To develop farm-made high effective vinegar, this study prepared apple vinegar using four kinds of acetic acid bacteria isolated from a natural fermentation liquid of ‘Cheongsoo’ grapes and analyzed vinegar samples fermented 93% apple juice and 7% alcohols at 30℃ for 20 days. To accomplish this, quality characteristics such as pH, total acidity, reducing sugar, organic acid, color, total polyphenol contents, and antioxidant activity contents were determined. The pH decreased while total acidity of all samples gradually increased during fermentation period. The vinegar with AP 21 strain tended to increase the total acidity quicker than other stains. Reduced sugar content remained high until the last fermentation day. Furthermore, reduced sugar contents of all vinegars increased as fermentation progressed by decomposing sucrose present in apples. When physiological activities were compared, apple vinegars fermented with AP 21 and 30 strains had higher total polyphenol and flavonoid contents than other samples. However, there was no significant difference in antioxidant activity between samples. These results indicate that strain 21 is the most suitable starter as acetic acid bacteria for producing farm-made vinegar.
This study examined the quality characteristics of 10 different lines of native peppers collected from organic farms in Chungbuk province. The study found a strong correlation between the redness (a*) and ASTA values, which both contribute to the perceived quality of peppers. The highest values were observed in the Iyugsa line. The content of capsaicinoid and beta-carotene also showed a positive correlation, with Chilsungcho having the highest statistically significant value. While the total polyphenol content did not correlate with the other indicators, Chilsungcho again had the highest levels. The Yuwolcho line exhibited the highest ABTS radical scavenging ability, while the Eumseongcho line showed the highest DPPH radical scavenging ability. Taking into account the overall bioactivity quality, Chilsungcho had the highest values in terms of total polyphenol, beta-carotene, capsaicinoid, and redness. It also had the second highest total flavonoid content, ABTS, and DPPH radical scavenging activity, all statistically significant. Therefore, Chilsungcho can be considered an excellent choice when considering physiological activity. Furthermore, this study provides valuable information about the unique characteristics of these 10 native pepper lines, which can assist in selecting the appropriate pepper for food manufacturing and serve as a helpful resource for future research.
The objective of this study was to investigate the quality characteristics of Campbell Early grape-added traditional Korean wines (yakju) prepared with different yeasts and pretreatments. The first pretreatment (A) was prepared by crushing the grapes, the second method (B) was prepared by heating the grapes at 60~70℃ for 30 minutes, and the third method (C) was prepared by freeze-concentrating grape juice. The pH of the fermented wines ranged from 3.77 to 4.10, and the total acidity of the samples ranged from 0.32 to 0.62%. The a value (redness) ranged from –0.40 to 17.89, which was higher in Campbell Early-added samples than in the controls (grapes not added). Total polyphenol content was the highest in samples prepared by crushing or heating Campbell Early grapes with ES22, and the total flavonoid contents were the highest in samples prepared by crushing Campbell Early grapes with ES22. The anthocyanin contents were also the highest in the samples fermented by heating Campbell Early grapes. ABTS and DPPH radical scavenging activities were also the highest (84.08 and 77.56%, respectively) in samples fermented by heating Campbell Early grapes.
Existing reinforced concrete (RC) frame buildings have seismic vulnerabilities because of seismically deficient details. In particular, since cumulative damage caused by successive earthquakes causes serious damage, repair/retrofit rehabilitation studies for successive earthquakes are needed. This study investigates the repair effect of fiber-reinforced polymer jacketing system for the seismically-vulnerable building structures under successive earthquakes. The repair modeling method developed and validated from the previous study was implemented to the building models. Additionally, the main parameters of the FRP jacketing system were selected as the number of FRP layers associated with the confinement effects and the installation location. To define the repair effects of the FRP jacketing system with the main parameters, this study conducted nonlinear time-history analyses for the building structural models with the various repairing scenarios. Based on this investigation, the repair effects of the damaged building structures were significantly affected by the damage levels induced from the mainshocks regardless of the retrofit scenarios.
한반도 인근 화산분화에 의한 대기질 Worst-case 시나리오 선정을 위해 HYSPLIT을 이용하여 공기괴 이동을 분석하였다. 백두산, 아소산 및 다루마에산에서의 분화를 가정하여 3시간 간격으로 91일 간 (2010년 4월 1일 - 6월 30일) 공기괴(air parcel) 전진궤적 (forward-trajectory)을 생성하였다. 생성궤적에 대해 군집분석, GIS 분석을 수행하였으며 분석결과를 토대로 각 화산의 분화사례일을 대기질 측면의 중요도로서 평가하여 다섯 단계로 분류하였다. 제시된 사례일 중 대기질 측면에서의 중요도가 가장 높은 분화사례일 (class A)은 백두산 5월 13일, 6월 2일, 6월 22일, 아소산 4월 9일, 6월 13일, 6월 17일, 6월 24일, 다루마에산 5월 29일로 평가되었다. 또한 시나리오 선정에 있어 모사기간 및 도메인 설정에 고려할 수 있는 한국상공 진입 공기괴 궤적의 시공간적 분포 및 이동 패턴 분석결과를 분석대상 화산별로 제시하였다.
Park Jae-eun. 2013. On prolonging in Korean conversation. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 21(3). This paper explores the systematic retardation of turn progression in Korean conversation, focusing on the phenomenon of prolonging. Prolonging is defined as a practice whereby speakers suspend the progression of a turn toward a possible completion particularly by drawing on sound stretches as a primary resource. The analysis of data shows that prolonging, observed at a point where the action is more or less recognizable, is used to reinforce the speaker's epistemic or affective stance as well as to project dispreferredness in a way that delays the arrival of a transition-relevance place. I argue that prolonging can be employed at any word boundary as long as the emergent action is recognizable and that it serves as a basis for understanding how readily a turn can be manipulated in the service of practical social actions in Korean conversation. (137 words)
본 논문은 대화분석적 측면에서 한국어 대화에서 나타나는 재언급을 살펴본다. 말차례나 순서를 닫는 역할을 하는 재언급을 크게 두 가지, 즉 반복 재언급과 대용형 재언급으로 분류하여 분석한다. 자연스럽게 일어나는 대화 자료를 분석한 결과에 의하면 두 가지 타입의 재언급은 모두 말차례나 연속체를 끝맺음하는 기능이 있으며, 끝맺음은 다음 화자가 신속하게 새로운 말차례를 발화하거나 현재 화자가 새로운 말차례를 발화하여 주제의 전환을 이끌어냄으로써 표시되는 것을 볼 수 있다. 분석 결과에 의거하여 재언급이 여러 차례 반복적으로 나타나는 현상 및 대용형 재언급이 끝맺음 최후 통첩을 위한 자원으로 활용되는 현상에 대하여 논의한다.
The present study explores how high school English teachers perceive recently proposed or implemented English education policies. Among the policies are performance assessment, the depaπmentalized classroom system (DCS), 20 11 revised national curriculum for English, the two-Ievel (Types A' B) English tests in College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT), and National English Ability Test (NEAT). The study examines three aspects ofteacher perception on each p이 icy: knowledge, attitudes, and implementation. A questionnaire was administered, and the responses of 395 high school English teachers were analyzed‘ The res비ts showed that the knowledge aspect scored the highest for all five p이 icies while differences were revealed as to specific aspects of knowledge, attitudes, and implementation across different policies. It was also revealed that the attitude aspect was positively correlated with the implementation aspect and that correlation between attitude and implementation was higher than the 、 correlation between attitude and knowledge. The facto rs identified to be highly correlated with all five policies were teacher’s academic attainment, age, and teaching experience, the number of students per class, and the implementation of English creative school. Implications are suggested for in-service teacher development, English education policy-making, and effective policy implementation.