
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is to focus on the status of implementation of bilateral-fishery order based on the Korea-China fisheries agreement and aims to improve fisheries relationship between two countries. Korea-China Fisheries Agreement entered into force in 2001, and serves as a basic framework of the bilateral fisheries order. However, the fishing order between Korea and China has the following limitations. First, it is standstill of joint response for a practical resource management. Second, there are still gaps between the quotas of mutual accord fishing and fishing operation work performance. Third, China’s illegal fishing is taking place consistently. Fourth, the effective cooperation between two countries in fisheries is not carried out. Finally, the Korea has faced difficult situations to adhere to a balanced position in the fishery negotiations due to conflicting positions on China and Japan. In order to solve these problems, the fishing order between Korea and China will be able to maintain the competitiveness of Korean fishery sector by reinforcing Korea’s fishing sovereignty, Korea and China, based on trust and cooperation, will make efforts to improve bilateral fisheries relations to maximize mutual benefit in fishery sector. Specifically, first, the two countries should strengthen the resources management based on the scientific research and the improvement of imbalance of the mutual agreed fishing in EEZ. Second, Korea has to achieve our targeted performance of fishing operation and establish a joint resources management system between two countries in the provisional measure zone. Third, Korea should implement to collect fisheries information about China fishing vessels which are operating in the EEZ of Korea. Finally, Korea and China should be building up effective governance framework for the establishment of fishing order.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1. 계획경제체제에서 농업부문의 비효율성 문제가 심각하게 제기되어왔으며, 시장경제로의 체제전환이 이러한 만성적인 농업부문의 비효율성을 극복해 줄 것으로 기대함. 하지만 농업선진국과 체제전환국간에 농업생산성 격차가 상당히 큰 수준이며, 체제전환국 간에도 농업생산성의 차이가 큰 것으로 나타남. 2. 이러한 체제전환국간 농업부문의 성과 차이는 각 국의 부존자원, 초기조건 그리고 이행과정에서의 시장지향적 정책의강도 등에 영향을 받는 것으로 보고되고 있으나 이에 대한 실증연구는 미미한 편임. 따라서 실증분석을 통해 부존자원과 초기조건 그리고 이행과정에서의 정책이나 소유권의 배분 방식등에 따라 생산성으로 계측된 농업부문의 성과가 어떻게 달라지는지를 이해하는 것은 향후 이들 국가의 농업부문의 생산성 제고를 위한 정책 방향 설정에 매우 중요함. 3. 본 논문의 연구목적은 체제전환 국가들의 시장경제로의 편입 이후 농업 생산성의 변화를 실증적으로 분석하고 이러한 생산성 변화의 결정요인 분석을 통해 체제전환국의 농업정책방향 설정에 시사점을 제공하는데 있음. 4. 본 논문의 시사점으로는 (1) 체제전환 이전의 토지 원소유자에게 토지 반환, (2) 시장경제로의 개혁이 원활하게 이루어지도록 정책적제도적 방안 마련, (3) 체제전환정책을 입안함에 있어 특정 국가가 지닌 초기조건 고려임.
        2020.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The paper aims to investigate the interactions between rule of law, economic growth and the shadow economy in 18 selected transition economies. This study uses annual data over the period 2002-2015 for 18 transition countries to estimate the effects of rule of law and other factors on the size of shadow economy. The transition country group is classified based on International Monetary Fund resources and is selected on the basis of the availability of data. The data examined in this research are derived from the World Bank, Worldwide Governance Indicators project and Working Paper from International Monetary Fund. This study employs GMM method. The results show that the economic growth indicators have negative and statistically significant impact on the shadow economy. Additionally, these results also reveal that in transition countries the size of shadow economy is negatively related to the quality of rule of law. However, the findings of this research also point out that there are positive relationships between inflation, public expenditure and the size of shadow economy. Hence the results from this study suggest that the size of shadow economy could be controlled by improving the effectiveness of rule of law and the growth of economy particularly in transition countries.