5·18 광주 민중항쟁은 1993년 5월 김영삼 대통령에 의해 합법적인 민주화운동으로 인정받았고, 2011년 유네스코는 ‘5·18 광주민주항쟁’을 세계 기록 유산으로 승인하였다. 이는 광주시민의 명예 회복에 전기를 마련하는 일이었다. 하지만 사건 발생 37년이 지난 지금도 이에 대한 평가는 전국적으로 통일되지 않았고, 어쩌면 광주만의 정신, 광주만의 자부심으로 기억되고 있는지 모르겠다. 이러한 상황이 지속되는 여러 요인들이 있겠지만, 본 연구자는 5·18의 진상규명과 시대정신에 맞는 재해석, 시민교육을 담당할 전문가들이 전라도와 서울에 집중적으로 분포되어 있다는 점이 가장 큰 요인으로 작용하고 있다고 생각한다. 게다가 5·18을 달리 평가하는 저널이 가해자 지역에 적을 두고 활동하고 있어 평가가 양분 된 채 통일 되지 못하고 호남에 갇혀있게 된 것이라 생각한다. 본 연구는 5·18의 의미가 전국적으로 통일되지 못하고 호남에 갇혀있게 된 요인으로 5·18관련 자들만의 “당사자주의”의 한계에 있다 판단하고 있다. 특히 이 사건을 객관적인 시각으로 분석하고 해명해야 할 연구자들이 연고지역에 편중분포 (광주·전라도>서울>경남)되어 있어 5·18의 의미가 통일되지 못하고 있는 것이 아닌지 그 개연성에 주목하게 되었다. 이 연구에서는 학술연구논문과 저널 저자 및 출판 소재지가 양분되어 있고, 편중분포 되어 있음을 밝히고, 연구자들의 편중분포가 지역성 극복에 걸림돌이 되고 있다는 개연성을 밝히고자 한다.
This study used an unstable platform to change the support surface type and position of both lower limbs in order to determine changes in weight distribution and muscle including the vastus medialis, tibialis anterior, lateral hamstring, and lateral gastrocnemius of both lower limbs were evaluated during knee joint flexing and extending in a semi-squat movement in 32 hemiplegic patients. The support surface conditions applied to the lower limbs were divided into four categories: condition 1 had a stable platform for both lower limbs; condition 2 had an unstable platform for the non-hemiplegic side and a stable platform for the hemiplegic side; condition 3 had a stable platform for the non-hemiplegic side and an unstable platform for the hemiplegic side; and condition 4 had an unstable platform for both sides. The normalized EMG activity levels of muscles and weight bearing ratio of both sides in the four surface conditions were compared using repeated measures ANOVA. A significant increase was found in the weight support distribution for the hemiplegic side in flexing and extending sessions in condition 2 compared to the other conditions (p<.05). A statistically significant decrease in significant decrease in asymmetrical weight bearing in flexing and extending sessions was observed for condition 2 compared to the other conditions (p<.05). A similar significant decrease was found in differences in muscular activity for both lower limbs in condition 2 (p<.05). The muscular activity of the hemiplegic side, based on the support surface for each muscle showed a significantly greater increase in condition 2 (p<.05). An unstable platform for the non-hemiplegic side and a stable platform for the hemiplegic side therefore increased symmetry in terms of the weight support distribution rate and muscle activity of lower limbs in hemiplegic patients. The problem of postural control due to asymmetry in hemiplegic patients should be further studied with the aim of developing continuous effects of functional training based on the type and position of the support surfaces and functional improvement.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a task-oriented approach on weight-bearing distribution and muscular activities of the paretic leg during sit-to-stand movement in 18 chronic stroke patients. Both groups were received neurodevelopmental treatment for 30 min/day and then the experimental group (=9) followed additional a task-oriented approach (sit-to stand training with controlled environment) and the control group (=9) followed a passive range of motion exercise for 15 min/day, five days/week, for four weeks. Weight-bearing distribution and muscular activities of the paretic leg during sit-to-stand movement were measured before and after four weeks of training. There was significantly improved weight-bearing distribution of the paretic leg during sit-to-stand movement in the experimental group compared with that of the control group after four weeks of training (p<.05). But electromyographic activities of the quadriceps and the tibialis anterior of the paretic leg were not significantly different (p>.05). Thus, it is necessary to apply a task-oriented approach to improve the weight-bearing distribution of the paretic leg during sit-to-stand movement in chronic stroke patients.
여수 돌산도의 동쪽 승망 어장 주변 해역을 중심으로 수온, 해저지형, 조류의 이동과 어획량을 조사하여 대상어장의 환경을 평가하였다. 또한 동 해역의 5개 정점에서 체장 22.0~51.0cm의 숭어 160마리를 5회에 걸쳐 표지 방류하여 숭어의 이동방향을 파악하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 승망 어장에서 수온은 2월에 가장 낮고, 3월 이후 점점 상승하여 8월에 최고가 되며 9월부터 다시 하강하여 10월과 11월 사이에 급격하게 하강하였으며, 그 범위는 6.9~27.4℃이었다. 월별 숭어의 여획량은 3월부터 9월까지 양호하였으나, 10월과 11월 사이에 수온이 급격하게 하강하면서 어획량이 줄어들었다. 숭어는 연중 수온범위 6.9~27.4℃에서 어획되었으며, 특히 수온이 높아지기 시작하는 15.0~25.0℃의 범위에서 어획이 양호하였다. 2. 돌산도 동쪽 해역의 승망 어장에 분포한 등심선은 승망 어구가 설치되어 있는 연안쪽에는 6~13m의 범위로 조밀하게 분포하고, 어장의 외해쪽에는 14m 이상의 넓은 간격으로 분포하고 있다. 3. 승망 어구가 설치되어 있는 연안쪽에서 낙조류와 창조류는 해안선을 따라 각각 남류와 북류하였다. 연안 외해측에서 조류는 우전환류가 나타나 낙조류는 남동류로 평균유속은 43cm/secdldjTdmsk, 창조류는 북서류로 평균 유속은 25cm/sec이었다. 4. 숭어의 표지방류 후 재포율은 평균 9.4%로 높게 나타났으며, 어장별 재포율은 계동 연안이 33.3%로 다른 연안어장보다 높았다. 돌산도 연안에서 숭어의 이동은 육수의 유입이 많은 내만을 찾아 이동한 경향이 뚜렷하였으며, 남하이동보다는 북상이동하는 경향을 나타내고 있다.
The culmination of the culture in the Josun Dynasty was reached in the academic achievement of Sik Jo (pen name, Nammyung : 1501 - 1572). His work marked a moral boundary in academia at that time. When we consider his great fame, it was natural many scholars and his followers make him their scholastic and behavioral model. These followers formed the Nammyung School and they took active parts in politics in and out of government service until King Sunjo and Gwanghaegoon. But the execution of Inhong Jung (pen name, Rae-Am : 1536-1623), leader of the Nammyung School and mentor of Gwanghaegoon, served as a momentum for decentralizing the school at the time of The Enthronement of King Injo subsequent to dethronement of King Gwanghasgoon in 1623. Hongdo Ha (pen name, Gyumjae) then acted on behalf of the school when the school had lost its cohesion. The year 1728 witnessed the Moosin Year Disturbance led by Heeryang Jung, which was one of the loud cries raised by confucian scholars to regain the positions they had held before the Enthronement of King Injo. Moreover the Noron Party. the group of followers of Siyul Soug and also the party in power, forced the Namin Party, another party in this area, to support it, while it prohibited the Namins from taking any state examinations by law after the Moosin Year Disturbance had been subdued. The Noron Party designed to attract the Namin Party to their side by disturbing its cooperation with the Soron Party, the followers of Jung Yoon, a disciple of Siyul Song's. With the Noron Party's intricately planned policies and efforts, most pepole in the Namin Party in this area became part of the Toegye School in the end. This paved the way for combining the right side and the left side of the Nakdong River as a natural result. There were few eminent scholars or government officials in high positions from the right side of the Nakdong River. In the meantime many scholars had come to stand by either the Noron Party or the Toegye Schoo. But the majority of Confucian scholars' respect for Nammyung had not faded away and his books were still being published. King Jungjo finally granted Nammyung a Royal Oration for the Sacrificial Rite in 1796 and conferred government positions on his descendants after over a century of persecution. The royal edict triggered the revival of the scholastic trend in this area and built a promising foundation for thriving academic achievement in the 19th ecntury.