
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study assessed dried vegetables derived from sweet potato petioles to promote the use of typically discarded aerial parts. The length (18.25 to 35.00 cm) and thickness (4.59 to 6.66 mm) of the petioles varied by variety, with ‘Hophungmi’ and ‘Tongchaeru’ showing promise for dried vegetable processing due to their longer and thicker petioles. In terms of color, ‘Hophungmi’ and ‘Shinmi’ exhibited high lightness, ‘Tongchaeru’ and ‘Hayangmi’ displayed strong redness, and ‘Pungwonmi’ had high yellowness. Rehydration rates and hardness increased over the harvest period, with ‘Pungwonmi’ and ‘Tongchaeru’ demonstrating excellent rehydration capacity. Additionally, ‘Hayangmi,’ ‘Shinmi,’ ‘Tongchaeru,’ and ‘Hophungmi’ maintained lower hardness levels, appealing to consumers who prefer a softer texture. Notably, the substantial polyphenol content (10.70 to 16.20 mg GAE/g) and flavonoid content (4.79 to 8.11 mg CE/g), along with antioxidant activity (DPPH: 1.11 to 2.14 mg, ABTS: 5.51 to 7.78 mg TE/g), indicate their potential as antioxidant-rich functional foods. This research supports the development of dried vegetable products tailored to consumer preferences.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Carbon materials with tailorable structures and superior properties have great potential applications in environmental protection, energy conversion, and catalysis. Plant biomass as abundant and green non-toxic raw materials has been considered as good precursors for synthesizing heteroatom-doped carbon materials. However, few studies have been reported on the different natures of carbon materials derived from different parts of the same plant biomass. In this study, we prepared carbon materials from the petioles and blades of apricot leaves by direct pyrolysis without additives. Detailed characterizations indicate that these two carbon materials are similar in element composition and graphitization degree, but differ greatly in surface area and pore volume. These differences can be attributed to the different contents of inorganic salts, vascular bundles, and proteins in petioles and blades. When used as catalysts for the oxidation of ethylbenzene, the petiole-derived carbon shows better catalytic performance than the blades derived carbon due to its high surface area, large average pore size, and doped nitrogen atoms. Furthermore, the carbon catalysts derived from the petioles and blades of poplar leaves and parasol tree leaves show the same difference in catalytic reaction, implying that the above-mentioned conclusion is rather universal, which can provide reference for the synthesis of carbon materials from leaves.
        2011.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구는 쌈채소로 각광받고 있지만 산림에서는 희귀한 식물이며 번식이 까다로운 병풍쌈(Cacalia firma)을 기내 번식을 통한 식물체 번식을 위하여 진행되었다. 병풍쌈의 기내 종자발아를 위해서는 종자의 절단 및 GA3처리가 효과적이었다. 종자유래 유식물체의 자엽, 잎, 엽병 및 뿌리절편을 BA가 첨가되 배지에 배양한 결과 엽병 절편당 2.76개로 가장 양호하였다. 부정아 유래 식물체의 엽병 절편을 다양한 종류의 cytokinin(2-iP, kinetin, zeatin, TDZ, 및 BA)를 각각 2 mg·L-1씩 단독 첨가한 배지와, 오옥신으로 NAA 0.5 mg·L-1을 혼합 첨가한 배지에 접종하였다. 그 결과 TDZ와 BA에서 높은 부정아 유도율을 나타냈고, kinetin에선 낮은 부정아 유도율을 보였으며, 2-iP와 zeatin에서는 부정아가 형성되지 않았다. NAA를 혼합한 배지는 단독 처리 배지보다 높은 유도율을 나타냈지만 배양절편당 부정아의 수는 오히려 줄어들었다. 대부분의 부정아는 cytokinin 단독 처리시 배양절편으로부터 직접부정아가 발생되었으며, cytokinin과 NAA 혼합된 배지에서는 일부 캘러스화된 부분에서 부정아가 발생되었다. 이들 부정아는 IBA가 첨가된 배지에 옮겨준 경우 뿌리가 발생되어 식물체로 재생되었다. 재생된 식물체는 토양에 성공적으로 순화되었다.