Aluminum-oxide(Al2O3) thin films were deposited by electron cyclotron resonance plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition at room temperature using trimethylaluminum(TMA) as the Al source and O2 plasma as the oxidant. In order to compare our results with those obtained using the conventional thermal ALD method, Al2O3 films were also deposited with TMA and H2O as reactants at 280 oC. The chemical composition and microstructure of the as-deposited Al2O3 films were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD), X-ray photo-electric spectroscopy(XPS), atomic force microscopy(AFM) and transmission electron microscopy(TEM). Optical properties of the Al2O3 films were characterized using UV-vis and ellipsometry measurements. Electrical properties were characterized by capacitance-frequency and current-voltage measurements. Using the ECR method, a growth rate of 0.18 nm/cycle was achieved, which is much higher than the growth rate of 0.14 nm/cycle obtained using thermal ALD. Excellent dielectric and insulating properties were demonstrated for both Al2O3 films.
The electrical and optical properties of fluorine-doped tin oxide films grown on polyethylene terephthalate film witha hardness of 3 using electron cyclotron resonance plasma with linear microwave of 2.45GHz of high ionization energy wereinvestigated. Fluorine-doped tin oxide films with a magnetic field of 875 Gauss and the highest resistance uniformity wereobtained. In particular, the magnetic field could be controlled by varying the distribution in electron cyclotron depositionpositions. The films were deposited at various gas flow rates of hydrogen and carrier gas of an organometallic source. Thesurface morphology, electrical resistivity, transmittance, and color in the visible range of the deposited film were examined usingSEM, a four-point probe instrument, and a spectrophotometer. The electromagnetic field for electron cyclotron resonancecondition was uniformly formed in at a position 16cm from the center along the Z-axis. The plasma spatial distribution ofmagnetic current on the roll substrate surface in the film was considerably affected by the electron cyclotron systems. Therelative resistance uniformity of electrical properties was obtained in film prepared with a magnetic field in the current rangeof 180~200A. SEM images showing the surface morphologies of a film deposited on PET with a width of 50cm revealedthat the grains were uniformly distributed with sizes in the range of 2~7nm. In our experimental range, the electrical resistivityof film was able to observe from 1.0×10−2 to 1.0×10−1Ωcm where optical transmittance at 550nm was 87~89%. Theseproperties were depended on the flow rate of the gas, hydrogen and carrier gas of the organometallic source, respectively.
SiH4를 반응물질로 사용하여 electron cyclotron resonance plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition(ECR-PECVD)로 실리콘 기판위에 증착한 수소화 비정질 실리콘(a-Si:H)으로부터 가시 photoluminescence(PL) 가 관찰되었다. a-si:H/Si로 부터의 PL은 다공질실리콘으로부터의 PL과 유사하였다. 급속열처리에 의해 500˚C에서 2분간 산소분위기에서 어닐링된 시편의 수소함량은 1~2%로 줄어들었고 시편은 가시 PL을 보여주지 않았는데 이는 a-Si:H의 PL과정에서 수소가 중요한 역할을 한다는 것을 뜻한다. 증착된 a-Si:H의 두께가 증가함에 따라 PL의 세기는 감소하였다. SiH4를 사용하여 ECR-PECVD에 의해 Si상에 증착된 a-Si:H로부터의 가시 PL은 Si과 증착된 a-Si:H막 사이에 증착이 이루어지는 동안에 형성된 수소화실리콘으로부터 나오는 것으로 추론된다.