본 연구의 목적은 비만 남자고등학생의 교복바지에 대한 착용만족도를 높이고 맞음새가 좋은 교복바지의 패턴개발을 위한 자료를 제공하는 데 있다. 이 연구는 사이즈코리아(2015)의 직접 측정 데이터 중 BMI 지수가 18.5이상인 17~19세 남자 745명의 데이터를 분석 자료로 활용하였다. 비만 남자고등학생의 체형분류를 위하여 표준체형과의 신체치수 비교를 위해 기술통계를 실시하였으며, 비만 남자고등학생의 체형분류를 위한 요인분석, 군집분석, 분산분석 등의 통계방법이 사용되었다. 그 결과, 비 만 남자고등학생의 체형분류 요인으로는 하반신 부피요인, 하반신 길이 요인, 복부 부피요인, 밑위 길이요인의 4개 요인이 도출되었다. 또 군집 분석의 결과로 4가지의 비만체형 유형이 분류되었다. 유형1은 분류된 비만체형 유형 중 하반신의 길이가 가장 짧고 왜소한 비만체형이며 유 형2는 비만 유형 중 허리둘레가 가늘고 복부의 부피가 작아 약간 왜소 한 비만체형이다. 유형3은 하반신 길이는 보통 이상이며, 하지와 하반 신 둘레, 복부의 부피 등의 모든 항목에서 가장 큰 값을 보여 부피가 큰 고도 비만체형이다. 유형4는 4가지 비만 유형 중 하반신 길이는 가 장 길고, 복부의 비만 정도가 유독 큰 복부 비만체형으로 정의할 수 있으며, 비만 체형의 특징을 반영한 교복바지의 설계방법에 대한 후속 연구가 진행될 예정이다.
This study examined the characteristics of male high school English learners’ motivation and the relations between their motivation and achievement in English learning. A total of 334 Grade 10 students in a boys’ high school participated in this study by completing a questionnaire survey on second language (L2) learning motivation and taking an English achievement test. As a result of explanatory factor analysis, five factors were found as underlying constructs for male high school students’ English learning motivation: The Ought-to L2 Self, The Ideal L2 Self, The Feared L2 Self, Instrumentality, and Intrinsic Motivation. In terms of the structural relationships between the learners’ motivation and achievement in English learning, the ideal L2 self and intrinsic motivation exerted a direct impact on their motivated L2 behavior, and then English achievement mediated by the motivated L2 behavior. The other factors had an indirect influence on motivated L2 learning behavior, mediated by the ideal L2 self and intrinsic motivation. Based on the findings, we suggested motivational activities to realize the creation of the ideal L2 self among male high school English learners.
The purpose of this study was to determine factors related to the consumption of energy drinks among male and female high school students in Daejeon. The research data, derived from the self-administered questionnaire method, was collected from 664 students in fifteen high schools during the spring of 2016. A total of 542 complete questionnaires were analyzed (response rate: 79.8%). Approximately 73% of the students self-reported having consumed energy drinks, with a greater percentage of male (as opposed to female) students self-reporting as having done so. The most common reasons given for the consumption of energy drinks were to stay awake (54.8%), the good taste of the drink (28.0%), to concentrate during studying (17.2%), and to relieve fatigue (16.9%). The adverse effects were palpitation (59.3%), insomnia (35.6%), and experiencing difficulty in waking up (30.5%). More than two in three (67.8%) students who experienced adverse effects still consumed energy drinks. The average level of health consciousness was lower than 3 out of 5 points. The results of the logistic regression analyses indicated a positive relationship between monthly allowance (OR=1.01 for male and female students) and the consumption of energy drinks by both male and female students. Among the male students, freshmen (OR=0.23) were less likely to have consumed energy drinks than juniors. Male students’ sleeping hours (OR=0.65) and perceived school life satisfaction scores (OR=0.63) were negatively associated with the consumption of energy drinks. In the case of female students, study hours (OR=0.83) and energy drinks consumption were negatively related. These factors affecting energy drinks consumption could be considered in the development of dietary education programs aimed at protecting high school students from the adverse health impacts of energy drinks
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the smoking and eating habits of high school students. We also presented the basic data for the effective smoking cessation and smoking prevention programs, and proper nutrition education programs. We surveyed 304 high school male students in Sokcho city. The results were as follows ; a total of 23.7% of the subjects were smokers, the smokers spent more pocket money than the non-smokers and they also spent more time on the internet or smartphone. The smokers had lower awareness of the dangers of smoking than that of non-smokers. They started drinking alcohol earlier than the non-smokers. Their water intake was higher and they preferred consumption of high-protein foods like fried chicken, but were not inclined to vegetables and sour tasting foods. These results imply that smoking habits of the subjects affected their eating and drinking habits. A matter of concern was the low intake of vegetables and sour tasting foods, which could lead to a deficiency of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers. The smokers were less satisfied with their school life than the non-smokers. There was a negative correlation with the degree of awareness of the dangers that smoking can cause. Conversely, the amount of smoking and drinking habits were positively correlated. To reach a healthy adulthood, it is crucial to quit smoking and participate in smoking prevention education along with nutrition education and abstinence education for the adolescents.
남자고등학교 교실에서 발생하는 냄새(발냄새, 머리냄새, 쉰냄새, 땀냄새)와 대표악취물질(부티르산, 암모니아)에 대한 뇌파반응을 분석하였다. 냄새자극 시험은 30~50대의 여성을 대상으로 수행하였다. 교실냄새와 대표악취물질의 자극에 대한 뇌파 지표들의 변화 경향은 측두엽에서 가장 두드러지게 나타났다. 이들 악취물질의 측두엽에서 반응은 바탕뇌파대비 상대알파파를 0.04~0.13 감소시켰고, 상대베타파 0.02~0.06, 상대감마파를 0.03~0.09 증가시켰다. 교실냄새들과 두 악취물질들은 이완상태를 나타내는 알파파를 감소시켰고, 각성과 긴장 및 스트레스를 나타내는 고베타파(18~30Hz)와 불안과 흥분상태를 나타내는 감마파(30~50Hz)를 활성화시켰다. 냄새물질들의 뇌 각성 및 자극정도는 머리냄새 > 부트르산 > 발냄새, 쉰냄새 > 암모니아> 땀냄새 순이었다. 이러한 결과는 교실냄새가 과도한 각성이나 긴장을 유발하므로 수업 집중력이나 학습능력을 저해할 수 있음을 의미한다.
The purpose of this study is to offer the scientific data of male and female high school students'
standing broad jump movements and to seek out effective instructive methods for this exercise
through comparing and analyzing the variation aspects of the k