
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In Brazil, agricultural sector accounts for 15 percent of total employment and agricultural export takes 36 percent of the national merchandise exports. Particularly agricultural export has played an important role in Brazilian economic growth and stabilization. Brazil is a substantial agricultural exporter which obtains huge trade surplus in agricultural trade amounting USD 73,300 million. Major agricultural exports are grain and grain-processed products such as soybean, soybean cake, corn and soybean oil. Particularly soybean is the top exporting commodity in Brazil. Our Study overviews the situation of Brazilian agriculture and analyzes the export competitiveness of Brazilian soybean in the World and Korean markets. We employ several indexes such as price competitiveness, Market Share (MS), Revealed Comparative Advantage Index (RCA), and Comparative Advantage by countries (CAC) to analyze international competitiveness of Brazilian soybean. The main results of our study are as follows : First, U.S. Argentina, Paraguay and Canada are rivals with Brazil in the global soybean market. Second, Brazilian soybean has the 3rd highest price competitiveness following Paraguay and Argentina. Third, Brazilian soybean is second highest following Paraguay in a sense of export competitiveness through RCA and CAC index. Brazilian soybean has competitiveness in respect of comparative advantage not only in Korean market but also in global market. Especially CAC index of Brazilian soybean in the Korean market is higher than those of USA and China which have larger Korean market share than Brazil. However, the competition seems to be even more intensifying because Korea has already agreed on FTA with USA and China, and also Paraguay expands soybean export to Korea recently.
        1997.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        From the beginning of 1990s , also in the shipping industry, especially liner shipping industry competition has been more intensive and difference of the service quality among shipping companies has been learned . On the other hand, a shipping company has some limitations to do its international mission for itself just by broadening service area. For this reason, the necessity for the global strategi alliance among the shipping companies, which is orginally aimed at sharing of facilities and organixation, has been developed. Through strategic alliance, liner shipping companies do not need to input the additional capitals to increase the material assets such as vessel capacity and spread the risk by the enlargement of the market. Also, they can secure the competitive edge through efficient utilizaton of assets. The purpose of strategic alliance of Hanjin Shipping Ltd., can be summarized as follows ; broadening of service area, cost reduction through vessel sharing, realization of rationalized shipping service by terminal and equipment or facilities sharing. Liner strategic alliances are agreement among liner companies to pol their equipment , andterminals for joint operations and services in which each alliance partner continues to serve its market using jointly operated or used inland feeders,inland terminals, port terminals, and mainline fleets of ship as well as joint pools of containers and equipment. Strategic alliances are generally more formal agreements than consortia and impose longer term and far reaching obligation on their members. It also acts as one in developing and advancing the strategic aims of the alliance members. The most important objective for liner strategic alliances is cost reduction and improvement in capital asset utilization. Main aims of strategic alliance drawn in this paper, can be enumerated follows : 1. improvements in service frequency and quality : 2. improvements in vessel and equipment utilization and thereby reductions in fixed and variable cost ; 3. improvements in market shares and high value cargo booking ; 4. reductions in intermodal storage and port terminal throughput costs ; 5. improvements in negotiating powers with ports and feeder transport providers ; 6. reduction in financial and other fixed costs such as insurance; 7. coordination and integration of MIS and EDI systems and service for greater efficiency and market penetration ; and, 8. improvements in logistic chain management and economic of scale by equipment depot, terminal, and vessel sharing.