
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 163

        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the physicochemical properties of protein-fortified rice flour by mixing rice flour (RF) with untreated and fermented plant proteins. Fermented faba bean protein concentrate (FMFP) and chickpea flour (FMCF) were prepared by solid-state fermentation of faba bean protein concentrate (UTFP) and chickpea flour (UTCF) using Bacillus subtilis. FMFP and FMCF exhibited higher crude protein, reducing sugar and starch contents more than their counterparts. The increased rate of essential and branched-chain amino acids in FMFP and FMCF exceeded that of crude protein. Adding plant proteins to RF decreased swelling power (SP) and increased solubility in RF-UTFP and RF-FMFP mixtures, while SP and solubility increased in RF-UTCF and RF-FMCF mixtures. All RF-plant protein mixtures showed higher gelatinization temperature and lower gelatinization enthalpy than RF. Thermal gelation was found in all RF-plant protein mixtures, but the RF-FMCF mixture may form weak and unstable gel structures. The increase in pasting viscosity was minimal for the RF-UTFP and RF-FMFP mixtures but more pronounced for the RF-UTCF and RF-FMCF mixtures. Overall, FMFP may be a potential protein source to supplement the protein deficiency in RF with minimal changes in RF-based foods’ rheological and textural properties.
        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 담양군 치재산(가마골) 일원 관속식물상 조사를 통해 자생식물, 희귀식물과 특산식물의 분포를 밝히고 효율적인 생태계 관리에 기초자료를 제공하는데 있다. 현장조사는 2022년 3월부터 2023년 6월까지 총 21차례 실시하였 으며, 그 결과 101과 304속 444종 10아종 35변종 3품종 총 492 분류군의 식물표본을 채집하여 목록화하였다. 제작된 표본목록을 분석한 결과, 산림청 지정 특산식물 14 분류군, 희귀식물 9 분류군이 확인되었고, 환경부 지정 국가적색식물 7 분류군, 식물구계학적 특정종은 68 분류군으로 등급별로 보면 I등급 45 분류군, II 등급 5 분류군, III 등급 16 분류군, IV 등급 2 분류군이 확인되었다. 국외반출 승인대상 생물자원은 155 분류군이 목록에 포함되어 있으며, 외래식 물은 38 분류군으로 7.7%의 귀화율과 6.1%의 도시화지수를 나타냈다. 외국으로부터 인위적 또는 자연적으로 유입된 생태계교란식물은 4 분류군으로 조사되었다. 이번 조사를 통해 치재산의 특이식물에 대한 자생지 보전과 증식을 통해 정원식물로 활용한다면 담양만의 특색있는 경관을 연출할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2023.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the demand for p-type semiconductors increases, much effort is being put into developing new p-type materials. This demand has led to the development of novel new p-type semiconductors that go beyond existing p-type semiconductors. Copper iodide (CuI) has recently received much attention due to its wide band gap, excellent optical and electrical properties, and low temperature synthesis. However, there are limits to its use as a semiconductor material for thin film transistor devices due to the uncontrolled generation of copper vacancies and excessive hole doping. In this work, p-type CuI semiconductors were fabricated using the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process for thin-film transistor (TFT) applications. The vacuum process has advantages over conventional solution processes, including conformal coating, large area uniformity, easy thickness control and so on. CuI thin films were fabricated at various deposition temperatures from 150 to 250 °C The surface roughness root mean square (RMS) value, which is related to carrier transport, decreases with increasing deposition temperature. Hall effect measurements showed that all fabricated CuI films had p-type behavior and that the Hall mobility decreased with increasing deposition temperature. The CuI TFTs showed no clear on/off because of the high concentration of carriers. By adopting a Zn capping layer, carrier concentrations decreased, leading to clear on and off behavior. Finally, stability tests of the PBS and NBS showed a threshold voltage shift within ±1 V.
        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the changes in the cyanogenic glycoside (CN-Glc) content of maesil chung (MC) prepared according to its preparation conditions (i.e., maesil part, sugar type, maesil-sugar mixing ratio, liquid separation) and sugaring-ripening period and the quality characteristics of their products finalized through filtration and heat treatment (85oC, 30 min) with the 6-month ripened MC. The CN-Glc content dramatically decreased when the maesil flesh, isomaltooligosaccharide, maesil:sugar ratio of 5:5, and liquid separation after the 4-month sugaring were applied to the MC production. The CN-Glc content decreased with the ripening period. There was no effect of filtration and heat treatment on the CN-Glc reduction of the MC product. The sugar type predominantly affected the soluble solid and total carbohydrate content of the MC products, and their contents increased in the order of high-fructose corn syrup > sucrose > isomaltooligosaccharide. The MC product at a maesil:sugar ratio of 6:4 exhibited the higher organic acid content. There was no direct association between the total polyphenolic compound content and the preparation conditions of the MC product. Overall, the use of maesil flesh as a maesil ingredient and more than 6-month ripening after liquid separation may be a pivotal factor in producing the cyanogenic glycoside-reduced maesil chung.
        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to investigate changes in the cyanogenic glycoside (CN-Glc) content of apricot and plum chungs over the sugaring-ripening period and to evaluate their quality characteristics. The whole and flesh parts of the apricot and plum were mixed with sugar to a mixing ratio of 1:1 (w/w) to prepare their chungs, after which the fruit-sugar mixtures were stored for 13 months. The CN-Glc content dramatically increased within 3-4 months, reached the maximum, and gradually decreased over storage by 13 months. The apricot and plum chungs with seeds exhibited much higher CN-Glc contents than those without seeds. All chungs stored for 10 months were filtrated and treated for 30 min at 85oC to measure their quality characteristics. Similar soluble solid contents (53.4- 53.6oBx) were found in all chungs. The apricot and plum chungs without seeds exhibited the higher concentrations of total carbohydrate, organic acid, and total polyphenolic compounds than those with seeds. In addition, the color of the apricot and plum chungs without seeds was darker and deeper yellow than those with seeds. Overall, the apricot and plum flesh may be better for producing the stone fruit chungs with minimal CN-Glc content and better nutrition.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : This study aims to analyze and summarize test results related to permeable blocks used for sidewalks and roadways as an alternative to conventional urban road pavement technology, specifically focusing on low-impact development (LID) techniques. Furthermore, it aims to provide reference data on the feasibility of current policy implementation and future policy directions through a longterm analysis of the performance and durability of permeable blocks in sidewalk and roadway construction. METHODS : The research methodology involves (1) conducting a survey on the status and actual conditions of permeability sustainability tests based on the results of permeability persistence tests conducted in Seoul over nine years, from 2013 to 2021; (2) analyzing the differences between the permeability block rating system of Seoul City and that employed by the Ministry of Environment; (3) analyzing the permeability of graded pavement sections in permeable blocks for sidewalks after three years of public use and deriving a regression analysis formula to estimate the maintenance period; (4) analyzing the permeability of pavement sections in permeable blocks for roadways after five years of public use and deriving a regression analysis formula to estimate the maintenance period. RESULTS : This study revealed significant improvements in the performance and quality control of permeable blocks since the implementation of the permeability sustainability test in Seoul in 2013. An analysis of the differences in the permeability coefficient and distribution based on the rating systems of Seoul City and the Ministry of Environment showed that rating system of Seoul City has approximately twice the permeability coefficient quality standard compared to that of the Ministry of Environment. Regression analysis indicated that the firstgrade permeable block was predicted to maintain its permeability for approximately 5.1 years, whereas the third-grade permeable block was predicted to maintain its permeability for approximately 3.1 years. In roadway-permeable block pavements, the first-grade sections maintained excellent quality conditions even after five years, and regression analysis predicted a permeability maintenance period ranging from eight to 17 years. CONCLUSIONS : The correlation analysis of the permeability coefficients based on the common usage period of permeable blocks for sidewalks and roadways presented in this study can provide more accurate estimations of commonality. However, further research under various environmental conditions is required to supplement these findings. Considering the lack of studies on permeable block commonality analysis in Korea, this study highlights the significance of conducting long-term experimental follow-up research to establish commonality prediction formulas for different usage scenarios.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        가송이(Tricholoma bakamatsutake Hongo)는 주름버섯목(Agaricales), 송이과(Tricholomataceae)에 속 하는 외생균근성 버섯류의 하나로, 송이(T. matsutake)와 일반적인 외형이 거의 비슷하며, 송이향과 맛이 강하게 나기 때문에 이 두 균종은 쉽게 혼동되며, 실제 분류 및 계통발생학적으로도 가송이와 송이는 유연 관계가 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 가송이는 한국, 일본, 대만, 중국의 신갈나무 등과 같은 활엽수림에 분포하는 것으로 알려져 있으며, 최근에는 제주도 구실잣밤나무림에서 발견되었다. 가송이는 균사생장이 매우 느려 연구에 어려움이 많아 균사배양 최적 조건을 구명하고자 본 연구를 실시하였다. 온도에 따른 가송이 균주 별 균사생장 특성을 조사한 결과, 모든 균주에서 25℃에서 가장 균사생장속도가 가장 빨랐으며, 특히 3833 균주가 다른 균주에 비해 약 1.5배 빠른 것으로 조사되었다.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this review, we examine the latest technological developments in the utilization of truffles, a gourmet ingredient reputed to be one of the "world's three greatest delicacies," considering changing global consumption trends. Global demand for truffles is expected to increase steadily, with an average annual growth rate of 8.9% from 2023 to 2030. As truffles are expensive, the demand for truffles is expected to be concentrated in developed countries such as the United States, European countries, and Japan. In Korea, truffles are utilized in various industries, including food, functional foods, and cosmetics. Korean consumer demand for truffles has consistently remained high since 2019, and truffle products have been performing well in the market. Consequently, there exists substantial potential demand for newly developed truffle-related products and technologies. This review aims to provide objective research information through the systematic analysis of patent applications in Korea and internationally, focusing on technologies involving truffles, and can aid in setting directions for research and development.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        금속의 취성화는 수소와 접촉하는 구조물을 안정적으로 설계하는데 있어서 큰 문제가 되어왔다. 본 논문에서는 분자동역학 해석을 통해 균열선단 주변에 모인 수소원자들이 전위 이동 현상을 억제하고, 이로 인해 벽개 파괴 현상이 발생하는 것을 확인하였다. 다양한 수소 농도, 하중 속도, 수소 확산 속도 등을 바꾸어가며 분자동역학 해석을 수행하였고, 이에 따른 수소 취성화를 최소화시킬 수 있는 조건들을 조사하였다. 분자동역학 해석 결과는 기존의 실험결과와 잘 일치하였으며 이를 바탕으로 수소 취성화 현상을 정량화하여 평가하였다.
        2022.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2022.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Currently, the domestic construction industry is dominated by large-scale projects such as roads, ports, airports, and buildings. Construction on such projects is generally conducted simultaneously, but the process and quality management are led by a small number of responsible managers. In the case of road pavements, owing to rapid industrial development, economic growth, and the expansion of social overhead capital investment in the road construction industry, highways and general national roads have been constructed on a large scale. Therefore, this study aimed to improve and develop domestic concrete production and construction quality management by improving the reliability and transparency of production quality management and simplifying business processes. This was accomplished through the development of an Internet of Things (IoT)-based cement quality management system capable of automated design and build (D/B) construction and real-time monitoring. METHODS : The "IQ" system is a quality management system for enabling real-time monitoring of D/B quality at the time of concrete production and according to the designated age by utilizing quality test equipment developed with an LTE-Bluetooth function. It is possible to immediately identify and respond to quality problems through real-time monitoring, secure a reliable quality D/B because the quality test results cannot be arbitrarily manipulated, and to simplify the work process through the automatic D/B construction. In addition, improved quality control can be achieved through real-time information sharing and feedback system operations between contractors, managers, and personnel involved in construction. The quality control test items for developing the IQ system are the compression and flexural strengths, as these can be used to determine the design standard strength of pre-curing concretes (such as their slump and unit quantity) and the adequacy of the workability and durability, as well as the air volume to predict the durability, and the chloride content in the sections where reinforcement is used. CONCLUSIONS : This study identified difficulties and limitations in quality management according to the operation method in the domestic quality management systems, and in the real-time monitoring between managers and contractors. Thus, it was necessary to establish an improved systematic and reliable quality management system. The IQ system was developed to solve this problem.
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