
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2011.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Calyx-end browning in sweet persimmon (Diospyros kaki) fruits is the postharvest disorder during the storage and shows different proportions by the cultivars. This study was to evaluate fruit texture characteristics at harvest and to learn how browning in fruits affects the cell structures in different cultivars. Persimmon cultivars included ‘Fuyu’, ‘Jiro’, ‘Uenishiwase’, ‘Daiandangam’, and ‘Ro-19’, which were harvested at the end of October in 2003 and investigated after 100 days storage. Fruit texture varied with different cultivars. ‘Jiro’ and ‘Ro-19’ fruits did not have browning symptoms while ‘Daiandangam’ fruits had approximately 80% browning of them. There were no visual differences for the cell structure in fruit peels between fruits without browning, such as ‘Jiro’ and ‘Ro-19’, and fruits with browning, such as ‘Fuyu’, ‘Uenishiwase’, and ‘Daiandangam’. The most outer layers in a ‘Jiro’ fruit peel arranged one to two epidermis which could not induce browning in the tissues, while ‘Fuyu’ had two to three layers, inducing a browning symptom. Although there were no differences for the tissue structure between browning and normal fruits, browning fruits did not have apparent cell organelle and proceeded degradation of cell walls in the flesh.