The current study aimed to describe overall trends in recent English second language (L2) academic writing research and to identify effective interventions. To support drawing defensible conclusions based on the literature dealing with L2 writing, only recent empirical articles dealing with academic writing for English-L2 college students published in peer reviewed journals were included. Fifty five English L2 writing articles met the criteria for inclusion. For the identification of effective L2 writing interventions, I discriminated if the studies provided L2 writing interventions and the relevance to L2 writing development. As a result of analyses based on themes emerging in the English L2 academic writing literature, I noted effective English L2 academic writing interventions. Those interventions were teacher feedback, self-regulatory learning, peer feedback, and technology use. The use of a variety of measures and incorporation of specificity about prompts into the studies was recommended and the developmental trajectory of L2 writers was suggested to be further studied.
This research introduces an English language program of a research-oriented science and engineering university in Korea. The university had established a PBT TOEFL score of 550 as one of its graduation requirements in 1995, implementing it for fifteen years. The policy, however, created problems such as students’ learning focus on receptive skills of the language and the discrepancy between the English curriculum and the graduation requirement. In addition, students who were unable to graduate on time due to not meeting the graduation requirement had increased. Facing these issues, the institute abolished the TOEFL policy and developed a new English program, which is characterized by a level-based curriculum, the implementation of an in-house placement test, mandating a number of courses to take, focus on productive skills, and teaching both general English and ESP-oriented courses. With the aim to introduce its rationale, placement test and curriculum, this study also reports on the results of questionnaires designed to determine students’ perceptions of the new English program and main issues raised in a panel discussion designed to examine the program. Limits and suggestions for the program are lastly presented.
This present study concerned whether prompts and recasts that occur during interaction could play a role in L2 development. Adopting an untimed grammatical judgment test and an elicited oral imitation test to measure explicit and implicit knowledge, this study examined the relative effects of prompts and recasts on L2 development of past tense forms. The participants were pre-intermediate learners enrolled in English as a foreign language (EFL) classes at a university in Korea. The learners were assigned to two prompt groups, a recast group, and a control group. The analysis of the untimed grammaticality judgment test revealed that the participants promoted their explicit knowledge of the past tense forms of regular and irregular verbs when prompts were provided. The analysis also showed that the learners who received recasts improved their test scores but only in irregular past tense forms. No significant group difference was found among the treatment groups and the control group in the results of the elicited oral imitation test used to measure implicit knowledge of the target forms. These results indicated that prompts were beneficial for short-term L2 grammatical learning of EFL learners of pre-intermediate level. The implications and limitations are discussed in terms of the role of prompts in driving L2 development.
This study investigated whether or not there is any difference in the extent to which incidental vocabulary learning takes place according to the presence of background knowledge. Along with background knowledge, three other variables such as reading comprehension ability, reading strategies, and knowledge of words were examined to determine how each variable contributes to incidental vocabulary learning. The data from two groups of 60 second grade students in a Korean middle school was analyzed in this research, and the followings were measured: the use of reading strategies, reading comprehension ability, knowledge of passage sight vocabulary, background knowledge on a text, and knowledge of target words. The findings revealed that the participants inferred the meaning of unknown words better when they had more background knowledge. Each of the four variables was a significant predictor of their incidental vocabulary learning and played a facilitative role in the lexical inferencing process. The results are discussed in terms of the conditions for efficient incidental vocabulary learning through reading.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the level-appropriateness of listening tasks in middle-school English activity books, which have been used in Korean secondary schools since 2009 in order to facilitate level-differentiated learning. Five different kinds of middle-school English activity books from grade 1 to grade 3 (i.e., 15 in total) were randomly chosen for analysis. It was found that the listening task difficulty of activity books as a whole became greater as the proficiency level went up, which implied listening tasks were well sequenced regarding the proficiency level. Some activity books, however, showed a problem with sequencing listening tasks in terms of difficulty because the task difficulty in the higher grade was lower than that in the lower grade. In terms of listening task difficulty, in addition, activity books were not homogeneous even in the same level. Implications of the findings for the level– appropriateness of listening tasks and further research into listening task difficulty are discussed.
This paper aims to investigate what types of paraphrasing are the most and the least frequently attempted by Korean L2 writers and to examine whether the tendency is affected by L2 writers’ English proficiency. A total of 50 summary protocols were collected from 50 college students and analyzed through the discourse analysis program, CLAN. It has been found that when attempting to paraphrase, Korean L2 summary writers tend to resort to minimal modification such as deleting, adding, or replacing vocabulary using synonyms; they are reluctant to modify substantially by combining or transforming sentence structures. The frequency of using more substantial syntactic modification increases as their proficiency improves. However, the overall tendency still remains that syntactic modification is much less used than lexical modification across the differing proficiency groups. Thus, instruction of paraphrasing skills is recommended particularly for less proficient L2 writers since it encourages them to use syntactic and lexical knowledge for communicative purposes. It is also suggested that paraphrasing tasks will be valid writing tasks for assessing syntactic and lexical knowledge in use.
This study examined whether vocabulary knowledge has meaningful effects on reading comprehension of Korean high school EFL learners and investigated which specific type of vocabulary knowledge, between vocabulary breadth and depth, plays a bigger role in reading comprehension when the learners’ English language proficiency is taken into account. The participants of this study were ninety eight high school EFL learners in Seoul, Korea, and they were tested on a series of measures tapping on their reading comprehension abilities and vocabulary knowledge in two different dimensions (vocabulary breadth and depth). Their listening comprehension abilities were also measured in order to control for the effects of general oral language comprehension abilities known to be the foremost contributor to reading comprehension and thus to enable focused analysis of the role of vocabulary knowledge. The study findings revealed that 1) vocabulary knowledge itself played a critical role in predicting reading comprehension abilities even after controlling for their listening comprehension abilities and that 2) compared to vocabulary breadth, vocabulary depth played a relatively more important role in predicting reading comprehension, regardless of the learners’ language proficiency. The findings provide important implications for vocabulary and reading comprehension instructions for Korean EFL students.
The purpose of the study was to identify Korean high school students’ beliefs about L2 learning and a structural model that best explains the belief factors associated with L2 achievement using structural equation modeling (SEM). It has furthermore explored the effect of gender on the structural model of belief factors affecting L2 achievement. A total of 447 students (253 boys, 194 girls) at two schools completed a questionnaire containing 26 Likert-scale items. The results produced five underlying constructs: selfefficacy of English learning, importance of grammar learning, role of teacher feedback, importance of accuracy, and nature of English learning. The final SEM model showed that both self-efficacy of English learning and importance of grammar learning were positive, direct, and significant predictors of L2 achievement. Role of teacher feedback and nature of English learning, however, were indirectly related to the L2 achievement through the mediating role of self-efficacy of English learning. The study also provided empirical evidence that gender moderated the causal relationships among belief factors affecting L2 attainment. Based on the findings, pedagogical implications to improve L2 instruction were suggested.
This study analyzed the text readability of the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) and High School English Ⅱ textbooks by focusing on reading and compared the difficulty levels between them. To analyze the readability, the Flesh 2.0 for Windows and the Web VP 1.5 (2003) were used. To find out about high school students’ attitudes and behavior towards English and their preferences of English books, a questionnaire consisting of ten questions was administered. The results revealed that the textbooks are more readable than the CSATs in terms of the Flesch-Kincaid Reading Grade Level (RGL) and Reading Ease Score (RES). The average length per sentence of the textbooks is shorter than that of the CSATs. Furthermore, the CSATs have a higher percent of academic words than the textbooks. The questionnaire results showed that the participants, 228 second-year high school boy and girl students, preferred CSAT prep books, followed by EBS books and textbooks. Based on the findings, the basic directions of the CSAT and the guidelines to write textbooks have been suggested.
The language threshold effect on comprehending an L2 (second language) text was experimentally examined, using two types of measurement tool, multiple-choice & true/false questions and a recall task for L2 reading comprehension. Cognitive processes implicated in each measure were delineated to allow a finer analysis on the role of L1 reading competence and L2 proficiency in comprehending an L2 text. In order to observe how one aspect of L2 proficiency, vocabulary knowledge, is related to language threshold effect, thirty-two 9th grade Korean students in Korea were given a vocabulary knowledge acquisition activity in a treatment condition between a pretest and a posttest. The relative contributions that L1 reading competence and L2 proficiency made to L2 reading comprehension were analyzed before the treatment and after the treatment using multiple-regression analysis technique. The findings of this repeated measure design were consistent with previous correlational studies showing that the role of L1 reading competence became stronger as L2 proficiency operationalized via vocabulary knowledge improved. What is elaborated in the present study is the fact that cognitive processes, initiated by a recall task, are more sensitive to the weakening of language threshold effects.
Two experiments were conducted to examine the effects of visual input enhancement (VIE) of target forms and deliberate attention on grammar learning and reading comprehension of Korean high school students. In Experiment 1, eighty-eight students read one of the three experimental texts: (i) BT (baseline text), (ii) VIE (BT with the target forms visually enhanced), and (iii) VIE-Attention (VIE with explicit instruction asking students to pay deliberate attention to both the target forms and reading comprehension). After reading, the students responded to grammar and reading comprehension tests. The results showed that only VIE-Attention promoted grammar learning, while both the VIE and VIE-Attention significantly impaired reading comprehension. In Experiment 2, an eye tracker was used in order to further probe the effects of VIE and deliberate attention. The results revealed that the VIE and VIEAttention groups fixated longer and more often than those in the BT group and that the VIE and VIE-Attention groups performed better in the grammar test and poorer on the reading comprehension test than the BT group. The present study makes significant contributions to the VIE literature since it provides the first eye movement data elucidating the effects of VIE.
One year has already passed since the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) language proficiency requirements (LPRs) test was implemented in Korea. The purpose of this study was to investigate the military air traffic controllers’ (ATCs) perceptions and their needs on English Proficiency Test for Aviation (EPTA) test. To do that, the results were compared with civilian ATCs’ perceptions which were analyzed by Shin and Kim (2005). A total of 60 active duty Air Force ATCs participated in the survey process. The questionnaire was composed of 27 items including 23 multiple choice and 4 open-ended questions. All results were discussed in the following categories: general perception of the EPTA, specific needs for military ATCs and test preparations. The results showed that gaps still exist among ICAO LPRs, the current EPTA test, and military ATCs’ specific needs. It was suggested that, to make more customized aviation English tests in the Korean ESP field as well as to meet the ICAO LPRs, it is necessary for all relevant governmental organizations, language test groups, and test experts to continuously pay attention to test-takers’ practical and specific needs.
The present study investigates and identifies the types of grammar errors that 84 Korean EFL (KEFL) learners made when they took the TOEIC Speaking test part five and compared the results with the previous studies. The 84 undergraduates participated and two native speakers of English analyzed the data. The data were classified into the taxonomy of four surface strategies: omission, addition, misformation, and misordering. Errors of omission were the highest consisting of 74.9%, followed by those of misformation at 19.9%, addition at 3.5%, and misordering at 1.7%. The findings had a difference from the previous studies adopted for comparison. The error frequencies were very different from those observed in writing, or interview tasks in the previous studies. Errors of misformation were the highest, followed by those of omission. This difference was considered to be caused by the short test taking time, and the task itself. The KEFL learners were unlikely to try to correct their errors within the limited time since very few self-corrections were observed in their spoken answers. This study suggests that explicit grammar instruction and correction are needed to teach speaking.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the errors concerning V-ing forms in Korean college freshmen’s English essays in order to provide some guidelines for teaching the forms effectively. The data for this study were retrieved from a learner corpus consisting of 815 essays written by Korean college freshmen. A total of 3,843 words were found in the form of V-ing, which were categorized according to their roles as follows: (a) present participles (1,235 tokens), (b) gerunds (2,591 tokens), and (c) unclear cases (17 tokens). Of the 3,843 forms of V-ing, a total of 292 tokens were classified as erroneous, 137 of which were participle-related errors and 138 gerundrelated errors. The most frequently occurring errors under the categories of present participles and gerunds were the use of a present particle without a main verb (64.2%) (e.g. I *looking for the meaning of the building’s name) and to-infinitive related errors (66.7%) (e.g. Therefore, we try to *changing our college’s image), respectively. Pedagogical suggestions based on the findings of the study are also provided at the end.