
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        When it evaluates the odor actual investigation of the odor control restricts in Gyeonggi-do during 2004 and 2009 year, The complex odor at 4 industrial complexes was appeared gradually to be decreased after 2006 year, Excess cases of standard in Banwol, Sihwa, Banwol plating, and Asan industrial complexes were 9 times, 9times, one times and one times respectively, Excess odor substances changed every year in Sihwa and Banwol industrial complex, but Hydrogen sulfide is exceeded odor emission standards in 2006, 2007, 2009 year continually. On the other hand, the cases that complex odor and specified odor substances were exceeded simultaneously were 40.9% of total, and the rest of cases were estimated as to be caused by the other appointment compounds or the lack of quality control. The corelation (R²) of complex odor concentration and the number of resident complaint was 0.434 at Sihwa industrial complex, 0.878 at Banwol industrial complex and 0.434 at Asan industrial complex. also, corelation (R²) of complex odor and data of odor auto monitoring was 0.145 at Sihwa industrial complex and 0.964 at Banwol industrial complex. therefore, Sihwa industrial complex is partially demanded the check of sampling site and the quality control on the complex odor.