The emergence of Mo2C- based catalysts in recent years has been favored as promising contender within diverse class MXenes. In terms of rapid development in the photocatalytic application, these intriguing compounds exhibit excellent photocatalytic performance because of their superior optical properties and peculiar structure characteristics. Unfortunately, a systematic review of Mo2C- based catalysts is lacking. In this review, we abstract the implication of structure—property relationship of emerging Mo2C- based MXenes materials and their applications toward the photocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). Furthermore, synthetic pathways to prepare high-quality, low cost Mo2C- based MXenes materials and their outcomes for high HER applications are systematically described. Finally, several insights are provided into the prospects and future challenges for the development of highly reactive Mo2C- based MXenes materials, which present large range opportunities in this promising 2D materials for green and clean energy in environmental fields. This review provides a comprehensive scientific guide to the preparation, modification, and photocatalytic HER of MXenes-based materials.
광촉매 반응이 자연유기물에 의한 나노여과막의 오염에 미치는 영향을 살펴보았다. 광촉매 분해공정은 자연유기물의 분해와 변형에 효율적이었으며 이산화티타늄과 고정화 비드를 광촉매로 사용하였다. 광촉매적 특성을 비교하기 위하여 칼슘 이온 존재 시의 휴민산의 광분해를 모델 반응으로 설정하였다. 광분해 전에는 치밀한 막오염층이 형성되어 막오염을 가속화시킨 반면, 광분해 후에는 막오염이 크게 감소하였다.
반도성 세라믹 광촉매 막 반응기(membrane reactor)에 의한 난분해성 유독 유기물질의 효율적인 분해공정을 개발하기 위한 기초 연구로서 TiO2 광촉매 막의 전기화학 반응에 의한 개미산(formic acid)의 산화/분해 효율성에 대해 연구하였다. 막 반응기는 용액의 여과(filtration)와 광전기화학 반응에 의한 유기물의 광분해를 동시에 수행할 수 있도록 제작되었다. 복합막의 담체임과 동시에 전극의 역할을 할 수 있는 전기 전도성 SnO2 또는 stainless steel 다공성 튜브상에 pH가 1.45인 TiO2 졸을 졸-겔 침지 코팅하여 광촉매 복합막을 제조하였으며 광원으로는 365 nm 파장을 갖는 UV를 사용하였다. TiO2 광촉매 막의 전기화학 반응에 의한 개미산의 산화효율은 전극에 걸어주는 전압과 반응시간에 따라 증가하였으나 투과량(flux)에는 거의 무관하였다. TiO2/SnO2 복합막을 사용한 경우 외부 전압을 27V 걸어주었을때 77% 정도의 산화효율을 얻을 수 있었으며 TiO2 /stainless steel 복합막에서는 90% 이상이었다. 광촉매 전기화학 반응을 이용함으로써 높은 투과량하에서도 개미산의 산화효율을 단순한 TiO2 광촉매 반응에서 보다 6~7배 가량 증진시킬 수 있었다.
The VOCs have a direct influence on indoor air pollution, and stimulate respiratory organs and eyes in human body. Also, most of VOCs are a carcinogenic substances and causes to SBS (sickness building syndrome). Therefore, this study was progressed in photocatalysis of VOCs using UV/TiO2 which was a benign process environmentally. The experiments were performed to know photodegradation characteristics as crystalline structure of TiO2 which had anatase, rutile and P-25 (anatase:rutile=70:30). The main purpose of this study was to identify photocatalytic characteristics as inlet concentration of reactants, H2O, and residence time.
The aim of this study is, firstly, to find out what kinds of inorganic species are produced in the photocatalytic oxidation of ammonium-nitrogen containing water and, secondly, to seek the influence of anion for the photocatalytic oxidation of ammonium contained compounds. The photoenergy above 3 eV(λ<415 nm) was effectively absorbed by TiO2 and TiO2/polymer was used to be oxidized NH4-N in wastewater to NO3-N. Existing the anion as Cl-, the rate of photocatalytic oxidation decreased regardless of other condition. This result showed that the chloride ions reduced the rate of oxidation by scavenging oxidizing radical species as OH- and OCl-. Some of the added ion might have blocked the active sites of the catalyst surface, thus deactivated the catalyst.
The photocatalytic decolorization and photodegradation of wastewater contamininated with dyes such as methyleneblue tetrahydrate(MBT), methyl orange(MO), phenol red(PR) and the mixed dyes have been studied using a batch reactor in the presence of aerotropic and titania.
Degussa P25 titanium oxide was used as the photocatalyst and proved to be effective for the dyes-degradation when irradiated with UV-light source emitting the wavelength of 253.7 nm in the presence of air. In addition to removing the color from the wastewater, the photocatalytic reaction simultaneously reduced the COD and optical density which suggests that the dissolved organic compounds have been photooxidized.
The reaction rate of disappearance of the dyes were measured as a function of the irradiation times. The photooxidative procedure of the aquatic solution have the first order reaction-kinetics. The rate constants were increased in the order of PR < MBT < <MO < mixing dyes, and all of these dyes have been mostly photodegraded within 240-minutes, when the aquatic sample solution containing 0.5 gL-1-TiO2 powder were irradiated with the UV-light source.