2013년 강우시 발생하는 월류수에 대한 수질배출기준이 추가됨에 따라, 효과적인 월류수의 처리공정 개발이 필요한 실정이다. 하수처리공정에서의 활성슬러지 군집(Floc)은 흡착제로써의 역할을 수행할 수 있는 물리화학적 구조를 띄고 있어, 월류수 중 오염물질을 흡착에 의해 제거할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 활성슬러지의 생물흡착을 이용한 월류수 처리공정의 가능성을 평가하고자 하였다. 활성슬러지의 생물흡착성능을 평가하기 위하여, MBR공정에서의 활성슬러지를 활용하여 농도 및 흡착시간 등의 조건을 변경하여 효율평가를 진행하였다. 적정 조건에서 CODCr 및 CODMn 등의 유기물이 약 60% 이상 제거되었으며, 이를 통해 생물흡착에 의한 월류수 처리의 가능성을 확인하였다.
It follows in quality and sewage exclusion method of the investigation objective sector and the Combined Sewer Overflows which is suitable in regional characteristics and the confluence area against the rainfall initially a flow and the medulla and measurement - it analyzes the initial rainfall outflow possibility control plan which is suitable in the domestic actual condition and it proposes the monitor ring plan for the long-term flow and pollution load data accumulation. From the research which it sees the Infiltration water/Influent water and CSOs investigation it passes by the phase of hazard chain and Namwon right time 4 it does not hold reverse under selecting, Measurement it used the hazard automatic flow joint seal Sigma 910 machine and in case 15 minute interval of the I/I, it measured a flow at case 5, 15 minute standing of the CSOs. The water quality investigation for the water leakage investigation of the I/I and the sewage from the point which is identical with flow measurement during on-the-spot inspection duration against 6 items which include the BOD sampling and an analysis, when the rainfall analysis for CSOs fundamental investigation analyzed against 18 items which include the BOD sampling. Consequently, for the optimum interpretation invasion water / inflow water of the this investigation area day average․the lowest flow - water quality assessment veterinarian optimum interpretation hazard average per day - lowest flow - it averages a medulla evaluation law department one lowest flow evaluation technique and it selects, it presentation collectively from here it gets, position result with base flow analysis of invasion water / inflow water.