루만에 의하면 현대사회에서 (의사)소통의 중요한 매체는 두 가지이다. 정보를 유포하는 매체와 일반화된 상징적 소통매체(또는 성공매체)가 그 것들이다. 이 논문에서는 정보유포 매체를 중심으로 재난의 위험과 세계 시민사회의 관계에 대해 살펴본다. 근대 시민사회의 발현을 가능하게 했 던 정보유포 매체는 활자매체라는 것이 일반적인 인식이다. 그러나 현대 사회에서 전자매체 특히 디지털매체의 사회구성적 효과에 대해서는 의견이 분분하다. 이 논문에서는 벡, 루만, 하이어의 관점을 비교하면서, 현대 사회에서 시민 주체의 형성과 관련하여 디지털매체의 중요성이 일방적으 로 강조되는 경향을 비판하고자 한다. 특히 세월호 참사와 관련하여 한국 사회에서 디지털매체뿐만 아니라 전자 대중매체의 역할이 새롭게 확인될 수 있음을 강조한다. 즉 언론통제 상황에서도 TV 전자매체가 전혀 의도하 지 못한 상태에서 불러일으키는 사회적 감정의 효과를 강조하고자 한다.
The constitution of the Republic of Korea clearly states the separation of church and state. While pure religious action should be separated from politics, Koreans with religion have some duties and rights based on the fact that religious people also are members of the Korean nation and society. This article aims to describe an aspect of the relationship between politics and religions with a special attention to Christianity.
First of all, Christianity of Catholic and Protestant played a great role in the building of the Republic of Korea. After the World War Ⅱ, other religions in Korea did not support liberal democracy. Also they had a very ambiguous attitude toward democracy. Some of them accepted even communism. In the ideological chaos, Christianity clearly counted as one of the important anticommunistic groups. At this point, Christianity should be considered as one of great contributors to the nation buildings of the South Korea. This close relationship of Christianity and anticommunism has been maintained from the World War Ⅱ to the present day.
However, several presidents of Korea became dictators in the name of anticommunism so that many liberal Christians have protested against authoritarian government as well as anticommunism which became a hated word in Korean liberal society. Many struggles between governments and liberal Christians had been appeared in other areas such as industrial problems, rural society, as well as environment. Recently, many Buddhists has been strongly involved in such agendas of liberal Christianity.
During transition from industrialization to democratization in South Korea, this nation has tried to find out a national identity and the Korean government have supported traditional religions such as Buddhism under the title of support of traditional and national culture. This support from government has been appeared in the area of culture, tourism and education. At this point, traditional and national religions of the South Korea have received a lot of financial aid from government.