윌리엄 블레이크는 『로스의 서』와 『로스의 노래』에서 신화적 상상력으로 천지창조와 시민들의 자유에 대한 열망을 노래한다. 로스는 영원한 선지자로서 독자들에게 블레이크의 상상력의 원형을 인식하도록 만드는 역할을 한다. 독자들은 블레이크의 페르소나인 로스를 통해서 그의 신화적 상상력의 감성을 음미할 수 있다. 블레이크는 『로스의 서』에서 자신의 관점으로 천지창조와 인간의 창조를 노래하였고, 『로스의 노래』에서 인간이 창조된 이후에 인간의 정신문화가 어떻게 진화하고 발전하는지를 노래하면서, 인간이 본원적 가치를 회복하기 위한 노력으로 혁명을 통해 자유를 되찾는 과정을 맛깔스럽게 시로 노래한다. 그래서 현대인들은 블레이크의 시들을 읽으면서 인간의 자유와 정신문화를 숙고해보고, 인간의 진정한 가치가 무엇인지를 성찰하는 시간을 갖게 한다.
I insist in this paper that hybridity and identity are two aspects of modernity, not the separate words like in the aesthetic theory of 'discordia concors' and that modernity carries both in it, expanding relative values. A new version of culture will be able to come out, depending upon how to arrange hybridity and identity.
The modern Irish culture, especially in its literature, offers a good example. As for the Irish people, the disaster of Great Famine brought an awakening that the Irish was not the British. And the Irish Literary Revival made the will to differentiate.
However, even after the Irish Literary Revival, the Irish people found out that their own culture had been hybridized and that the cultural conflict existed. However, the Irish writers have tried to recreate their own culture based on the pride of their own culture-a firm religious, political and cultural tradition.
W.B. Yeats's contribution lies in his attachment to things Irish. His spirit and taste for the supernatural world can be identified with Irishness. However, for Yeats the expression of identity cannot but be limited because he himself was hybrid in blood. Meanwhile, for Heaney, the expression of his own identity is seen in his concern about landscape, history and Gaelic language. His will to search for identity starts from the sense of dispossession, experiencing the Ulster Trouble. However he comes to recognize that they are hybridized. Despite this, his studious will to recreate identity has continued by accepting the hybridity.
In brief, Yeats and Heaney are the poets who, moving beyond hybridity, wanted to make the new cultural identity or to complete 'discordia concors' in culture. My last conclusion is that Yeats and Heaney seek to expand the cultural identity by accepting the hybridity and heterogeneity of their culture, and that, however, their last convergence is to search for the essence of the Irish spirit- light, freedom and song.