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제17권 제1호 (2017년 3월) 13

2017.03 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
고척스카이돔에서 2017년 WBC(월드베이스볼 클래식) 경기를 시청하면서 국내에서도 날씨와 상관 없이 경기를 하고 관중들이 즐겁게 관람하는 모습을 보고, 미국의 메이저리그 관중들이 팝콘과 음료 와 함께 여유롭게 스포츠를 즐기는 모습을 연상해 보았습니다. WBC에 참석한 감독들도 고척스카이 돔의 아름다움과 관리가 잘 되어있는 시설에 만족하였다고 합니다. 이처럼 대공간 건축물은 즐거운 생활을 추구하는 쾌적성과 종교, 문화, 스포츠 등 인간의 사회적 필요에 의해 탄생되었습니다. 3차원적인 힘의 흐름과 면내력에 의해 외부하중에 대한 저항능력을 극 대화시킨 구조시스템 및 재료, 설비, 방재기술 등 방대한 요소기술의 복합체로 구성된 미래지향적 첨 단 건축물로도 정의할 수 있습니다. 최근 4차 산업혁명의 물결 속에 자율주행자동차, 의료 분야의 인공지능, 은행의 핀테크 등이 시도 되고 있습니다. 건설 분야에서도 미국, 일본, 독일 등 국민소득 3만 달러 이상의 국가에서는 첨단 건 축물인 대공간 건축물에 개폐식 지붕구조를 적용하여 최첨단 건축물을 선도하고 있습니다. 이와 같 이 대공간 건축물은 ICT 기술 등 첨단기술을 활용한 산업으로 변모하고 있습니다. 이제는 국가경쟁 력 향상, 일자리 창출을 위해 건설기술과 ICT 기술의 융복합을 통한 건설 분야 신기술, 고부가가치 기술 개발이 필요한 시기가 도래하였다고 생각합니다. 이를 위해서는 건설업에 종사하는 산학연의 모든 분의 마음가짐도 건설 산업이 미래 산업을 주도 하고 인간에게 안전하고 쾌적한 공간을 제공하고 있다는 자부심과 소명감을 가져야겠다는 생각이 듭 니다.
2017.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
2017.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The objective of this study is to analysis the mechanical characteristics and nonlinear behaviors on the geometric nonlinear behavior of a cable spoke wheel roof system for long span lightweight roof structures. The weight of a cable spoke wheel roof dramatically can reduce and the cable roof system can easily make the required rigidity and shape by the sag ratio and pretension forces. Determining the pretension and initial sag of cable roof system is essential in a design process and the shape of roof is changed by pretension. The nonlinear behavior of flexible cable system has greatly an affect on the sag and pretension. This paper will be carried out analyzing and comparing the tensile forces and deflection of a cable spoke wheel system for the large span retractable roof, and analyzed to deflections and tensile forces by the post height of center hub. The double arrangement of a spoke wheel system with reverse curvature works more effectively as a load bearing system, the pretension can easily increase the structural stiffness. The cable truss system can carry vertical load in up and downward direction, and act effectively as load bearing elements.
2017.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Structures of steel frame buildings getting vary depending on the development of construction technology. Fire-resistant steel beams and Columns accredited by accreditation bodies from the performance of various fire-resistant coating is applied to the current pillar method is most H-beams. H-beam has been proposed a non-load test specifications in the relevant regulations, its scope of accreditation to be granted without limitation of size H-beams from the performance of the test specification. However, in the case of the rectangular steel structure is to check its performance and to a separate one of the receive acknowledge and so take advantage of the cross-sectional shape factor in this study to test the performance of the fire-resistant structure proposed for standard test specimen.
2017.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The result of the previous work leads to the idea that the inner area of the hyperbolic shell generator should be minimized for the cooling tower with higher first natural frequency. In this study the inner area of the hyperbolic shell generator was graphically established under varying height of the throat and angle of the base lintel. From the graph, several shell geometries were selected and analysed in the aspect of the natural frequency. Three representative towers reinforced differently due to different first natural frequencies were analysed non-linearly and evaluated using a damage indicator based on the change of natural frequencies. The results demonstrated that the damage behaviour of the tower reinforced higher due to a lower first natural frequency was not necessarily advantageous than the others
2017.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In this study, load transfer tests based on KCI-PS101 were conducted to verify the performance of spiral anchorage zone reinforcement for banded post-tensioning (PT) monostrands. With results, the compressive strength of spiral reinforcement was increased by about 20% than that of specimens with two horizontal steel bars and 8% than that of U-shaped bars. Advanced spiral reinforcement for corner increases compressive strength and can resist the spalling forces or fall-out effect at the corner by shear. The ratio of maximum load to amount of steel of the spiral reinforcement is about twice than that of U-shaped reinforcement. With increase of compressive strength capacity and improvement of constructability, the spiral reinforcement is considered to have advantages of promoting the performance of PT anchorage zone compared to conventional methods.
2017.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In fire design for floors, the three criteria of stability, integrity and insulation are required for the specified fire resistance duration. Among these, stability is not easy to confirm. For solid prestressed concrete slabs of uniform thickness, Eurocode 2 provides tabulated data and specifies an axis distance to the centroid of strands to achieve particular fire resistance ratings, but it is not clear if this data can be used for a wide range of different prestressed slab profiles. In order to verify the current code-fire ratings for precast prestressed slabs, both simple and advanced calculation methods are investigated. This paper examines the use of calculation methods, accounting for the real behaviour of unprotected simply supported prestressed concrete slabs exposed to the standard ISO 834 fire. The calculated fire resistance of each prestressed concrete slab is compared with tabulated data in Eurocode part 1.2, with detailed discussion.
2017.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Vortex-induced vibration and instability vibration of tall buildings are very important fluid-structure interaction phenomenon, and many fundamental questions concerning the influence of body movement on the unsteady aerodynamic force remain unanswered. For tall buildings, there are two experimental methods to investigate the characteristics of unsteady aerodynamic forces, one is forced vibration method and the other is free vibration method. In the present paper, a free vibration method was used to investigate the unsteady aerodynamic force on tall building whose aspect ratio is 9 under boundary layer simulating city area. Wind pressures on surfaces and tip displacements were measured simultaneously, and the characteristics of tip displacements and generalized forces were discussed. It was found that variation of across-wind displacements showed different trend between the case when wind speed increases and wind speed decreases, and the fluctuating generalize forces in across-wind direction of vibrating model are larger than that of static model near the resonant wind speed and approach to the static value. And for higher wind speed range, there were two peaks in across-wind power spectra of generalize forces of vibrating model, which means that two frequency components are predominant in unsteady aerodynamic forces.
2017.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The objective of this paper is to suggest structural design for the long-life housing apartment complex to save the construction cost. The key is to use unavailable underground space due to bearing walls or bad configuration of columns in apartments as the parking space. Therefore, the structural plan of apartment buildings considering the parking section in the underground should be designed. After analytical resutls of three cases, it is significant effect in saving construction cost.
2017.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
With increasing number construction of high-rise building which has about 40 to 60 floors there have been many kinds of problem which related with usage from vibration. To predict response acceleration, it is important to assess correct natural frequency. However, due to the noise of MEMS sensor, it is difficult to measure dynamic characteristic such as natural frequency when measuring ambient vibration using MEMS sensor within cell phone. Therefore, a comparative analysis on vibration measuring applications was performed after measuring ambient vibration of 2 skyscrappers which have height between 133.5~244.3m that are located in Seoul and Observation tower using I-jishin APP with noise reduction function of MEMS sensor in order to verify the effectiveness of low noise type vibration measurement APP.