Using a sociocultural approach, this study investigates how Korean learners of English internalize feedback and how this internalization affects their actual revision. To date, studies on learner response to feedback has used a cognitive approach in which learners are asked about their perceptions of teacher feedback. By adopting the idea of internalization from sociocultural theory, this study complexities analysis by comparing the extent to which two EFL students, Jeong-soo and Jee-min, internalize feedback by conducting in-depth interviews, collecting the written and oral feedback they received on their texts, and collecting the writing assignments they wrote. Analysis reveals that these two students are at different levels of internalization and that this difference is represented in their revisions. This developmental view of learners’ understanding of feedback provides a new perspective on learner response to feedback and implies that writing instructors should not only provide feedback but also facilitate learners’ understanding of feedback so that they can grow into self-regulated learners.
This study examines the effects of the sequence of increasing task complexity in different modalities on the learning of the English past tense of Korean secondary learners. Robinson’s (2007) Cognition Hypothesis argued that learners pay more attention to grammatical forms in complex tasks than in less complex tasks. He suggested that tasks should be sequenced in such a way that resource-dispersing dimensions are first increased in complexity followed by an increase in the complexity of resource-directing dimensions. However, little empirical research has been done on how tasks are sequenced according to their cognitive complexity and how task modality affects second language development in the sequence. Fifty-four learners were divided into an integrated (writing with oral interaction) task group (EG 1), an oral-only task group (EG 2) and a comparison group (CG). After the sequence of six tasks was completed, one-way ANOVA revealed the EGs outperformed the CG significantly on the posttest. The mean score of EG 1 was the highest, while the improvement rate of EG 2 was the highest among the three groups. It is hoped that this result will contribute to building a solid basis on which practitioners can make decisions about sequencing tasks and implementing task modality.
This study explores cross-linguistic differences in online sentence production, working on the theory that the grammatical characteristics of a language customize the speakers’ usual manner of sentence construction and utterance. It is reasoned that a contrast between English and Korean syntax has a direct bearing on that process: The sentential subject is licensed by a tensed verb in English, while it is by an overt morpheme in Korean. This gives rise to a substantial difference in the speakers’ speech patterns: English speakers’ message formation and linguistic encoding center on a verb, while Korean speakers elect or utter a subject first and then draw a predicate. An experiment is conducted on the hypotheses that (a) English L1 speakers are disposed to make sentences based on verbal information, so they would choose a subject that is conceptually more intimate with a given verb; (b) In contrast, Korean L1 speakers’ sentence construction is topic-oriented, so they would first consider the contextual properties of each referent such as shared familiarity and previous topicality; (c) Korean speakers’ L1 patterns would be persistent in their L2 English processing. The results and some implications for English teaching are discussed.
This paper examines the effectiveness of English Teacher Employment Examination (TEE) listening section items by analyzing potential examinees’ mock test scores on the 2009 and 2010 TEEs and their answers to survey questions related to each item. In addition, the relationship between the mock test results and the type or content of the test items is examined. To analyze and interpret the data, descriptive statistics (including means and standard deviations, ANOVA, and PTMEA [point-measure] correlation) are calculated. The findings of this study not only show the common features and differences between the 2009 and 2010 TEEs but also suggest implications to improve the items in terms of five points: item-exposure, point distribution, item discrimination, excessive number of choices, and factors influencing level of difficulty.
The realization that there is a mismatch between the vocabulary level presented in the Korean National Curriculum, and the required vocabulary size for EFL (English as a Foreign Language) high school learners to take the high-stakes Korean College Scholastic Ability Test stimulated the researchers of the present study to administer an assessment of Korean high school learners’ vocabulary sizes. Measurement of vocabulary knowledge was conducted with the adaptation of Nation’s bilingual vocabulary size test, receptive and productive, by improving construct validity of the items. Learners were tested for the 1st ~ 10th 1,000 word bands to ascertain learners’ vocabulary size at each level. The assessment of vocabulary size demonstrated receptive vocabulary knowledge to be as large as 6,000 words. However, unforeseen rises in the EFL learners’ vocabulary sizes at some word bands were observed, which seem to have emerged from the educational milieu and the predominant focus on receptive lexical knowledge and the testing of them. Suggestions are proposed for the revision of word list of the National Curriculum, which would become the blueprint for controlling vocabulary level in the development of national textbooks of English.
Previous task-based focus on form studies have shown that second language (L2) learners are strongly interested in lexis, which allows minimal attention for morphosyntax. A possible reason may be a lack of sufficient lexical knowledge crucial for completing a meaning-oriented task. In other words, from an L2 information processing perspective, learners may have limited attentional capacity to focus on the multiple aspects of a language, so they choose to focus on words as they express their meaning. But this leaves little attention for less salient and meaningful grammatical forms. Thus, this study investigated if providing learners with lexical assistance during a synchronous text-based computer-mediated communication (CMC) task would reduce their attention to lexis and divert that attention to morphosyntax. Twenty Korean learners of English performed a picture-based narrative task in dyads through online text chatting. While engaging in this task, one group of learners (n=10) was able to refer to a list of English words for the task, while the other group (n=10) was not. The findings showed no statistically significant differences between and within the groups. Possible explanations are discussed with suggestions for teaching and future research.
This paper aims to provide guidelines on developing English language proficiency (ELP) tests based on the experience from ELP assessments in the U.S. after the implementation of No Child Left Behind (NCLB). While there might be substantial differences between the content and purpose of ELP tests developed from country to country, there are, however, areas that experts in charge of ELP test development in other countries can benefit from. The NCLB legislation in the U.S. made the assessment of English language learners (ELL) students’ level of proficiency in English mandatory once a year and provided useful guidelines for developing ELP assessments. This mandate, along with its useful guidelines, helped improve the quality of ELP assessment significantly and led to the development of several batteries of ELP assessments either through consortia of states or by test publishers in the U.S. The newly developed assessments were based on states’ ELP standards. They incorporated the concept of academic language which is an essential requirement for ELL students’ performance in the academic content areas, and were tested in extensive pilot and field studies. Some implications were drawn from such improvements for ELL assessment and accountability not only in the U.S. but in other countries including Korea.
The primary purposes of this study are to identify the characteristics of modeling a rater training program and to develop an efficient training model at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. For these purposes, this study proposes that a rater training program should be standardized by accomplishing innovative systematic changes that consider multiple aspects. This study utilized a modified version of Lynch’s program evaluation model (1996, 2003) to collect evidence from different sources, including data drawn from the entire evaluation process ranging from needs analysis to a feedback system based on the final product of the evaluation. Mixed methods were proposed for the data analysis. Quantitative data analysis was proposed for analyzing the surveys, and the rating corpus. Qualitative and document analysis were also essential for analyzing relevant training materials and workshop observation as well as exploring the degree of change in the perceptions of the raters. The results of this study provide educational implications for language testing. The salient value of this study is the collaboration with stakeholders in a test administration situation. Raters’ concerns and challenges were clearly identified, shared, and resolved with the practitioners.