This study was conducted to compare the volatile flavor compounds of Artemisia annua L. after extraction by simultaneous steam distillation extraction (SDE) and solid-phase micro extraction (SPME) followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. Via SDE and SPME processes, 79 (1,254.00 mg/kg) and 39 (488.74 mg/kg) compounds were identified respectively. The compounds extracted by SDE included 27 alcohols, 13 aldehydes, 22 hydrocarbons, 3 esters, 12 ketones, 1 oxide and 1 N-containing compound, on the other hand, using the SPME method, 7 alcohols, 5 aldehydes, 1 ester, 18 hydrocarbons, 7 ketones, and 1 oxide were extracted. The major volatile flavor compounds of Artemisia annua L. isolated by the two methods were caryophyllene oxide, -caryophyllene, camphor, -selinene, -muurolene, 1,8-cineol, (E)-pinocarveol and pinocarvone. β β γ The sesquiterpene named caryophyllene oxide was the most abundant volatile flavor compound with relative contents of 234.16 mg/kg and 195.44 mg/kg obtained by the SDE and SPME methods, respectively. Among the identified volatiles, sabinene, β-pinene, α-terpinene, γ-terpinene, yomogi alcohol, myrtenol, (Z)-nerolidol, p-cymen-8-ol and eugenol were detected by the SDE method only while (E)-anethole and α-cubebene were detected by the SPME method only. This study confirmed that the composition and contents of the volatile flavor compounds vary between different extraction methods. More volatile flavor compounds were identified using the SDE method than the SPME method.
꽃향유로부터 정유물을 추출하여 천연향료로 개발하기 위하여 수증기증류법으로 추출하고 추출공정의 최적 조건을 반응표면 분석법으로 얻고자 하였다. 수증기증류법의 추출조건에 따른 꽃향유 추출물의 품질특성으로 수율과 총페놀화합물, 전자공여능과 주요 향기성분으로 estragole 과 thymol, beta-caryophyllene의 함량을 분석하였다. 추출온도가 추출시간보다 더 큰 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났으며, 각 품질 특성에 대하여 수립된 예측모델식이