
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 29

        2024.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The feathery branched green alga Bryopsis plumosa (Hudson) C. Agardh bloomed at Songji Beach, Haenam, Korea, in November 2022. A terrible stench was present on the beach, and the bottom was covered in a thick green mat of green algae. The alga was identified as B. plumosa, which is an opportunistic species currently distributed worldwide. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) were analyzed in the bloomed area and compared with those of other vicinities. The DIN and DIP concentrations were 1.067 and 0.461 mg L-1, respectively, which were 6 to 19 times higher than the average concentrations on southwest coasts, including Haenam. The B. plumosa bloom at Songji Beach in November 2022 appears to have depended on DIN and DIP concentrations in seawater. In this study, we report on the mass occurrence of B. plumosa, which appeared for the first time in Korea. This occurrence was found to be closely related to the concentration of nutrients in seawater. Therefore, it is necessary to manage the concentration of nutrients on land flowing into coastal waters to control green algal blooms such as Bryopsis.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        청말·민국 시기 중국 지리교과서는 한국 관련 서술이 풍부하여 당시 중국인들이 한국을 어떻게 인식했는지 연구하는 데 유용한 공적 자료이 다. 한·중 양국은 수천 년 동안 정치, 경제, 문화 등 많은 방면에서 교류 했으며, 19세기 말 이전까지 한국은 중국 주도 하의 중화질서에서 가장 중요한 일원으로서 중국의 전통 지리 문헌에서 항상 ‘소중화’와 ‘예의지 방’으로 높은 명성을 누렸다. 그러나 20세기 들어 중국 지리교과서 속 한국의 이미지는 이전과는 확연히 달라졌다. 본 논문은 청말·민국 시기 중국의 교육 근대화 이후 편찬된 일련의 신식 지리교과서에 나타난 한국 의 개화기 및 일제강점기 관련 서술과 인식을 비교연구로 하였다. 19세 기 말 이후 한·중 양국 관계는 불평등에서 평등으로, 상하급에서 동반자 로 전환되었고 이에 따라 청말·민국시기 중국 지리교과서에 나타난 한국 의 이미지도 대체로 ‘소중화’에서 ‘후진국’으로, 그리고 다시 ‘동반자’로 바뀌는 과정을 거쳤다. 중국 지리교과서 속 한국의 이미지는 시기별로 중국이 직면한 여러 가지 현실적인 곤경에 영향을 받아 변화해 왔다. 대 중의 지리 지식과 타국 인식을 양성하는 주요 매체인 지리교과서에 대한 연구를 통해 당시 중국 정부와 교과서 편찬자가 자라나는 후속세대에게 한국을 어떻게 인식시키려고 했는지를 살펴보았다. 그리고 견문록, 신문 잡지 등 사적 자료를 연구 내용으로 한 기존의 선행 연구와 상호 검증과 보완의 관계를 형성할 수 있기를 기대한다.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article reports on an experimental study that investigated the effects of different conditions of listener backchannels on the fluency of L2 speakers. The participants were 15 advanced Chinese learners of Korean who performed oral tasks in three different backchannel conditions: (1) verbal + nonverbal (V+NV), (2) nonverbal-only (NV), and (3) no backchannels (NB). The verbal backchannels included “[ŋ~] (Non lexical verbal form)”, “[ne]”, “[ɑ]”, “[ɨm]” while the nonverbal backchannels involved head nodding. Fluency was assessed via three temporal measures: Rate A, Rate B and MLR. The data was statistically analyzed using SPSS 25 package. The results showed that 15 Chinese participants in the NV condition were more fluent than in the V+NV or NB conditions. However, no significant differences were found between the V+NV and NB conditions. These results suggest that nonverbal backchannels may facilitate the fluency of advanced Chinese learners of Korean during oral tasks depending on the nature of backchannel use in their L1 and sociocultural environments. The present research theoretically broadens the scope of both fluency and backchannel studies and provides valuable data and methods for empirical studies on backchannels to Korean.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        River water quality and organisms have a very close relationship with the human living environment and health, so it is very important to ensure and maintain the ecological integrity of the aquatic ecosystem. In that sense, benthic diatoms have relatively little mobility, can explain the effects of long-term exposed pollution sources, and are very suitable indicator organisms for river ecosystem evaluation. Diatom ecologists have been developed various diatom indices to assess water quality and stream ecosystem over the world. However, they so far have insufficient identification of taxa, are strongly regional, and are difficult to apply as they are domestically. Unfortunately, there has not been developed an independent diatom index suitable for the Korean stream. Therefore, management of water quality and aquatic ecosystem suitable for domestic rivers can be made, and development or improvement of comprehensive multivariate diatom index for the integrated assessment of water quality and aquatic ecosystem is urgently needed.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        구글 어스를 비롯한 인터넷 지도와 세계적인 지명관련 데이터베이스인 미국의 NGA의 GEONet지명 서버 같은 경우 정작 지명 사용자인 현지의 한국인이 이해하지 못하는 서양식 지명이 많이 발견된다. 특히 이러한 서양식 지명은 해안지명과 해저지명에 가장 흔하게 발견되고 있다. 그 지명들의 역사적인 유래를 정확히 파악할 수 있다면, 지명표준화라는 측면에서 오류 지명을 시정하고 정확한 지명이 사용될 수 있도록 할 수 있다는 점에서 매우 중요하다. 실제 18세기부터 한국해역에 자주 출몰한 서양 선박들은 통상을 요구하거나 선교의 자유를 요구하거나 아니면 단순히 포경을 비롯한 어업활동을 위해 한반도 해역을 통과하면서 언어의 장벽과 정부의 쇄금정책에 의해 현지지명을 알 수 없었고, 이러한 이유로 그들의 해도에 자신들의 명명방식에 따라 서양 명칭을 부여한 것으로 보인다. 본 연구에서 깊이 다루지 못한 러시아, 네덜란드 및 미국의 역할에 대한 연구가 더 이루어질 필요가 있다.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A continuing challenge for English educators and policy makers in Korea is how to provide the right amount of good English education in an effective and efficient way, to help achieve the needed level of English communication skills. No efforts would turn out successful if the amount and the quality of public English education did not meet people's expectations. In order to plan and implement successful English education policies, it is necessary to figure out what kind of English education and how much of it are needed for Korean people. The current study aims to investigate what levels of English speaking proficiency Korean people perceive they need. The study first reviews some widely-used international English oral proficiency standards, then, compares those with the level descriptions of the Korea’s national curriculum of English. To gather information on the current level of English speaking proficiency, and the expected level of English speaking proficiency, 356 teachers (123 elementary school, 114 middle school, 119 high school), 696 students (179 elementary school, 222 middle school, 295 high school), and 650 parents (164 elementary, 212 middle school, 274 high school) from all the 16 district education authorities, were surveyed and interviewed. The results are presented with the discussion of the future directions of English education in Korea.
        2010.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The fundamental purpose of this study is to investigate the degree of correlation between the receptive and speaking skills by comparing the scores of the TOEIC (the Test of English for International Communication) and the ESPT (the English Speaking Proficiency Test). A recent research (Cunningham: 2002) shows that gaining scores on the TOEIC do not affect much improvement of communication skills. In this study, two instruments were used to collect data: the TOEIC and the ESPT. These two tests were administered to freshmen at one of the universities at Kyungsang Province. On the basis of the TOEIC scores the participants got, they were divided into two groups: intermediate and basic. The results show that the overall correlation coefficient between the TOEIC scores and the ESPT test for all was 0.51. However, the correlation coefficient between these two test scores for the intermediate level was as low as 0.43 and the basic level 0.25. This study implies that interpreting the correlation between receptive and speaking skills should be cautious.
        2010.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to investigate the major themes and contents of studies on teaching English as an EFL in elementary schools in Korea since TEFLES (Teaching English as a Foreign Language in the Elementary School) was first introduced in elementary schools as a regular subject under the 7th National Curriculum in 1997. For the purpose of the study, a total of 218 research was examined in terms of the research methods, topics and main contents, and implications. The results of the study show that more than a half of the research was oriented toward quantitative approach. In addition, the main foci were the effects of certain tasks, pronunciation, dramatization, the use of a variety of multimedia materials on elementary school students" speaking skills. However, a large number of studies dealt with speaking skills in an integrated manner with other factors such as language skills, motivation, interests, and confidence. On the basis of the results, pedagogical implications on the teaching of speaking skills are suggested.
        2005.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper presents a sociolinguistic description and analysis of baby talk as practiced by Korean caregivers, focusing on a special lexical set that has been traditionally associated with caregiver-child interaction. The first part of the paper describes the repertoire of baby words, which includes a total of 55 lexical items, and examines their primary meaning and general modes of usage. The second part of the paper analyzes the structural characteristics of Korean baby talk in terms of its semantic, morphological, and phonological features. The analysis is geared to the task of identifying a range of characteristics of Korean baby talk within the framework of tentatively posited cross-cultural universals. The third part of the paper describes some significant usage aspects of Korean baby talk, particularly in the context of child development and the language socialization process. Here a reference is made to the folk model of child development and language acquisition, which is explicated from the emic point of view in Korea, and some aspects of the secondary use of baby talk in Korea are briefly described.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper deals with false friends-the source of their sound image (signifiant) is the same, but the concept image (signifie) is differentfound in Korean and Chinese. It is well-known that these false friends frequently cause negative transfer. I demonstrate that the false friends between Korean and Chinese can be classified into four types: ① no semantic resemblance type, ② partially overlapping type, ③ semantic inclusion type I (Korean over Chinese), and ④ semantic inclusion type II (Chinese over Korean). The result of the contrastive analysis of each type shows a striking difference. In the actual communications, false friends between these two languages may lead to misunderstanding. In order to prevent negative transfer due to false friends, students are advised to carefully check the differences in meaning and function.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        유목문화를 근간으로 하는 몽골에서 말은 중요한 이동수단으로서 목축민들의 특별한 애정과 존중을 받아온 몽골을 대표하는 가축이다. 몽골에서 말은 가축을 흩어짐 없이 사육하고 새로운 초지를 찾아 유목하거나 장거리 이동시 주요한 교통수단으로 사용 되였다. 따라서 말은 몽골의 목축생활 양식과 불가분의 관계를 가지고 있다고 할 수 있다. 한국의 전통사회에서도 말은 교통수단과 군사용 등으로 사용된 중요한 가축이었다. 한국과 몽골의 문화에 등장하는 말은 신승물, 신성
        2000.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        잎말이나방과에 속하는 무늬 잎말이나방족의 3종 <Ac1eris paradiseana Walsingham 산마가목잎말이나 방(신청), Ac1eris caerulescens (Walsingham) 굴피나무잎말이나방(신칭), Trophocosta cyanoxantha (Meyrick) 꼬마점무늬잎말이나방(신칭)>을 우리나라에서 처음으로 보고하며, 이들의 분류학적 특징을 간략히 재기재하고, 채집된 성충 및 암.수 생식기를 도해하였다. 이 중 Trophocosta속은 우리나라에서 처음으로 기록되는 속이다.
        1991.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        현재까지 남한에서 채집된 표본과 폴랜드의 동물계통분류진화연구소에 보관된 북한산 표본을 대상으로 분류.동정한 결과, 한국산 무늬잎말이나방족은 총 39종으로 정리된다. 이중 북한산 2종이 신종으로 새로이 기록되며 11종의 미기록종이 우리나라에서는 처음으로 보고된다.
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