“ ” “ ” are two onomatopoetic words, most of the dictionaries are not collected, some are them, but their notes are wrong. Some dictionaries state that “ ” “ ” are“乒” “乓”. Actually, they're not quite the same. The notes of“ ” “ ” can be determined, but the pronunciation of these words are difficult to determine and can only be suspected.
The present study explores the effects of two types of paraphrase practices (teacher-led and Web-based) on Korean university and graduate students' paraphrase awareness, performance, and types. The teacher-led and Web-based group both had four-week intensive practices on paraphrasing including instruction on plagiarism, citation, and paraphrasing strategies with teacher modeling of paraphrasing. Teacher-led practices placed a focus on expl.icit instruction of grammar and vocabulary, whereas Web-based practices triggered learner-directed practices. The Web-based group was informed of Internet sites and trained to use them for paraphrasing. The resu lts of the study show positive effects of both practice types on paraphrase awareness and performance, but not on paraphrase types. More beneficial effects of teacher-led practices were noted over that of Web-based practices, though the latter were more positively evaluated by the paJticipants. The fmdings suggest the positive effects of short-term explicit instruction on paraphrasing to prevent plagiarism; however, they also imply positive impact of Web-based practices for long-term learning.