
영어교육 KCI 등재 SCOPUS English Teaching

이 간행물 논문 검색


Vol. 67 No. 2 (2012년 6월) 17

2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Recasts have been at the center of much di scussion in the field of second language acquisition (SLA) and a great deal of research has explored the effects of recasts on second language (L2) learning. However, there are st ill many issues and questions left to be answered. As a means of responding to these needs, the current study investigated the effectiveness of recasts in the accuracy development of child EFL learners in their use of past verb forms in English. The effectiveness of recasts was examined in relation to the type of past verbs (i.e., regular vs. irregular verbs) and the degree of exp licitness of recasts (i .e., implicit recasts vs. explicit recasts). Six elementary school students participated in the study and data were collected through a time-series design for 6 weeks. The analyses of the data showed that recasts were effective in enhancing the learners' accuracy in the use of both regular and irregular verbs. The learners benefited more from explicit recasts than implicit recasts in developing the accuracy of past verbs. However, improving the accuracy of regu lar verbs was more susceptible to explicit recasts than implicit recasts, while there was no significant difference in the gains of accuracy of irregular verbs in relation to the type of recasts.
2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study attempts to present clearer evidence for L I influence by attending to the fact that semantically comparable English and Chinese ditransitive verbs do not always behave similarly. Thirty Korean and 30 Chinese ESL learners participated in an acceptability judgment test and an elicited production task. The two L I backgrounds were chosen because Korean allows only the adpositional construction (A C) while Chinese allows both the AC and the double object construction (DC). For the tasks, three different types of English ditransitive verbs were selected based on how their translations are used in Chinese: verbs whose Chinese counterparts occur with the DC only (D-type); verbs whose Chinese counterparts occur with the AC only (A-type); and verbs whose Chinese counterparts occur with both the AC and the DC (B-type). The results indicate that: (a) regardless of verb types, the Korean group more favorably accepted and more frequently produced AC sentences than DC sentences; (b) verb types influenced the Chinese group's acceptability ratings and production; and (c) the two groups showed the biggest inter-group difference when they were given DC sentences with the D-type verbs, and the smallest inter-group difference when they were given AC sentences with the A-type verbs.
2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The present study explores the effects of two types of paraphrase practices (teacher-led and Web-based) on Korean university and graduate students' paraphrase awareness, performance, and types. The teacher-led and Web-based group both had four-week intensive practices on paraphrasing including instruction on plagiarism, citation, and paraphrasing strategies with teacher modeling of paraphrasing. Teacher-led practices placed a focus on expl.icit instruction of grammar and vocabulary, whereas Web-based practices triggered learner-directed practices. The Web-based group was informed of Internet sites and trained to use them for paraphrasing. The resu lts of the study show positive effects of both practice types on paraphrase awareness and performance, but not on paraphrase types. More beneficial effects of teacher-led practices were noted over that of Web-based practices, though the latter were more positively evaluated by the paJticipants. The fmdings suggest the positive effects of short-term explicit instruction on paraphrasing to prevent plagiarism; however, they also imply positive impact of Web-based practices for long-term learning.
2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
On the voyage into explori ng a research question: Where is an interactional interface to interrelate a focus on form to a specific task in designing a task-based syllabus?, this study identifies three problems, i.e., the learnability, the performability, and the interactionability problem from the reviews of the research on task-based sy llabuses (Ellis, 2003; Prabhu, 1987; Snow, Met, & Genesee, 1989) to be settled in designing a task-based syllabus. In order to search for a poss ible solution to these problems, it proposes an interactive approach to a task-based sy llabus called the Ability-Task Function (ATF) Model. The ATF constitutes a linear function, 'y=ax+b', in which 'y ' represents the levels of language abi lities on the Parallel Developmental Sequence (Kim & K won, 2007) and 'x' the hierarchies of task performances on the target language use domain continuum (Kim, 2006c). Hence, the vertical y axis (i.e., the levels of language abilities) and the horizontal x ax is (i.e., the hierarchies of task performances) comprise the ATF Coordinate or Map on which we are able to explore a possible answer to the three problems. Finally, this study demonstrates how the A TF fades the three problems out, and hence comes to a conclusion: The A TF is, in a sense, a kind of metric by which not only we are able to plot, analyze, and evaluate all the pedagogic tasks on the line (i.e., y=ax+b, a= l, b=O), but also select and sequence them along the line on which they are all in direct proportion of the levels of language abilities to the hierarchies of task performances. Thus, the ATF Model can provide a conceptual framework for designing an interactive abilitydifferentiated task-based syllabus.
2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper investigated the tearn-teaching at three primary schools in Korea. The data consisted of classroom audio-recordings, in-class observations and post-observation interviews. This study first examined the degree to which Teaching English through English (TEE) was practiced by Native English Teachers (NETs) and Korean English Teachers (KETs) and the extent to which each case fit five conditions for optimal language learning environments: interaction with an authentic audience; opportunity for the negotiation of meaning; exposure to creative and varied L2; production of creative and varied L2; and engagement in authentic tasks (Egbert & Hanson-Smith, 1999). The main findings were that in five different observation sites, as expected, L I was rarely used in NET classes, but was used in 28% of utterances in KET classes, often to perform functions for which L2 English could have easily been used. In addition, it was found that very few instances of NET or KET classes met any of the five conditions for optimal language learning environments. This research proposes that L2 English be maximized in class, and that teachers pay more attention to creating a learning environment that satisfies the conditions for optimal language learning.
2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This case study explored how formal reading instruction and perceived self-efficacy in English contribute to Korean EFL learners' reading strategy development and reading pract ices. The data were collected from indi vidual interviews with four Korean college students. The fmdings revealed that English reading instruction was teacher-centered and the students spent a lot of time learning and practicing test-taking skills to achieve higher scores in English tests such as CSAT and TOEIC. On the whole, the students revealed negative attitudes such as having low confi dence as English readers and fee ling afraid while reading in English. At the same time, however, they had a strong instrumental motivation for reading in English, achieving a higher score on the high stake exams. Regarding reading strategy instruction and development, very few English teachers seemed to introduce and implement reading strategy instruction in the class. Despite this, the students struggled to develop their own reading strategies according to the type of English reading comprehension instruction that they received. Pedagogical implications and action based recommendations for English educators are suggested.
2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Limited research on the PYLT (productive Vocabulary Levels Test) stimu lated the investigation into the relationship between the PYLT and Korean col lege students' productive vocabulary use in writing. For the purpose of the study, twenty five students (n=25) were asked to take the PVLT, perform translation tasks, and write an essay. They were also asked to write a reflection paper to examine their perceptions of the PVLT. The LFP (Lexical Frequency Profile) was employed to analyze the students' compositions to examine the relationships between their vocabulalY profiles and the PVLT. The results of the study indicated that there was no significant correlation between the PYLT and the LFP; the relationships between the PVLT and other variables were largely influenced by word frequency levels. These findings imply that the PVLT at the 2000 word frequency level represents the students' vocabulary knowledge in their compositions, and their writing proficiency. As for the perceptions of the PYLT, most of the students responded that the PVLT assessed their vocabulalY knowledge. Interestingly, they attributed both success and failure in providing correct answers to the test format of the PVL T. This study suggests that interpretation of the results of the PYLT should be associated with word frequency levels.
2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Thi s study investigated, using think-aloud protocol, what L2 learners focus on, notice and uptake in a series of English writing task and how this cognitive process is affected by their English proficiency. Nine Korean middle school students were engaged in a three-stage writing task, which consisted of the compos ing stage, the stage of comparing their own text with a reformulated version, and the revising stage. During the first two stages, the students were asked to think out loud in Korean. The results show that in the composing stage the high level students tended to focus on grammatical forms while the low level groups more concentrated on lexical items. When reformulations were provided, the students well noticed the diffe rences between their original texts and the reformulated ones but a majority of their noticing remained simple noticing without a proper reason or ended up with wrong inferences. Thi s overall shallow and incorrect process at the comparing stage resulted in re latively little changes in the revising stage. These fi ndings suggest that not only the quantity but also the quality of noticing is important for acquisition and more guidance and he lp should be provided for low level learners to benefit from writing and feedback.
2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study proposed various models with different constructs of the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) developed by Horwitz et al. (1986) and tested the competitive models with a view to finding the constructs that best account for the FLCAS. The FLCAS was administered to 918 EFL university students in Korea, and the data were analyzed by performing confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The resu lts of data analyses indicated that even though the fit indices for all the hypothesized models in general did not meet the cutoff points of acceptabi lity, the model containing four constructs fit the data better than the models containing one, two, or three constructs of the FLCAS. Implications of these findings followed by futu re research areas were provided to deepen the insight into foreign language anxiety in the classroom in general and the FLCAS in particular.
2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Lexical knowledge is an important predictor of second language learning. The present study focuses on aspects of lexical knowledge of Korean elementary (6'h grade) and middle school learners (9'h grade) in connection to learni ng strategies, that is, with regard to vocabulary learning and by investigating the learners' preferred English medium of interest. The learners were asked to complete questionnaires for information on vocabu lary learni ng strategies, and were tested with receptive and prod uctive vocabulalY levels test to assess their vocabulary knowledge. One-way ANOVA was conducted to note differences between the different vocabulary learning strategy groups, and multiple regression was employed to select predictors of learners' receptive and vocabulary knowledge. While the learners did not favor public education (school lessons), private lessons indicated to be the dominant means of learning English among the 6th graders with larger vocabu lalY sizes; the use of the vocabu lary workbook indicated to be a useful resource for the 9th graders. Although movies were popularly viewed by most of the learners, it was tile learners who had been reading books in Engli sh that seemed t.o have obtained larger vocabulary sizes. The findings provide guidelines for vocabulalY instruction in Korean elementary and middle school contexts .
2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The study aims to tind out the patterns of negotiation of meaning among non-native speakers in CMC environment, particularly in video conference mode. The two Chinese students and two Korean students participated in 12 video conference sessions and accomplished infonnation gap tasks for 6 weeks. The researchers compared the patterns of negotiation of meaning occurred during video conferencing of two group settings: the same ethnic group and the different ethnic group settings. The research results show that in the same ethnic groups, lexical errors and content triggered most meaning negotiations while content and phonological errors in the different ethnic group settings. There is a clear tendency to indicate non-understanding of a lexical trigger through a local indicator in the same ethnic group while global nonunderstanding indicators caused by phonological and content triggers occurred more frequently in the different ethnic groups. At the response stage, in the same ethnic groups, rephrasing and elaboration were the most commonly used strategies to minimize non-understanding whereas in different ethnic groups, about half the responses fa ll in the category of minimal. The effects of video conferencing as a CMC tool and the advantages of non-native interactions as a way to promote cross-cultural understanding were discussed based on research resu lts.
2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study investigates the types and frequencies of verb errors in Korean college students' essays in order to ascertain what aspects of English verb use Korean learners find most troublesome. The data used in this study were retrieved from a learner corpus consisting of essays written by 399 students who major in humanities at a university in Seoul. The 686 verb errors found in the corpus were classified into the following four major categories: (a) omission of necessary items in a verb phrase, (b) addition of unnecessary items in a verb phrase, (c) misformation ofa verb phrase, and (d) misordering of items in a verb phrase. A careful examination of these 686 verb errors has revealed that misformation is the most common form of error, accounting for over 60% of all the errors. A sub-category of misformation errors, agreement errors in turn accounted for more than half of all the 4 I 6 misformation errors (216 tokens), a number bigger than any of the other three categories of error types, i.e. omission (175 tokens), addition (72 tokens), and misordering (23 tokens). This finding might have resulted from negative influence from the students' L I, as Korean verbs do not conjugate according to grammatical person. Another noteworthy finding is the fact that the students made a great number of errors with both the lexical and the auxiliary uses of be and have. Considering that both uses of these two verbs are taught early on in Korea, this finding suggests that Korean students need to be continually provided with contexts in which they can practice different uses of be and have.
2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study aimed to explore the etfect of translated writing on English writing performance of Korean learners of English and their perceptions on translated writing in comparison with direct writing depending on their English proficiency level. A total of 75 male high school students were divided into two groups according to their L2 writing expertise and were asked to perform two ditferent writing tasks: 1) write directly in English (direct writing), and 2) write in Korean first and then translate the draft into English (translated writing). 136 written compositions (68 direct writing samples and 68 translated writing samples each) from 68 students were selected for analytical scoring and T-Unit analysis. The 68 students also filled a survey questionnaire which asked which type of writing was preferred for their English writing. The results showed that the performance of the direct writing was significantly better than that of the translated writing for hjghlevel writers, while there were no great ditferences among low-Ievel writers between the two writing tasks. T-Unit analysis revealed that syntactic complexity between direct and translated writings by two proficiency groups did not yield any statistically significant ditferences, and more students preferred translated writing to di rect writi ng in general. 8ased on the results, pedagogical implications are suggested.
2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study aimed to identify the continuity between 6th grade elementary school English textbooks and 1st grade middle school English textbooks using Coh-Meu'ix, an automated web-based program designed to analyze and calculate the coherence oftexts on a wide range of measures. The measured value of text types was compared and classified into the surface linguistic features (the basic count, word rrequency, readabi li ty, connective information, pronoun information, word information) and the deep linguistic features (co-referential cohesion and semantic cohesion, lexical diversity, syntactic complexity). The findings were as follows: First, the basic counts and words before the main verb had a significant different value between two levels of textbooks. The results were remarkably different in the written language. Second, FKGL (Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level) and the pronoun ratio were significantly different only in the written language. In addition, type-token ratios in written language showed more significant differences than spoken language. Third, other language features showed only a mild and gradual difference. Finally, the resu lt indicated there were no statistical differences of discourse aspects.
2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper analyzes the effects of six month intensive English teachers’ training on communicative language teaching. The subject includes twenty teachers who showed greater improvement in the pre and post comparison of their English teaching demos out of 37 elementary school English teachers attended in the training. The in-house evaluation criteria have been used to select twenty teachers who enhanced their teaching skills greater than others‘ To look into details of the teaching enhancement, Foreign Language lnteraction (FLint), Communicative Orientation of Language Teaching (COL T) and Target Language Observation Scheme (T ALOS) have been used to investigate changes of interaction, teacher language, activities and methods. The findings ofthis paper include that the positive effects of six month teachers’ training show pal1icularly in the area of designing and implementing activities. Teacher's c1assroom languages have changed into more non-directive and affective after the training. Teachers allow more rooms of students' engagement by using more question, confirmation and feedback discourse routÎne after the training.
2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The present study explores how high school English teachers perceive recently proposed or implemented English education policies. Among the policies are performance assessment, the depaπmentalized classroom system (DCS), 20 11 revised national curriculum for English, the two-Ievel (Types A' B) English tests in College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT), and National English Ability Test (NEAT). The study examines three aspects ofteacher perception on each p이 icy: knowledge, attitudes, and implementation. A questionnaire was administered, and the responses of 395 high school English teachers were analyzed‘ The res비ts showed that the knowledge aspect scored the highest for all five p이 icies while differences were revealed as to specific aspects of knowledge, attitudes, and implementation across different policies. It was also revealed that the attitude aspect was positively correlated with the implementation aspect and that correlation between attitude and implementation was higher than the 、 correlation between attitude and knowledge. The facto rs identified to be highly correlated with all five policies were teacher’s academic attainment, age, and teaching experience, the number of students per class, and the implementation of English creative school. Implications are suggested for in-service teacher development, English education policy-making, and effective policy implementation.
2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Thís study ínvestigated the effect of students’ background characterístícs on their performance on the NAEA (Natíonal Assessment of Educational Achíevement). In thís study, 6th, 9th ’ and 11 th grade students' Englísh scores on the NAEA ín the year of 2004 were employed. ßased on prevíous studíes, ten student varíables were selected. The fo l1owíng two research questíons were addressed. Fírst, what ís the rel atíonshíp between student varíables and NAEA scores? Second, to what extent does the predíctíve power of varíables díffer across the school level? Two statistical analyses (correlatíon and híerarchícal regressíon analysís) were performed us ing the SPSS version 18.0. Results of correlation analysis revealed that ‘ understanding in English class' was híghly correlated with NAEA scores . Results of the híerarchícal regressíon analysís showed that ‘ understandíng ín Englísh class ' was the best predíctor of NAEA scores across the school level. The predíctíve power of ‘tlme spent on prívate tutoring or c1asses taken at private institutions’ became weaker, as the school level íncreases from elementary to hígh school. The predíctive power of ‘ self-study tíme' became stronger, as the school level increases. The findíngs províde practical ímplícatíons for polícy-makers wíth respect to íncreasing EngIísh achievement.