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        검색결과 9

        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a polyphagous agricultural pest that damages about 80 species of plants. It mainly damages Poaceae and plants used as food resources for humans. Its original habitat is the American continent, but it unintentionally settled in tropical and subtropical Asia, including Africa, India, and Sri Lanka. It occurs every year even in southern China, which is geographically adjacent to the Korean Peninsula, causing damage to crops. In Korea, it was first discovered on Jeju Island in June 2019 and is being discovered every year in Jeju and some inland areas. In 2023, there were a total of 13 discoveries, including those in the Jeju and Jeonbuk regions. Quarantine agency identified the maternal genotypes of all currently discovered individuals using COI and identified differences in genetic traits between individuals using the sex-related Z-chromosome. For comparison with the information on the individuals that invaded the country, 15 individuals from Guangxi and Guangdong provinces in China were collected and secured. Through the analysis of overseas samples, a database has been added to compare genetic information with domestic invasive species, and the reliability of the analysis is expected to increase.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recent studies have shown that mating can alter starvation resistance in female D. melanogaster, but little is known about the behavioral and physiological mechanisms underlying such mating-mediated changes in starvation resistance. In the present study, we first investigated whether the effect of mating on starvation resistance is sex-specific in D. melanogaster. As indicated by a significant sex × mating status interaction, mating increased starvation resistance in females but not in males. In female D. melanogaster, post-mating increase in starvation resistance was mainly attributed to increases in food intake and in the level of lipid storage relative to lean body weight. We then performed quantitative genetic analysis to estimate the proportion of the total phenotypic variance attributable to genetic differences (i.e., heritability) for starvation resistance in mated male and female D. melanogaster. The narrow-sense heritability (h2) of starvation resistance was 0.235 and 0.155 for males and females, respectively. Mated females were generally more resistant to starvation than males, but the degree of such sexual dimorphism varied substantially among genotypes, as indicated by a significant sex × genotype interaction for starvation resistance. Cross-sex genetic correlation was greater than 0 but less than l for starvation resistance, implying that the genetic architecture of this trait was partially shared between the two sexes. For both sexes, starvation resistance was positively correlated with longevity and lipid storage at genetic level. The present study suggests that sex differences in starvation resistance depend on mating status and have a genetic basis in D. melanogaster.
        2005.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We used nine decamer primers to generate DNA fragment sizes ranging from 100 bp to 1,600 bp from two bullhead (Pseudobagrus fulvidraco) populations of Dangjin in Korea. 376 fragments were identified in the cultured bullhead population, and 454 in the population of wild bullhead from Dangjin: 287 specific fragments (76.3%) in the cultured bullhead population and 207 (45.6%) in the wild bullhead population. On average, a decamer primer was used to generate 34.2 amplified products in a cultured bullhead. A RAPD primer was used to generate an average of 3.1 amplified bands per sample, ranging between 2.5 and 6.0 fragments in this population. Nine primers also generated 24 polymorphic fragments (24/376 fragment, 6.4%) in the cultured bullhead population, and 24 (24/454 fragments, 5.2%) in the wild bullhead population. The OPA-16 primer, notably, produced which 11 out of 11 bands (100%) were monomorphic in the wild bullhead population. 110 intra-population-specific fragments, with an average of 12.2 per primer, were observed in the cultured bullhead population. 99 fragments, with an average of 11.0 per primer, were identified in the wild bullhead. Especially, 55 inter-population-common fragments, with an average of 6.1 per primer, were observed in the two bullhead populations. The bandsharing value (BS value) of individuals within the wild bullhead population was substantially higher than was determined in the cultured bullhead population. The average bandsharing value was 0.596±0.010 within the cultured bullhead population,. and 0.657±0.010 within the wild bullhead population. The dendrogram obtained with the nine primers indicates two genetic clusters, designated cluster 1(CULTURED 01~CULTURED 11), and cluster 2(WILD 12~WILD 22). Ultimately, the longest genetic distance displaying significant molecular differences was determined to exist between individuals in the two bullhead populations, namely between individuals WILD no. 19 of the wild bullhead population and CULTURED no. 03 of the cultured bullhead population (genetic distance = 0.714). RAPD-PCR allowed us to detect the existence of population discrimination and genetic variation in Korean population of bullhead. This finding indicates that this method constitutes a suitable tool for DNA comparison, both within and between individuals, populations, species, and genera.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Genomic DNAs were extracted from the turtle leg (Pollicipes mitella, 1798) population of Tongyeong, Yeosu and Manjaedo located in the southern sea of Korea. The turtle leg population from Tongyeong (0.929) exhibited higher bandsharing values than did turtle leg from Manjaedo (0.852). The higher fragment sizes (>1,200 bp) are much more observed in the Yeosu population. The number of unique loci to each population and number of shared loci by the three populations, generated by PCR using 7 primers in the turtle leg (P. mitella) population of Tongyeong, Yeosu and Manjaedo. Genetic distances among different individuals of the Tongyeong population of the turtle leg (lane 1-07), Yeosu population of the turtle leg (lane 08-14) and Manjaedo population of the turtle leg (lane 15-21), respectively, were generated using the CLASSIFICATION option in Systat version 10 according to the bandsharing values and similarity matrix. The dendrogram, obtained by the seven decamer primers, indicated three genetic clusters: cluster 1 (TONGYEONG 01-TONGYEONG 07), cluster 2 (YEOSU 08-YEOSU 14), and cluster 3 (MANJEDO 15-MANJEDO 21). Tongyeong population could be evidently discriminated with the other two Yeosu and Manjaedo populations among three populations. The longest genetic distance (0.305) was found to exist between individuals’ no. 02 of the Tongyeong population and no. 13 of the Yeosu population. It seems to the authors that this is a result of a high degree of inbreeding in narrow region for a long while.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The seven selected primers OPA-02, OPA-04, OPA-18, OPD-07, OPD-08, OPD-15 and OPD-16 were used to generate unique shared loci to each species and shared loci by the two species. The hierarchical dendrogram indicates three main branches: cluster 1 (RORETZI 01~RORETZI 11) and cluster 2 (HILGENDORF 12~HILGENDORF 22) from two geographic populations of ascidians, Halocynthia roretzi and H. hilgendorfi. The shortest genetic distance displaying significant molecular difference was between individuals' HILGENDORF no. 14~HILGENDORF no. 19 (genetic distance =0.008). Ultimately, individual no. 02 of the RORETZI ascidian was most distantly related to HILGENDORF no. 21 (genetic distance=0.781). These results demonstrate that the H. roretzi population is genetically different from the H. hilgendorfi population. From what has been said above, the potential of PCR analysis to identify diagnostic markers for the identification of two ascidian populations has been demonstrated. Generally speaking, using a variety of decamer primers, this PCR method has been applied to identify specific markers particular to line, species and geographical population, as well as genetic diversity/polymorphism in diverse species of organisms.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The gDNA isolated from Korean cuttle fish (Sepia esculenta Hoyle) from Sockcho (SOCKCHO), Seocheon (SEOCHEON), Incheon (INCHEON) and Vietnamese cuttle fish (VIETNAM), were amplified by PCR. Here, the seven selected primers (BION-A07, BION-A09, BION-A11, BION-A20, BION-B04, BION-B06, and BION-B14) were used to generate the unique shared loci to each population and shared loci by the four cuttle fish populations. In this study, the primer BION-A11 detected 112 shared loci by the four populations, major and/or minor fragments of sizes 300 bp, 400 bp, 700 bp and 1,000 bp, respectively, which were identical in all samples. The dendrogram obtained by the seven primers indicates five genetic clusters: cluster 1 (SOCKCHO 01-SOCKCHO 07), cluster 2 (SEOCHEON 08-SEOCHEON 10), cluster 3 (SEOCHEON 11-SEOCHEON 14), cluster 4 (INCHEON 15-INCHEON 21), and cluster 5 (VIETNAM 22-VIETNAM 28). The shortest genetic distance that displayed significant molecular differences was between individuals 25 and 26 from the Vietnamese cuttle fish (0.025), while the longest genetic distance among the twenty-eight cuttle fishes that displayed significant molecular differences was between individuals SOCKCHO no. 02 and SEOCHEON no. 12 (0.640). Individual of Seocheon and Incheon cuttle populations was somewhat closely related to that of Vietnamese cuttle fish population. Even though it could not be affirmed by a single case, such a result seems to be closely connected that the Korean peninsula is subject to climate changes by global warming. In conclusion, our PCR analyses revealed a significant genetic distance among the four cuttle fish populations.
        2006.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        참게(Eriocheir sinensis)와 꽃게(Portunus trituberculatus)의 2종으로부터 genomic DNA를 분리 추출하였다. 선택된 7개의 OPA-05, OPA-13, OPA-16, OPB-06, OPB-15, OPB-17 and OPD-10의 RAPD primer를 이용하여 identical, polymorphic 그리고 specific fragment를 얻어냈다. 본 연구에서 부안산 참게 집단에서는 505개의 fragment
        1978.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        수도의 육종상 참고에 공하고자 7개품종울 이면교잡하여 여기에서 얻은 F1 , 세대를 재료로 9개 형질에 관여하는 유전자의 우성정도, 조합능력, 조합능력의 효과 등의 검정을 한바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 각형질별 우성정도는 조합에 따라서 세대에 따라서 다르나 대체로 간장, 수수, 지엽폭, 수중의 4개형질은 1이상이고, 완전우성의 경우는 없었으며, 출수일수, 간장, 수수, 지엽장에 대하여는 유전자의 상가적작용이 큰 부분우성으로 나타났다. 2. 양친품종의 우성 열성유전자의 평균빈도는 수장을 제외할 다른 형질은 모두 같은 경향을 보이며 그값은 비교적 낮다. 3. 일반조합능력과 특정조합능력을 검정한바 9개형질 모두 일반조합능력의 값이 특정조합능력의 값보다 크게 나타났다. 4. 일반 조합능력의 효과를 본바 F1 세대에서는 BL-1은 5개형질(출수일수, 간장, 수장, 지엽장, 지엽폭) Columbia II는 1개형질(수수), Waito는 추출도에서 -반조합능력의 효과가 크게 나타났고 F2 세대에서는 Columbian가 3개형질(간장, 수장, 지엽장), 영남조생은 2개형질(수수, 천입중), IR24는 1개형질(수중)에서 일반조합능력의 효과가 크게 나타났다. 5. 특정조합능력의 효과는 세대에 따라서 조합에 따라서 일정하지 않으나 대체로 7 7이면교잡에서는 밀양1005가 교배친으로 되어 있는 조합에서, 5 5조합의 F1 ,F2 세대에서는 Waito, IR24 그리고 영남조생이 교배친으로 되어 있는 조합이 여러가지 형질에 대한 특정조합능역의 효과가 크게 나타나 있다.량감소에 가장 크게 영향을 미친 것은 수량구성요소중 이품종 공히 단위면적당의 수수였으며 조생통일이 더 크게 영향을 받았다.수가 다른 지역에서 수집된 옥수수 보다 줬다. 10. 수집된 재래종 옥수수의 평균 입의 길이나 폭두께는 각각 0.82cm, 0.42cm. 0.78cm 이었다. 이들 이삭이나 입의 특성은 현재 장려 재배되고 있는 것의 그것보다 훨씬 뒤떨어지는 것을 본문에서 고찰했다.로 오히려 증가되는 경향을 보였다.고성장 시기에 유황 15% 첨가시비구가 125.7cm로서 대조구의 120.3cm보다 5.7cm가 길어 최장이었으며 엽수가 최고에 달했을 때의 유황 10% 첨가시비구가 109.7매로서 다른 처리보다 제일 많았고 대조구는 83.1매이었다. 6. 수수에 있어서는 대조구가 17.1이었고 이것에 비해 다른 처리구는 약간의 증가를 보이어 유황 및 Domomite처리구가 0.9~1.1개 정도의 증가를 보이었다. 그러나 수당립수는 대조구가 116.5립인데 비해 N.P.K.+S. 15% 처리구가 134.2립으로서 뚜렷한 차이를 보이었고 1000립중도 대조구가 24.5g인데 비해 N.P.K.+S. 10% 처리구가 27.7g로서 가장 무거워 많은 차이를 보이었다. 10a당 정조중은 대조구에 비하여 Dolomite처리구가 8.6%, 유황첨가구가 5.7~7.4% 증수되었음을 보이었다. 7. 식물체중의 조단백질 함량은 대조구, 5%, 10% 유황첨가구가 3.31~3.50%로서 비슷하였고 15% 유황첨가구는 3.94%, Dolomite첨가구는 5.38%였다. 아미노산도 15%유황첨가구와 Dolomite첨가구가 많이 함유되어 있었다. 현미중 조단백질은 15%유황첨가구가 10.14%로서 최고이었으며 10%유황첨가구와 Dolomite첨가구는 9.85%로서 다음이었다. 아미