
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 15

        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years, young Chinese consumers have become more favorably inclined toward products relating to traditional culture. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a textile design that incorporates traditional Chinese patterns and cultural symbolism that will appeal to consumers from the MZ generation (millennials and Generation Z). Through a literature search for traditional Chinese patterns and symbols regarded as auspicious, our design concept and motives were established. We selected peony, lotus, and frog motifs as representative of a “wealth and eternal prosperity” design theme. In textile design work 1, we used hand drawing and watercolor techniques, color transformation with Adobe Photoshop, and colorway and end-use 3D simulation with TexPro. The 3D simulation work suggests that this textile pattern is suitable for women’s outerwear, mufflers, and tote bags. Textile design work 2 conveyed the ‘wealth and eternal prosperity’ design theme and had a graceful mood that embodied the nobility of the lotus flower whilst also encompassing the symbolism of money and status. The end design is a modern reinterpretation of traditional Chinese patterns and motifs. As such, it is hoped that it will satisfy the needs of young consumers for cultural values yet offer a unique new aesthetic distinct from existing textile designs. These qualities can be expected to enhance the competitive market value of textiles bearing this design.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We conducted this study to determine the TikTok usage status of Chinese consumers, and the effect of fashion advertisement type preference and TikTok characteristics on fashion product purchase intentions. For this study, we conducted a literature review and survey method. The following conclusions were drawn by collecting data online and performing statistical analysis. Firstly, the period of use was 2–4 years, and 95.1% of people used it for 2–3 hours a day, and 95.1% of the people had a purchasing experience on TikTok. Secondly, the most people were interested in self creating and editing videos in TikTok. With regards to TikTok content, groups aged 30 are significantly more interested in fashion coordination suggestions and influencer’ recommendations than groups aged 20. Thirdly, this study found that the characteristics of TikTok fashion advertisements significantly influenced purchase intention. Among the characteristics of fashion advertisements, this study conclude that the “fashion entertainment” characteristic factor that fashion advertisements are fun and entertaining was the most influential variable on purchase intention, followed by useful information, reliability, and interactivity related to fashion. Fourthly, the types of preferred TikTok fashion advertising had a statistically significant effect on product purchase intention. The influential types of preferred advertising are top view, live advertisement, hashtag challenge, in-feed ads, and sticker ads.
        2019.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        현대사회를 사는 우리들의 몸과 마음은 수많은 유해물질과 물질만능의 이기적 에고로 오염되어 있고, 정신과 영혼은 부정적 무의식과 카르마로 변질되어 있어서, 모든 지구문제와 인류문제, 사회문제의 원인으로 작용되어 갈등과 혼돈으로 드러나고 있는 양상이다. 이러한 상황은 UN이나 국가의 정책과 재정으로는 문제해결이 불가능해 보인다는 것이 오늘날 지구문명의 한계로 보인다. 이에 따라 국제포웰과학회에서는 이러한 문제해결의 방법론으로서 국가정책에 앞서 민간과 학계가 주축이 되어, 개인과 가정에서부터 실천 가능한 방법론에 대하여 다년간에 걸쳐서 탐구해 오고 있다. 학문적으로 재현성과 객관성을 확보하여 일상 생활에 응용 가능한 체계를 구축해 왔으며, 이러한 학문체계가 포웰과학으로 정립되었다. 포웰과학은 4개의 범주로 구성되어 있으며 잘 태어나고(Well Born), 잘 살고(Well Being), 잘 늙고(Well Aging), 잘 죽는(Well Dying) 우리 삶의 전체를 통합적으로 다루고 있다. 본 논문에서는 포웰과학을 이루는 4 Well의 범주 중에서 웰본이 왜 가장 중요한 핵심 과제인가? 어떻게 이 지구의 온난화와 천재지변, 에너지와 환경문제를 해결할 수 있는가? 모든 다툼과 테러, 부정과 부패, 기득권과 비 기득권, 가진 자와 못 가진 자로 양극화된 세상을 변화시킬 수 있는가? 더불어 기쁘게 사는 상생의 세상으로 변화시킬 수 있는 해결책이 될 수 있는가? 이와 같은 주제에 대하여 장기간의 실증적 연구를 기반으로 하는 원리 분석과 객관화 결과를 제시하고 있다.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        선행연구에서 깨달음과 실체해방의 전제조건을 고찰하고 그 상관성을 분석하였다. 또한 몸과 마음의 변화와 수련 법에 따른 수련 전후의 의식수준을 확인하기 위한 면담과 체험담, 설문조사, 일부 뇌파분석 등을 통하여 실증 비교분석하 는 연구방법을 시도하였다. 그러나 깨달음과 의식수준의 과학적 분석장치의 측정결과와 의식수준과의 상관성 판단의 기 준이 되고 있는 측정 지표에 대한 선행연구가 부족한 상황에서는, 이러한 단점의 보완이 있어야 본 연구결과의 객관성이 확보될 수 있다. 이와 같은 문제점을 개선하기 위하여 본 연구에서는 미국의 의사이자 영성가인 데이비드 호킨스(Dr. David hawkins) 박사 가 그의 저서 의식혁명(Power vs Force)에서 공개하여 의학계와 영성수련 분야에서 전문가들이 수백만 건을 확인 측정하 여 인정받고 있는 신체운동역학(Kinesiology)을 이용하는 측정방법으로 그 진실수준을 측정하였다. 피측정자의 의식과 는 무관하게 신체와 근육이 진실과 거짓에 정확하게 반응 한다는 원리와 의식의 지도에 근거하여 본 논문에서 비교분석하 고 제안하고 있는 분석결과와 수련방법에 대한 결과까지도 진실수준을 측정하여 비교 제시함으로서 객관성 확보를 시도 하고 있다.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        선행연구에서 깨달음과 실체해방의 전제조건을 고찰하고 그 상관성을 분석하 였다. 또한 몸과 마음의 변화와 수련법에 따른 수련 전후의 의식수준을 확인하기 위한 면담과 체험담, 설문조사, 일부 뇌파분석 등을 통하여 실증 비교분석하는 연 구방법을 시도하였다. 그러나 깨달음과 의식수준의 과학적 분석장치의 측정결과 와 의식수준과의 상관성 판단의 기준이 되고 있는 측정 지표에 대한 선행연구가 부족한 상황에서는, 이러한 단점의 보완이 있어야 본 연구결과의 객관성이 확보 될 수 있다. 이와 같은 문제점을 개선하기 위하여 본 연구에서는 미국의 의사이자 영성가인 데이비드 호킨스(Dr. David hawkins) 박사가 그의 저서 의식혁명(Power vs Force) 에서 공개하여 의학계와 영성수련 분야에서 전문가들이 수백만 건을 확인 측정 하여 인정받고 있는 신체운동역학(Kinesiology)을 이용하는 측정방법으로 그 진 실수준을 측정하였다. 피측정자의 의식과는 무관하게 신체와 근육이 진실과 거짓에 정확하게 반응 한 다는 원리와 의식의 지도에 근거하여 본 논문에서 비교분석하고 제안하고 있는 분석결과와 수련방법에 대한 결과까지도 진실수준을 측정하여 비교 제시함으로 서 객관성 확보를 시도하고 있다.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For a good design, it is important to understand consumers and trend of textile and fashion design. Previous researches on textile pattern design with CAD have been done. They have studied on Korean traditional floral motives/hand painting or some geometric patterns. Few studies have been done on conversational design. Therefore the purpose of study was to observe types of textile pattern design for the recent fiver years and determine fabric pattern trends, especially on the conversational motifs. The types of patterns were analysed with professional panels from the 2005~2009 collection sources, using SPSS program. This study was also develop textile patterns creating using CAD. We conducted design process on motif creating, repeat, and mapping jobs, using textile special design program Prima vision and Photoshop CS3.
        2010.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Nowadays, personal media is a new tool for communication as digital cameras and mobile phones are developing rapidly. We are concerned over Cyworld users who could have different personal characteristics which will influence on buying patterns in on line shopping behaviors. The purpose of this research was to observe fashion attitudes and purchase behavior of Cyworld mini homepage users, for establishing marketing strategies by understanding consumers. For this study, one line survey was used for 500 male and female subjects who are 20 to 40 years old. Only reliable 441 questionnaires were used for analysis. The SPSS program was used for frequency, K-means cluster, t test, and chi-square test. A total of 441 respondents were clustered on the basis of 8 item self-disclosure scale, using the K-means procedures. The results indicated that respondents were clustered into two segments; 267 respondents(active attitude towards self-disclosure) and 164 ones(not active). We examined fashion attitudes in mini home page and buying behavior by self-disclosed variable. Those who are involved actively in self expression and self-disclosure considered more fashion style and trend. The major motivates of web surfing was finding a good design, and good price. High self-disclosure group tends to search many shopping mall for right design and low self disclosure group tends to search them for the right price. High self-disclosure group tend to shop the fashion products more, while low self disclosure group tend to purchase books more through the internet. We realized that active group in self-disclosure purchased their clothing accidently when they visit Cyworld.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to observe the current consumption of bedding products, purchase behavior, and to compare between purchase criteria and degree of satisfaction after the purchase. Independent variables are age, consumer's knowledge and involvement about the bedding materials. This study can contribute for bedding product marketing strategies and design development. We used questionnaires that were distributed to 500 females aged in 20s to 50s, using stratified sampling method. Only 457 reliable questionnaires were selected for statistical analysis. Data were analyzed statistically through frequencies, paired t-test, ANOVA, Dunnett T3, Chi-test, using SPSS (Version 12.0). The results of this study are as follows. The types of bedroom was significantly associated with age variables. Women in 20's to 30's were using the mixture of Ondol and bed(chimdaie), while 40's to 50's women were using bed for all their rooms. The usage of filling material for the comforter(ibul) was significantly associated with the age group. 20's to 30's age group preferred synthetic fibers for the filling, while 40 to 50's women preferred cotton fibers. Generally, the most of people used quilted comforter and they used cotton material as filling materials of comforters. As to purchase behavior, the most frequent place of purchase was specialty store of bedding products, and the highest percentage of motivation for purchase was "deformation after the use/throwing away". Purchase motivation for bedding was related with the age variable and the clusters based on the knowledge of bedding materials. We analysed the comparison test purchase criteria and satisfaction. In all attributes except brand image, people evaluated lower in satisfaction after purchase than in criteria before purchase.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to observe street fashion, to determine preferred design of jean and to analyze preferred jean styling based on types of jean pants design, toward 20s to 30s women. We observed outfits of jean styles on the street using photography method and conducted a survey to 400 females to get information of consumers. Four hundred questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS. As a result of street research, the majority of people were wearing jean pants with T-shirts, sandal/high heel shoes and totes. The results of market research showed that preferred jean styles were significantly associated with age and marital status. Preferred color of jean pants was also significantly associated with age variable. Current popular jean style was a skinny style. We evaluated results of styling with different jean pants, creating five different images. There was a significant relationship between age/marital status and styling image in different jean styles. In a bootcut style, age variable was significantly associated with different styling images. Generally, most of people responded cute/casual image styling was the best for the bootcut style. In skinny pants, there was a significant association between a residence area and a styling image. Modern/chic image styling with skinny pants was the most favored one. In cropped jean pants, marital status was significantly associated with styling image created. We realized that we can create different images through a styling.
        2003.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료