
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 9

        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In moth, pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN) regulates pheromone biosynthesis by binding to its receptor (PBANr). In this study, we cloned a PBANr gene (Mvi-PBANr) from sex pheromone gland in M. vitrata, which encodes 475 amino acid and includes 7 transmembrane domains. As a results of phylogenetic analysis, Mvi-PBANr is clustered with lepidopteran PBANrs. Mvi-PBANr was investigated for the effect of pheromone biosynthesis via RNA interference (RNAi), gas chromatography (GC) and bioassay. Consequently, expression level of Mvi-PBANr suppressed via RNAi, resulting in decrease pheromone component (E10E12-16:Ald). Mating rate was also reduced when performing the RNAi. These results revealed that Mvi-PBANr played important role in the pheromone biosynthesis in M. vitrata, and Mvi-PBANr can be used as new pest control targets.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A cDNA of PBAN receptor (Plx-PBANR) isolated from female pheromone gland of the diamondback moth encodes 338 amino acids and has 7 transmembranes, belonging to G-protein coupled receptor family. The fact that Plx-PBANR expression was only found in female pheromone gland revealed that pheromone gland is the only molecular target of Plx-PBAN. Plx-PBANR expressing cells increased level of Ca2+ influx when challenged with PBANs. When RNAi fragment for PBANR was injected into pupae, suppression of PBANR expression was maintained for at least 2 days at post-emergence. Injection of RNA fragment for inhibition of Plx-PBANR expression also inhibited mating behavior and suppressed sex pheromone production, suggesting that some molecular target was affected by reduced Plx-PBANR expression. We cloned partial Δ9 and Δ11 desaturase gene and investigated expression level in Plx-PBANR-RNAi moth. It is of interest that desaturases expression was reduced by RNA fragment injection. These results suggest of PBANR expression affects the molecular biological events of PBAN and eventually suppresses mating behavior.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Sex pheromone production in lepidopteran is stimulated and regulated by a pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN). A cDNA of PBAN receptor (Plx-PBANR) isolated from female pheromone gland of the diamondback moth (DBM, Plutella xylostella (L.) encodes 338 amino acids. Plx-PBANR has conserved biochemical motifs and 7 transmembranes, indicating it belongs to G-protein coupled receptor family. Plx-PBANR expression was only found in female pheromone gland, demonstrating that pheromone gland is the only molecular target of Plx-PBAN. Human uterus carcinoma (HeLa) was stably transfected with Plx-PBANR gene and its expression was confirmed by RT-PCR analysis. Plx-PBANR expressing cells increased level of Ca2+ influx when challenged with Plx-PBAN and Hez-PBAN from Heliothis zea. When RNAi fragment for PBANR was injected into pupae, suppression of PBANR expression was confirmed by RT-PCR and maintained for at least 2 days at post-emergence. Injection of RNA fragment into pupae for inhibition of Plx-PBANR expression also inhibited mating behavior, revealing that reproductive organ of the female has no spermatocyte and that there are no successful reproductive behaviors. These results suggest of PBANR expression affects the molecular biological events of PBAN and eventually suppresses mating behavior.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A cDNA of PBAN receptor (Plx-PBANR) isolated from female pheromone gland of the diamondback moth (DBM, Plutella xylostella (L.) encodes 338 amino acids. Plx-PBANR includes 7 transmembranes, indicating it belongs to G-protein coupled receptor family. Plx-PBANR showed high similarities with other moth PBANRs and its expression was only found in female pheromone gland, demonstrating that pheromone gland is the only molecular target of Plx-PBAN. To accomplish the funcional expression of Plx-PBANR, Human uterus carcinoma was stably transfected with Plx-PBANR gene and Plx-PBANR expression was confirmed by RT-PCR analysis. Plx-PBANR expressing cells increased level of Ca2+ influx when challenged with Plx-PBAN and Hez-PBAN from Heliothis zea, as ionomycin as a positive control does. To inhibit Plx-PBNAR expression in vivo, RNAi fragment for Plx-PBANR was injected into pupae. Suppression of PBANR expression was confirmed by RT-PCR and also induced inhibition of mating behavior in adults, revealing that reproductive organ of the female has no spermatocyte and that there are no successful reproductive behaviors. RNAi-treated adults showed reduced pheromone production. These results suggests that inhibition of PBANR expression affects the molecular biological events of PBAN and eventually suppresses mating behavior.