Plant growth and morphology are affected by light environments. The morphogenesis and growth of the plants growing in plant factories are different from those grown under sunlight due to the effect of far-red light included in sunlight. The objective of this study was to compare the morphogenesis and growth of cucumber plants grown under artificial sunlight, high pressure sodium lamp (HPS), and HPS with additional far-red light (HPS+FR). The artificial solar (AS) with a spectrum similar to sunlight was manufactured using sulfur plasma lamp, incandescent lamp, and green-reducing optical film. HPS was used as a conventional electrical light source and far-red LEDs were added for HPS+FR. The optical properties of each light source was analyzed. The morphogenesis, growth, and photosynthetic rate were compared in each light source. The ratio of red to far-red lights and phytochrome photostationary state were similar in AS and HPS+FR. There were significant differences in morphology and growth between HPS and HPS+FR, but there were no significant differences between AS and HPS+FR. SPAD was highest in HPS, while photosynthetic rate was higher at AS and HPS. Although the photosynthetic rate in HPS+FR was lower than HPS, the growth was similar in AS. It was because canopy light interception was increased by longer petioles and larger leaf areas induced by FR. It is confirmed that the electrical light with additional far-red light induces similar photomorphogenesis and growth in sunlight spectrum. From the results, we expect that similar results will be obtained by adding far-red light to electrical light sources in plant factories.
본 연구의 목적은 3가지의 배추과 작물의 새싹에서 적색(R)과 원적외선(FR)광에 초점을 맞추어서 glucosinolate(GSL), 총 페놀, 총 플라보노이드, 비타민 C 함량, 항산화 활성을 평가하는 것이다. 제한된 환경조건에서 5일된 새싹에 3가지의 R/FR비율을 2일동안 24시간 노출시켜 식물화학물질과 항산화활성을 대조군[형광등, R:B(8:2), 암조건]과 비교하였다. 총 GSL 함량은 각 처리 기간 동안 3가지의 작물 중 브로콜리에서 가장 높았으며, 브로콜리 새싹에서 R/FR 비율이 증가함에 따라 총 GSL 함량이 감소하는 반면 배추와 무의 새싹에서는 유의하지 않은 결과를 보여주었다. 배추 및 브로콜리의 주요 GSL인 progointrin은 대조군에 비해 R/FR 비율이 감소함에 따라 최대 38%, 69%까지 감소하였다. 3가지 배추과 새싹에서 페놀, 플라보노이드 및 비타민 C의 함량 모두 암조건에서 가장 낮았다. 총 페놀 및 항산화 활성은 3가지 배추과 새싹에서 R/FR 비율이 감소할수록 증가하는 반면, 총 플라보노이드와 비타민 C 함량은 작물 간 다른 양상을 보였다. 이러한 결과는 FR의 보광에 따라 배추과 새싹의 기능적 품질을 향상시킬 것으로 기대된다.