
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The application of sublimation transfer printing is widely expanded in the textile industry according to the growth of IT technology. Therefore, its improvement of manufacturing process is strongly needed. In this paper, new manufacturing process of sublimation transfer printing by combining conveyor system and hot plate pressing is developed. New process has improved quality and productivity of sublimation transfer printing. It is shown that the new process has better indices than existing process in the required time, man power, production output and sales. New process is able to cope with mass production and various manufacturing condition actively.
        2012.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Diamond-like carbon (DLC) films have been widely used in many industrial applications because of their outstanding mechanical and chemical properties like hardness, wear resistance, lubricous property, chemical stability, and uniformity of deposition. Also, DLC films coated on paper, polymer, and metal substrates have been extensively used. In this work, in order to improve the printing quality and plate wear of polymer printing plates, different deposition conditions were used for depositing DLC on the polymer printing plates using the Pulsed DC PECVD method. The deposition temperature of the DLC films was under 100˚C, in order to prevent the deformation of the polymer plates. The properties of each DLC coating on the polymer concave printing plate were analyzed by measuring properties such as the roughness, surface morphology, chemical bonding, hardness, plate wear resistance, contact angle, and printing quality of DLC films. From the results of the analysis of the properties of each of the different DLC deposition conditions, the deposition conditions of DLC + F and DLC + Si + F were found to have been successful at improving the printing quality and plate wear of polymer printing plates because the properties were improved compared to those of polymer concave printing plates.
        1998.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Photoresist is defined as substance that makes chemical changes in its solubility, colouring and hardening by light energy. In this study, photosensitive photoresists of the positive type for a printing plate were studied. PF, o-, m-, p-CF resins as a matrix resin were synthesized at an identical condition. Photoresists were prepared by mixing NDS derivatives with a matrix resin at various mixing ratios. Characteristics of photoresists were studied by yield method of residual using solubility and Optical microscope was also analyzed. Prepared photoresist using NDS derivatives shows excellent photosensitivity and solubility compared with commercial product. The mixing ratio of 1:4(by mass) of NDS derivative[III] and m-CF resin shows the highest dissoultion rate among others. In addition, photoresist was obtained at this condition resulted in the superior sensitivity and contrast.
        1997.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Naphthoquinone-1,2-diazide-5-sulfonyl [NDS]derivatives members of Quinone diazide compound that are utilizable as photoresist for printing plate were synthesized, and photoresist were prepared by mixing these derivatives with a matrix resin(PF, CF) at various weight ratios. Photosensitive characteristics of photoresist were studied by Gray scale method, and SEM to analyze if they can be used as photosensitive material in a printing plate. Experimental results showed using IR, UV, NDS derivatives were photoconverted and developer-soluble photoresist were produced. Photoresist in the mixing ratio of 1:4 of NDS[II] and CF resin gave rise to the highest dissolution rate. In addition, photoresist obtained at this condition resulted in the most superior sensitivity.