인도네시아어 철자법(EBI)과 제5차 완성 철자법(EYD V) 비교: 문자 사용과 문장 부호 사용을 중심으로 Comparison between the original Indonesian spelling system (EBI) and the fifth edition of the enhanced spelling of the Indonesian language (EYD V): Focusing on the use of character and punctuation

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/431324
제31권 제1호 (2024.02)
한국외국어교육학회 (The Korea Association Of Foreign Languages Education)

This study analyzes the fifth edition of the enhanced spelling of the Indonesian language (EYD V) by comparing it with the original Indonesian spelling system (EBI) in terms of the use of character and punctuation. Specifically, it presumes that the frequent occurrence of errors in the Indonesian spelling systems is related to both indifference in Indonesian orthography and recurrent orthographic revisions. Based on this premise, it investigates differences between the original EBI, officially announced in 2015, and EYD V, the latest Indonesian spelling system, in terms of the use of character and punctuation. The analytic results found that EYD V includes several new elements, such as the introduction of a monophthong eu and the use of consonants q, x, and y at the end of words. Furthermore, it was found that EYD V provides the revised and supplemented contents compared to the original EBI from multiple perspectives by implementing enhanced consistency and timeliness in descriptions and error correction. The outcomes of this study are expected to serve as essential data for Indonesian writing education and as comparative data for discussions on Malay orthography in relation to Indonesian orthography.

Penelitian ini menganalisis ejaan bahasa Indonesia yang disempurnakan edisi V (EYD V) dan membandingkannya dengan ejaan bahasa Indonesia (EBI) dari segi penggunaan huruf dan tanca baca. Secara rinci, penelitian ini mengasumsikan bahwa sering ditemukannya kekeliruan penggunaan ejaan dalam bahasa Indonesia dikarenakan ketidakpedulian terhadap ejaan bahasa Indonesia dan sering terjadinya revisi ejaan. Berdasarkan asumsi tersebut, penelitian ini menyelidiki perbedaan antara EBI, yang diresmikan pada 2015, dan EYD V, yang merupakan ejaan bahasa Indonesia terbaru, dari segi penggunaan huruf dan tanda baca. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa EYD V mencakup beberapa elemen yang baru, misalnya pengenalan monoftong eu dan penggunaan konsonan q, x, dan y di akhir kata. Selain itu, dapat diketahui bahwa EYD V merevisi dan melengkapi isi-isi EBI dari berbagai perspektif seperti menyempurnakan konsistensi dan ketepatan waktu dalam deskripsi dan mengoreksi kekeliruan. Hasil tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pedoman dasar untuk pengajaran penulisan bahasa Indonesia dan data untuk perbandingan antara ejaan bahasa Indonesia dengan ejaan bahasa Melayu.

I. 서론
II. 인도네시아어 공식 로마자 철자법의 변천
    1. 문자 사용
    2. 문장 부호 사용
IV. EBI에서 EYD V로의 변화 양상
V. 결론
  • 이주영(한국외국어대학교 글로벌캠퍼스 말레이·인도네시아어통번역학과 강사) | Juyoung Lee