
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2006.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to measure the pizza purchasing behavioral characteristics of respondents and importances of factors affecting pizza purchase, to estimate the effects of attributes on pizza restaurant choice, and to predict probability of selecting a particular pizza restaurant. The questionnaire consisted of two parts: The paired experimental profiles, purchasing behavior and importances of factors affecting pizza purchase. This study generated profiles of 16 hypothetical pizza restaurant based on the seven attributes. The profiles comprised 16 discrete sets of variables, each of which had two levels. For this study, researcher randomly selected 150 students of university as respondents. Twenty students did not complete the survey instrument, resulting in a final sample size of 129. All estimations were carried out using frequencies, 2, independent samples t-test, phreg procedure of SAS package. The results are as follows. Some purchasing behavioral characteristics and importances of factors affecting pizza purchase were significantly different by gender. Based on the estimated models developed for male student group and female student group, the Chi-square statistics were significant at p〈0.001. The parameter estimate for late delivery time with male student group was highest, and the parameter estimate for price with female student group was highest. The pizza restaurant that charged \20,000, offered 100% discount on eleventh pizza, promised to deliver pizza in 40 mins, usually delivered the pizza as promised time, offered only 1 type of pizza crust, delivered warm pizza, offered the money-back guarantee was favored by each of male student group and female student group. The results from this study suggested that there was an opportunity to increase market share and profit by improving operations so that customers receive discount and money-back guarantee simultaneously, and by reducing price, delivery time.