
영어교육 KCI 등재 SCOPUS English Teaching

이 간행물 논문 검색


Vol. 75 No. 4 (2020년 12월) 5

2020.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study investigates the role of age of first exposure in the acquisition and processing of English articles in an EFL setting. Fifty advanced Korean learners of English participated in a grammatical acceptability judgment task and a self-paced reading task. The participants were divided into two groups depending on the initial age at which they were constantly exposed to English at least 3 hours per week (‘early group’ < 12; ‘late group’ ≥ 12). No significant performance differences were observed between the two groups in the judgment task. However, meaningful differences were found between the reading behaviors of the two groups in the self-paced reading task. These findings show that the learners’ age of first exposure has a significant impact on learners’ performance when the ability to process English articles in real-time is evaluated. In contrast, it has much less impact on learners’ performance on a task which tests explicit knowledge under no time-limit condition.
2020.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The study investigates whether differences in metalinguistic information contained in written corrective feedback (CF) mediate its effectiveness for second language (L2) development. To address this, metalinguistic CF was distinguished into three types in terms of how specific its metalinguistic information was. They were then compared among themselves and with non-metalinguistic direct CF in their efficacy for short- and long-term development of explicit and implicit L2 knowledge. The target features for written CF were the English articles, and explicit and implicit knowledge were measured by the error correction test and dictogloss writings by 93 EFL learners respectively. The results suggest that, for both explicit and implicit L2 knowledge, metalinguistic CF was beneficial for short-term development only when it had high levels of specific information while it was effective for long-term development regardless of its type. The findings are discussed from the perspective of SLA theory, and their pedagogical implications and suggestions for future research are put forth.
2020.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In this study, we propose a link between L2 rhetorical concepts and ELF as a way of the analysis of the development of a single concept, of an EFL college student’s rhetorical knowledge. Using Vygotskian sociocultural theory as analytical lenses, we examine whether L2 rhetoric can be mastered and internalized as a culturally neutral concept, i.e., the formulaic knowledge of L2 writing the student has learned from the NEST through instruction; and how the student’s L1 rhetorical concept and ELF performance together mediate his L2 concept development in his academic writing. The data consist of a student’s personal narratives, text-based interviews and academic writings. Rather than the mastery of a single variety of English, he produced texts that reflect the flexibility and variability inherent in written ELF. From ELF perspectives, this study offers an opportunity of establishing a new normal, in which rhetorical conventions of texts should be viewed as constructs that are dynamic, emergent, and therefore negotiable and adaptable.
2020.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study compares the results of a survey of vocabulary learning strategy (VLS) use and perceived helpfulness by Korean university students to the taxonomy of VLS first presented by Schmitt. VLS suggested by previous research by the author and changes in technology since the original taxonomy was compiled were added to Schmitt’s list. The survey was administered online to 135 university students in Korea, primarily of Korean nationality. The results show that reported VLS use is up across the board, and the perceived helpfulness of the majority of VLS is up as well. Technological VLS are widely used for meaning discovery, but used moderately for vocabulary consolidation. Trends in the results are discussed, which suggest that learners rely on a range of VLS rather than a few core VLS. Technological VLS are common among Korean university students, though most still prefer traditional methods. Ramifications for vocabulary teaching and strategy instruction are also discussed, as well as suggestions for further research.
2020.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper explores the types of verbal humor that occur during interactions between teachers and learners in elementary-level English classes in Korea. Eighty-three videotaped ordinary English classes and interviews with seven teachers were analyzed. Spontaneous verbal humor was generally expressed in a mixture of English and Korean due to teachers’ and learners’ limited English proficiency. Wordplay was most prevalent, as learners often found Korean words that sounded similar to novel English terms. Teasing appeared quite frequently as well, with learners and teachers engaging in it to distract and gather attention, respectively. Senior students told the most jokes in order to save face. Narratives were found only in female teachers’ classes, as they shared personal anecdotes while their male counterparts did not. Meanwhile, hyperbole and self-deprecation were less likely to occur than other types of humor. Ultimately, humor is reaffirmed as a positive learning opportunity. Some pedagogical implications of these findings are suggested for English teachers.