
산업식품공학 KCI 등재 Food Engineering Progress

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제28권 제3호 (2024년 8월) 11

2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Obesity is the cause of many diseases, and its severity continues to increase. Promoting non-shivering thermogenesis is attracting attention as a new treatment strategy for obesity. This study summarized the studies that evaluated the effect of Panax ginseng on promoting non-shivering thermogenesis in animal models. A total of 7 studies were included according to the selection criteria, of which five were judged to have a high risk of bias. Indicators of UCP1 mRNA, UCP1 protein, and PGC- 1a were used in the meta-analysis, and the certainty of evidence progressed for each indicator, with UCP1 protein showing the highest certainty of evidence. Meta-analysis was conducted on 5 works of literature with standard indicators. As a result of meta-analysis, UCP1 protein level and PGC-1a mRNA level were significantly increased statistically. In addition, the protein levels of PRDM16 and TFAM increased in several studies (not a meta-analysis). These findings suggest that Panax ginseng could be a potential therapeutic agent for obesity. However, further research is needed to understand its mechanisms and possible side effects fully. Thus, it is concluded that Panax ginseng in animal models can promote non-shivering thermogenesis and improve mitochondria function in animal models, opening up new avenues for research and potential clinical applications.
2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
As the number of households with pets has increased worldwide, there is a growing trend of accepting pets as family members. Consequently, the pet food market has seen the emergence of concepts such as “human-grade,” “raw (PMR and BARF),” and “no synthetic additives” pet food. These concepts not only fulfill essential nutrients but also consider the health and habits of pets, a crucial aspect that should be at the forefront of our work. However, these types of pet food are prone to microbial contamination and component alterations caused by heat. Current studies and products have recently been developed overseas to apply non-thermal sterilization technologies to pet food commonly used in the food industry. In contrast, the domestic standards for non-thermal sterilization in pet food are insufficient. Therefore, a comprehensive review of non-thermal sterilization technologies, such as high-pressure processing (HPP), radiation, and plasma predominantly applied in the international pet food market, is deemed necessary. This review is expected to provide guidelines for non-thermal sterilization standards in domestic pet food, thereby laying the foundation for the safe production of raw pet food.
2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study investigated the operating principles of colorimetric freshness indicators, particularly those for relative humidity (RH) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and evaluated the applicability of commercially available indicators for food use. The findings not only provide a deeper understanding of how these indicators respond to substances, such as carbon dioxide, volatile basic nitrogen, sulfides, water activity, and ethylene gas, which are produced during quality changes in food, but also pave the way for the development of new food safety technologies. The RH indicator functions by utilizing a dye that undergoes a chemical structural change when reacting with moisture. The H2S indicator uses a dye that changes color upon detecting H2S or volatile basic nitrogen produced when food spoils. Commercial RH indicators effectively indicated changes in the water activity of almonds, pastries, and red pepper powder; however, their ability to predict them diminished during storage. Commercial H2S indicators exhibited a stronger correlation between color change and volatile basic nitrogen levels in exposure to light than without light, as demonstrated when applied to mackerel and clam. Additionally, at the point of spoilage, the degree of color change in the H2S indicators was more distinct in clam than mackerel. Although commercial RH and H2S indicators are available, they must be sensitive, accurate, and irreversibly developed in response to changes in the target food for effective application.
2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This research paper delves into the effects of noni juice concentration, fermentation temperature, and incubation time on the physicochemical and sensory properties of noni juice-fortified yogurt. The study found that increasing the concentration of noni juice leads to higher acidity in the yogurt, resulting in a decrease in pH, total soluble solids content, and syneresis. The optimal concentration for achieving the desired physical and sensory qualities is 3%. Incubation time and temperature were also found to significantly influence the yogurt’s pH, acidity, total soluble solids content, and syneresis, with higher incubation time and temperature consistently producing higher-quality yogurt. The best incubation time and temperature for noni juice-fortified yogurt were determined to be 10 h at 42oC. Therefore, the research suggests that adding 3% Bestone noni juice and incubating for 10 h at 42oC using the starter culture powder Yogourmet can lead to the production of consistently high-quality noni juice-fortified yogurt, which is of significant relevance and importance to the dairy and fermentation industries.
2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Hangovers, resulting from excessive alcohol intake, manifest hours after drinking, causing symptoms like thirst, headache, and fatigue. Alcohol is metabolized in the liver by alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) and aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH), with acetaldehyde and reactive oxygen species contributing to toxic effects. Morning Care (MC) products were evaluated in male and female mice to assess their impact on alcohol metabolism and hangover alleviation. The study revealed that pre-administration of MC products led to a significant reduction in blood ethanol and acetaldehyde concentrations postalcohol ingestion. This remarkable finding suggests a potential breakthrough in hangover relief. Enhanced ADH and ALDH activities were observed in blood and liver samples, indicating improved alcohol metabolism. Interestingly, gene expression levels of ADH and ALDH in the liver did not show significant differences, suggesting that MC products likely enhance enzyme activities through post-translational modifications rather than altering gene expression. These findings underscore the potential of MC products to mitigate hangover symptoms by enhancing alcohol metabolism.
2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The alternative food market has attracted much attention due to concerns about climate change, increasing consumer awareness of value consumption, and the development of the Food-Tech industry. This study aimed to analyze the factors that drive consumers to purchase alternative food products and identify the mechanisms that can induce consumers to continue buying. We surveyed 1,200 consumers and estimated data using a logit model. The results showed that the presence of vegetarians in the household, environmental concerns, a vegetable-oriented diet, and a mixed diet of meat and vegetables were positively associated with purchasing plant-based alternatives. Of particular interest was the non-linear relationship between respondents’ age and their purchasing experience with plant-based options, with the likelihood of purchasing alternatives increasing with age from the mid-50s onward. These findings suggest that in addition to the growing number of consumers who share the environmental value, which leads to increased interest in and purchase of plant-based alternatives, alternative foods are also health-oriented and meet the needs of older consumers, who are becoming an increasingly important segment of the super-aged society, suggesting the potential for continued growth in the alternative food market.
2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In this study, we explored the potential of the Maillard reaction-based time-temperature indicators (TTI) as a tool for predicting and visualizing moisture variations during high-temperature drying. Using activation energy analysis, we found that the Maillard reaction-based TTI could not only visualize but also predict changes in moisture contents during high-temperature drying of 60-80oC. The color changes of the Maillard reaction solutions were distinct enough to be discerned with the naked eye, transitioning from colorless to black via the shift of yellow, light brown, brown, and dark brown. The dynamic characteristics for the color change in the Maillard reaction solutions and the moisture changes in the drying of thin-layer apples could be expressed with high suitability using a logistic model. This suggests that the Maillard reaction-based TTI can potentially be a practical and reliable tool for predicting the moisture changes for the high-temperature drying of thin-layer apples, offering a promising avenue for future research and applications.
2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study was conducted to present primary data for the development of functional beverages by measuring quality characteristics and antioxidant properties and preparing coffee with dried fruit powder. The pH, water content, and brownness were higher in the control group than in the fruit-added sample group. Total polyphenols were highest in the Prunus Fruit Coffee (PFC) at 2765.43±87.03 mg GAE/L. In terms of DPPH, the fruit addition group (consisting of dried apple, dried cherry, and dried plum) was higher than the control group, and the LFC was the highest at 70.04±2.01%. ABTS showed high antioxidant properties in all sample groups, and LFC showed the highest content at 83.01±1.06%. Caffeine was the highest in the control group, all sample groups showed lower content than the control group, and AFC showed the lowest content at 664.70±16.36. As a result, the fruit-added coffee groups are higher than the control groups in terms of quality characteristics and antioxidant properties, and it is considered that the fruit groups are suitable as functional food materials when developing coffee products.
2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Obesity, a global health concern characterized by excessive fat accumulation, necessitates the discovery of anti-obesity compounds. Rottlerin, known for its anti-cancer effects as a mitochondrial uncoupler, has been a subject of interest. However, its impact on reducing intracellular lipid accumulation remains a gap in our understanding. This study aimed to fill this gap by dissecting the mechanism of rottlerin in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. We treated differentiated 3T3-L1 cells with 0-20 mM of rottlerin for 48 hours to assess its capability to induce lipid accumulation. Notably, we observed no cytotoxicity associated with the treatment of rottlerin up to 20 mM, indicating its safety at these concentrations. Lipid accumulation, measured by oil Red O, was downregulated dose-independently by rottlerin. We also found that key lipogenic enzymes, including SCD1 and DGAT1, were decreased. The transcription factor of lipogenic genes, SREBP1, was reduced by approximately 80% with rottlerin. LRP6, a crucial link between de novo lipogenesis mechanism reactions and Wnt signaling, was also degraded by around 70%. Interestingly, the downstream regulation of LRP6, b-catenin, and TCFL2 was diminished by rottlerin. Our data indicate that rottlerin alleviates adipocyte lipid accumulation by suppressing the LRP6/β-catenin/SREBP1c pathway. These findings underscore the potential of rottlerin as a safe nutraceutical for combating obesity.
2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study investigated the impact of hydrolyzed plant proteins on the physical, thermal, and rheological properties of rice flour (RF) for protein fortification for the elderly and general food systems. Faba bean protein concentrate and chickpea flour were first treated with polysaccharide hydrolyzed enzymes (control; CTFP and CTCF, respectively) and subsequentially with protease hydrolyzed enzymes (hydrolyzed protein material; HZFP and HZCF, respectively). The addition of CTFP and HZFP enhanced the swelling power of RF, whereas the CTCF and HZCF exhibited the opposite trends. Adding all controls and hydrolyzed protein materials to RF increased the solubility and gelatinization temperature and decreased the gelatinization enthalpy. The HZFP addition successfully developed the pasting viscosity of RF, whereas the others did not. The RF-HZFP mixture had a higher peak viscosity than RF but lower trough, breakdown, final, and setback viscosities. These findings suggest that the controls and hydrolyzed protein materials studied here could be used as sources for protein fortification of foods, particularly for the elderly, with minimal changes in textural and rheological characteristics, thereby contributing to the development of nutritious and palatable food products.
2024.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study investigated the physical, thermal, rheological, and binding properties of faba bean protein concentrate (FBC) and FBC-anionic gum mixtures. The anionic gums used in this study were sodium alginate (NaA), low-methoxyl amidated pectin (LMA), l-carrageenan (lCA), and gellan gum (GLG). The study found that FBC successfully incorporated the minced textured vegetable protein (TVP), but the formed TVP block had a fragile and soft texture. The water absorption index decreased in FBC-NaA and FBC-LMA mixtures but increased in FBC-lCA and FBC-GLG mixtures. The water solubility index decreased by adding NaA, LMA, and lCA, excluding GLG, to FBC. Adding anionic gums to FBC decreased solubility, while the swelling power was reversed in FBC-anionic gum mixtures, except for the FBC-LMA mixture. The addition of anionic gums to FBC increased melting onset and peak temperatures compared to FBC. The G′ value of FBC and FBC-anionic gum mixtures increased with temperature, indicating their thermogelling characteristic. The hardness of hamburger patties prepared with minced TVP and FBC or FBC-anionic gum mixtures generally tended to increase upon reheating, refrigeration, and reheating after refrigeration. The study concluded that the FBC-anionic gum mixtures have significant potential for binding different types of TVPs, highlighting its practical application.