본 실험은 벼 육묘장에 설비된 시설과 장비를 이용하 여 어린잎채소 재배 가능성을 검토하면서 층위에 따른 적합한 품종을 선발하기 위해 수행하였다. 공시 작물은 국화과 3종(‘진빨롤라’, ‘로메인화이트’, 왕고들빼기), 배추과 2종(다채, 적다채) 및 아마란스이며, 고온기에 벼육 묘판(L60×W30×H2cm)에서 재배하였다. 파종된 벼육묘판은 벼 다단재배상(L120×W60×H195cm, 10층)의 저층 (지면으로부터 15cm, 1층), 중간층(지면 115cm, 4층), 고 층(지면 175cm, 7층)에 임의 배치하였다. 관수는 자동 관수시스템을 이용하여 하루 2~3회 스프레이 관수하였고, 생육조사는 어린잎채소 적정 크기에(초장 10cm 이내) 도달하는 시점에 수확하여 생육과 색도를 조사하였다. 재배 기간 동안(2016년 6월 30일~7월 31일) 주간 온도는 27.4~28.1oC로 층위 간 차이가 없었으나, 고층 일사량은 저층, 중간층보다 약 37%, 22% 높았다. 공시 작물의 엽장, 엽폭, 엽수는 중, 고층에서 높은 경향을 보였으나 품종별 생체중은 층위에 따라 차이를 보였다. 누적 광량에 따른 생육 상관성을 분석한 결과 아마란스는 모든 생육 요소가 누적 광량과 높은 상관성을 보인 반면, 나머지 품종들은 생육 요소에 따라 차이를 보였다. 엽생육, 생체중 및 엽색도를 분석한 결과 벼 다단 재배 상의 층위에 따른 어린잎채소의 적정 층위로 고층에서는 아마란스와 적다채, 왕고들빼기와 다채는 중간층과 고층에서, ‘로메인화이트’는 중간층 재배가 적합하였다. ‘진 빨롤라’는 저층에서 엽장과 생체중이 가장 좋았으나, 적 색 발현이 낮아 고층 재배가 적합하였다.
This study was carried out to investigate the effect of chlorine water and plasma gas treatment on the quality and microbial control of Latuca indica L. baby Leaf during storage. Latuca indica L. baby leaves were harvested from a plant height of 10cm. They were sterilized with 100μL·L-1 chlorine water and plasma-gas (1, 3, and 6hours), and packaged with 1,300cc·m-2·day-1·atm-1 films and then stored at 8±1?and RH 85±5% for 25days. During storage, the fresh weight loss of all treatments were less than 1.0%, and the carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations in packages were 6-8% and 16-17%, respectively for all treatments in the final storage day. The concentration of ethylene in the packages fluctuated between 1-3μL·L-1 during the storage and the highest concentration of ethylene was observed at 6 hours plasma treatment in the final storage day. The off-odor of all treatments were almost odorless, the treatments of chlorine water and 1 hour plasma maintained the marketable visual quality until the end of storage. Chlorophyll content and Hue angle value measured at the final storage day were similar to those measured before storage in chlorine water and 1 hour of plasma treatments. E. coli was not detected immediately after sterilization in all sterilization treatments. After 6 hours of plasma treatment, the total bacteria fungus counts were lower than the domestic microbial standard for agricultural product in all sterilization treatments. The total aerobic counts in the end storage day increased compared to before storage, whereas E. coli was not detected in all sterilization treatments. The sterilization effect against bacteria and fungi was the best in chlorine water treatment. Plasma treatment showed sterilization effects, but within a prolonged period of time. In addition, the sterilization effect decreased gradually. These results suggest that chlorine water and plasma treatment were effective in maintaining Latuca indica L. baby Leaf commerciality and controlling microorganisms during postharvest storage.
본 연구는 큰다닥냉이 어린잎 채소의 MA저장 중 OTR 필름 종류가 품질에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 수행하였다. 플라스틱하우스에서 2주간 재배한 초장 10cm 내외의 큰다닥냉이 어린잎를 산소투과도가 1,300cc, 10,000cc, 20,000cc, 40,000cc, 그리고 80,000cc·m-2·day-1 ·atm-1인 OTR필름과 대조구인 미세천공필름(Ø 0.06cm, 36ea/100cm2)을 사용하여 포장하여 8oC에서 10일간 저 장하였다. 저장 종료일 모든 OTR필름 처리구의 생체중 감소율은 0.5%를 보였고, 대조구인 미세천공 필름은 1.3%의 감소를 나타냈다. 포장 내 산소농도는 20,000cc, 40,000cc, 그리고 80,000cc OTR필름 처리구에서 저장 중 18%이상의 농도을 유지하였고, 1,300cc OTR필름 처 리구는 저장 종료일 11%의 농도로 가장 낮게 유지되었 다. 이산화탄소 농도는 1,300cc와 10,000cc OTR필름 처리구에서 각각 4.5%와 3.4%의 수준으로 꾸준히 증가하였고, 다른 OTR필름 처리구는 1% 미만의 농도를 유지 하였다. 포장 내 에틸렌 농도는 저장 기간 중 1,300cc OTR 필름 처리구에서 3-5μL·L-1로 가장 높게 유지되었다. 1,300cc OTR필름 처리구에서 가장 낮은 이취와 가 장 높은 외관상 품질을 보였는데, 대조구를 포함한 다른 처리구들은 황화현상으로 인한 품질저하로 상품성을 상실하였다. 저장 종료일에 조사한 엽록소 함량과 Hue angle값은 1,300cc OTR필름 처리구에서 가장 높았으며, 황색도를 나타내는 b*값은 1,300cc OTR필름 처리구에 서 가장 낮았다. 따라서 MA저장 중 황화와 이취 억제효과가 우수한 1,300cc OTR필름이 큰다닥냉이 어린잎 채소의 포장에 적합하다고 판단된다.
An experiment was conducted to find out the effect of brushing treatment during cultivation on the postharvest quality of the baby leaf vegetable, specifically tah tasai Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris var. narinosa). The effect of mechanical brushing during cultivation on the postharvest quality was determined in terms of the quality changes in weight loss, gas partial pressure, leaf color, and appearance during storage using a 30-㎛-thick polypropylene film at 16℃. The brushing treatment included brushing with A4 paper back and forth 50 times a day. The study revealed that the growths on the brushing-treated plant group were less than those on the control group. The structure of the leaf tissue of the brushing-treated plant also tended to be less compact than that of the non-treated plant. The brushing treatment resulted in less growth and denser plant tissues as well as in differences in the gas O2 consumption and CO2 accumulation after packaging. For the gas partial pressure, the O2 consumption and CO2 accumulation of the brushing-treated plant tended to be less than those of the non-treated plant. There were no differences, however, between the brushing-treated plant and control groups in the SPAD value and appearance. The study results also suggested that after packaging, the effects of the brushing treatment during cultivation on the quality of the tah tasai Chinese cabbage baby leaf vegetable was not significant. As such, it is recommended that effective post-harvest methods of improving the product quality of the baby leaf vegetable be further investigated.
The effect of the packing methods for enhancing the shelf life and improving the postharvest quality of the tah tasai Chinese cabbage baby leaf vegetable was studied during storage. Fresh baby leaf vegetables were packed in four commercial packaging types: (1) a non-perforated bag with a 0.03-mm oriented polypropylene (OPP) film; (2) a perforated bag with 1.0-mm-diameter holes on an OPP film; (3) a 0.40-mm polyethylene terephthalate (PET) container with a hinged lid; and (4) an expanded polystyrene (EPS) tray wrapped with a 0.02-mm polyvinyl chloride (PVC) film. The quality parameters, such as the weight loss, moisture content change, color difference, and appearance of the baby leaf vegetables were investigated. The baby leaf vegetables in the PET container and in the non-perforated OPP film bag showed relatively low weight loss, high moisture content, and good external appearance compared to those in the EPS tray and in the perforated OPP film bag during limited storage periods, at 16oC.ThePETcontaineralsoprotectedthebabyleafvegetablesfromphysicaldamage.Thestudyresultswillenabletheselectionofabetterpackagingsystemforextendingthefreshnessandincreasingthemarketabilityofbabyleafvegetables.