To investigate unknown molecualr and cellular mechanisms underlying polyphenisms in the migratory locusts, we performed whole transcriptome analysis from 12 different groups. Significantly differentially expressed coding and long non-coding (LNC) RNAs were present according to habitats, phases, and genders. Those differentially expressed coding and LNC RNAs were confirmed by quantitative-realtime-reverse transcriptase PCR. Those identified coding and LNC RNAs could be a target for developing environmental friendly management tools in the near future.
여성범죄자 고유의 특성과 욕구, 강점, 및 문제점에 기인하여 기존 남성중심의 교정처우와는 다른 성별 중심의 교정 프로그램 개발이 필요하다. 여성과 남성의 차이점을 학습과정, 관계형성 방식, 범죄경로, 생활여건 측면에서 비교하면 여성범죄자를 위한 성-적합 교정 프로그램은 특히 타인 및 가족과의 관계형성이 지속적으로 유지되는 지역사회 교정 측면에서 더욱 중요하다 하겠다. 본 논문은 지역사회에서 보호관찰을 받고 있는 여성범죄자 149명의 특성을 분석하여 이들에 대한 성-적합 교정모형을 위한 기본원리를 제시하려는 의도로 진행되었다. 전체 여성범죄자를 10대 청소년집단과 사기ㆍ횡령집단, 폭력집단, 절도집단 네 그룹으로 구분하여 프로파일한 결과 연령과 범죄유형에 따라 가출, 약물, 흡연, 거주지, 경제상황 등의 변수가 집단에 따라 서로 다른 것으로 나타났다. 성-적합 교정모형 개발은 기본이념과 안전성(safety), 관계성(connection), 강점(empowerment)을 강조하는 환경여건, 그리고 인지ㆍ정서ㆍ행동 변화를 필요로 하는 운영기준, 성-적합 교정모형에 적합한 개별 평가 항목이 요구되는 것으로 나타났다. 일반화된 성-적합 교정모형원리에 근거하여 지역사회 교정 분야는 물론 향후 수강명령과 사회봉사명령과 같은 세부집행 프로그램에서도 다양한 성-적합 교정 프로그램이 지속적으로 개발, 평가, 연구되어야 할 것이다.
This article traces the process in which gender-specific approach was emerged to rehabilitate female offenders in the United States and introduces a few promising gender specific programs for female juvenile delinquents. Gender-specific services refer according to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention(OJJDP) the correctional services that are designed to meet the unque needs of female offenders; that value the female perspective; that celebrate and honor the female experience; that respect and take into account female development; that empower girls and young women to reach their full potential; and that work to change established attitudes that prevent or discourage girls and young women from reaching their potential. The emergence of the gender-specific approach can be explained by two factors. empirically, female offenders, especially female delinquents, have been one of the fastest growing criminal population since the 1900s. Correctional personnel recognised the role of gender-sensitive correctional programming to curtail the size of female delinquent population. They realized many current services for juveniles are aimed at the rehabilitation and education of male delinquents. Second, many criminological research based on feminist perspective have found that female offenders are quite different from male offenders in various ways; girls are incarcerated for status offenses that boys; girls develop self-esteem and female identity differently; girls are pressured to conform the traditional gender roles and the gender stereotyping plays a central role in creating female delinquents; girls have gender unique problems such as physical, sexual abuse, domestic violence and adolescent pregnancy. The combination of these two trends resulted in the amendment of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, in which states should review the issue of gender bias in the current juvenile correctional programs before receiving federal