
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The present study aimed to figure out current situation and consumer perception on the advertising of functional climbing wear in Korea. Advertising is about showing consumers how products meet their needs. In case of functional clothing, the most basic need of consumer should be a functional need (Lee, 2014;Shimp, 2010). However, research on advertisement of functional clothing, especially focused on the functional information, has not carried out in Korea. Recently research by Liu and Yoo (2014) investigated changing patterns of magazine advertising of functional climbing wear from 2008 to 2013. It is found that advertisements of professional climbing wear had been changed like fashion apparel ads in terms of functional information, celebrity model dependence, and appeal type (Liu&Yoo,2014). On 2013, over 70% of functional climbing wear ads did not provide any functional information and percentage of celebrity model dependence was dramatically increased from 1.48%to35.30%. In this study, 388 adults in their 20-50’s were surveyed in order to figure out general satisfaction on advertisements of functional climbing wear. The survey consisted of eight questions including satisfaction with reliability, communicability, type of expression, model, and contents of functional climbing wear advertisement. For analysis of characteristics of respondents, years of climbing experience, frequency of climbing, average expenses per single purchase, and frequently exposed advertising media types were asked as well as demographic characteristics. Most of respondents (83.85%) were in their 30-50’s and had 3-5 years climbing experience (29.50%).Frequency of climbing was ‘once every two months’ (35.70%) and ‘1~2 times every month’ (25.26%), and the most frequent average expenses per single purchase was ‘100~300 thousand won’ (65.25%). Frequently exposed advertising media types were TV commercials (33.60%), magazine (23.10%), and internet (9.50%). Purchase frequency was ‘once every two tears’ (31.14%), ‘3~4 times in a year’ (29.11%), ‘1~2 times in a year’ (25.06%). Results showed respondents want ‘more precise information for better understanding of performance of functional climbing wears’ (4.22point out of 5.00). Significant differences in ‘advertisement of functional climbing wear is reliable’ were observed across age and gender; male rather than female group and ages 30 are than other age groups showed higher average value. Age 40’s significantly more wanted to be informed precise information via advertisement and preferred celebrity model than other age groups. Overall, ages 20-30’s were more satisfied with the advertisement of functional climbing wear than age 50’s. The results from this study could provide practical insights to establish guidelines for providing product information in the functional clothing industry.