Black fungus gnats play an important role as the decomposers in the forest ecosystem. Their larvae live on various organic matters, and the subfamily Sciarinae, in particular, have restricted habitats that feed on dead woods in the deep forest. We compared the biodiversity of family Sciaridae from two different habitats, the clear-cutting area (CA) and the pitch pine forest (PF) by the emergence traps (ET) and the pitfall traps (PT) from May to October, 2010. A total of 12 species were reliably identified to the species among 19 unique taxa belonging to 9 genera 4 subfamilies from 716 collected black fungus gnats. Taxonomic studies show that Corynoptera bicuspidata (Lengersdorf, 1926) (200 individuals, 27.9 % of total) and Cory. sinedens Hippa, Vilkamaa & Heller, 2010 (74 individuals, 10.3 % of total) dominate in the PF and the CA, respectively. Species richness and abundance of CA is lower than those of PF. Any species of subfamily Sciarinae were not collected in the CA. These findings indicate that the biodiversity of Sciaridae was influenced by forest management such as clear cutting, which leads to the changes of canopy cover, dead woods and leaf litter layer.
2000년 3월부터 2000년 11월까지 공주시 근교의 리기다소나무림에서 계절별 버섯의 출현종과 종별 개체수, 생산량 및 영양염류 함량을 조사하였다. 조사기간 중 영구방형구 내에 출현한 종은 총 32종류이었다. 버섯은 6월부터 출현하기 시작하여 9월에 종다양성과 생산량이 가장 높았다. 월별 우점종은 6월과 7월에는 밀버섯, 8월과 9월은 갈색털꾀꼬리버섯 이었으며, 10월에 젖버섯아재비버섯을 끝으로 더 이상 출현하지 않았다. 연중 가장 많은 개체수를 보인