
결과 내 재검색




      검색결과 1

      2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
      This study developed a rapid egg-salting method using a temperature change in NaCl solution under pressure. The permeation effects(PEs) of NaCl into eggs at ambient pressure were analyzed 1) after soaking them in 20, 30, or 40%(w/v) NaCl solution at 50℃ and 2) after soaking in 20~40% concentrations(w/v) of NaCl solution at 4℃ immediately after soaking at 50°C for 1 hr(temperature change method; TCM). Under permeation conditions(40% NaCl solution with TCM), the PE of NaCl into eggs at various pressures(4.0~7.0 MPa) was determined. The PE improved with increasing NaCl concentration and pressure. In 40%(w/v) NaCl solution, the PE was more rapid with TCM(0.70% for 2 hr) than without TCM(0.60% for 2 hr). At 7.0 MPa pressure, the PE was more rapid with TCM(1.66% for 15 min) than without TCM(1.40% for 15 min). These results suggest that the TCM-induced contraction of the egg membrane improved the PE. Therefore, we believe that the development of a rapid salting method for seasoning eggs is possible with the TCM.