Researches on industrial crops in Korea before 1962 were concentrated on fiber crops such as cotton, kenaf, hemp, ramie and flax. Then research works on oil crops, sugar crops and other high income crops were followed. However, no land is shared for the production of kenaf, flax, sugar beet, sweet sorghum and sunflower at present in Korea, while the cultivation of cotton, hemp, ramie and mat rush is decreasing continuously to the marginal point. At present researches are emphasized on oil crops such as seasame, peanut and perilla and high income medicinal herbs of which cultivating acreages are increasing. Numerous varieties were released as a result of active breeding works on industrial crops since 1962, i.e. 3 sesame varieties including "Suweon 21", 3 peanut varieties including "Seoduntangkong", and 6 rape varieties including "Yudal" in oil crops, one cotton variety "Mokpo 7", one hemp variety "MS4-1", and one kenaf variety "Suweon 2" in fiber crops, and two stevia varieties "Suweon 2" and "Suweon II" in sugar crops. Quality improvement of rape seeds and development of hybrid rapes utilizing male sterile lines are the most significant results of breeding works, while the establishment of vinyl mulching cultivation of sesame and peanut are the most successful results in agronomic researches during the last 20 the most successful results in agronomic researches during the last 20 years.