납과 산수유 열수 추출물을 6주간 급여하여 사육한 흰쥐의 식이섭취량, 음용수 섭취량, 체중증가량과 식이효율에서 흰쥐의 평균 체중 증가량과 식이섭취량은 정상군에 비하여 납 단독 급여군이 낮은 증가를 보였다. 간 장기 조직의 중량은 납 단독 급여군이 정상군에 비하여 증가하였다. 납 해독에 미치는 영향은 각 장기 조직에서 정상군과 산수유 급여군은 납 단독 급여군에 비하여 유의적으로 낮은 증가를 보였다. 반면에 납과 산수유 병합급여군은 정상군에 가깝게 회복되어 산수유가 어느 정도 조직을 보호하는 것으로 생각된다. 혈청 중의 AST와 ALT 활성은 정상군에 비하여 납 단독 투여군이 유의적으로 증가되었으며, 산수유 추출물 급여군은 억제되었다.
In order to know the effect of autoclaving on the heavy metal removal using chitosan, lead removal capacities and removal rates by various chitosans in aqueous solution were compared according to the various autoclaving time. The lead removal efficiencies and removal rates by the autoclaved chitosan were found to be on the order of 15 min(98%) 〉10 min(95%) 〉30 min(83%) 〉5 min(53%) 〉60 min(47%) 〉0 min(22%) chitosan. The molecular weight of chitosan was decreased by the increase of autoclaving time. Therefore, the heavy metal removal capacity was not well correlated to the molecular weight. Langmuir isotherm was well fitted to experimental results of equilibrium adsorption on chitosan. In order to examine the process of lead removal by the autoclaved chitosan, TEMs, SEMs and FT-IR analyses were used. The surface of autoclaved chitosan was much more porous and the lead removal was mainly occurred on the surface of chitosan. The structure of autoclaved chitosan was same as that of controlled chitosan.
Several effects on Pb2+ removal by crab shell from aqueous solution were investigated. As the increase of initial Pb2+ concentration and decrease of initial crab shell concentration, the time required to reach an equilibrium state and the residual Pb2+ concentration increased. In our experimental ranges, the optimum initial Pb2+ concentration and crab shell concentration were below 103 mg/l and over 0.5 mg/l, respectively. Also, in order to investigate the mechanism of Pb2+ removal by crab shell in aqueous solution, the crab shell was compared with chitosan and chitin on aspects of Pb2+ removal capacity and Pb2+ removal rate. The Pb2+ removal by crab shell was greater than that by chitin and chitosan. The role of chitin was not so great in Pb2+ removal by crab shell. The Pb2+ removal by chitosan was not exactly correlated to the molecular weight of chitosan.
The biosorption of heavy metals has received a lot of attraction for application of metal ions treatment. In this work, we studied with Arthrobactor sp., screening from a wastewater containing heavy metals. The Pb uptake capacity of Arthrobactor sp. was nearly 146.9 ㎎ Pb/g dry biomass(initial concentration, 500 ㎎/L), whereas the Pb uptake capacity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces uvarum were only around 39.40 and 35.65 ㎎ Pb/g dry biomass, respectively. The Pb and Cr were removed from metal solution much more efficiently than were the other metals(Cd and Cu). The Pb uptake capacity of Arthrobactor sp. increased with increasing in pH(1.8, 3.0 and 4.0) and decreased with increasing of biomass concentration. At pH 4.0, the Pb uptake capacity reached 244 ㎎ Pb/ g dry biomass in Pb initial concentration of 1000 ㎎/L. The Pb uptake capacity of Arthrobactor sp. treated by KOH and CaCl_2 were increased above values obtained with untreated Arthrobactor sp. However, the Pb uptake capacity of Arthrobactor sp. treated by NaOH was decreased. The removal efficiency of Pb was kept above 99% before the breakthrough points were reached.