt%가 제품으로 회수될 수 있으며 나머지 원소군들은 대부분 제거되어 방사성폐기물로 분리될 수 있음을 파악하였다. 게다가 초우라늄원소군 제품이 상당한 -방사선과 중성자선을 방출하고 있어 핵비확산에 유리하게 작용하고 있음을 알 수 있었다.