Escape of Pine Wood Nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, through Feeding and Oviposition Behavior of Monochamus alternatus and M. saltuarius (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Adults
This study was performed to investigate the escape of pine wood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, from two vector species (Monochamus alternatus and M. saltuarius) through oviposition and feeding behavior. First, we checked number of PWNs escaped from M. alternatus emerged from three different cases of pine logs. In case A, healthy pine trees were cut into logs and left in pine forest infected with PWN. In case B, healthy pine trees were cut into logs, left in large screen cage, and let them oviposited by M. alternatus emerged from pine trees infested with PWN. In case C, pine trees which were harboring M. alternatus were cut into logs, and PWN was inoculated artificially. The M. alternatus adults emerged from the above three cases of pine logs were checked in the next year to know how many PWN they were harboring in their bodies. The percentages of M. alternatus harboring PWN (18.3 and 15.6%, respectively) and number of nematodes per vector (5,713.1±9,248.3 and 2,034.1±4,746.8 PWNs, respectively) in case A and B logs are similar to each other. However, the percentage and the number in case C (38.3% and 20,083.1±32,188.3 PWNs) were higher than those of case A and B. Among 52 M. alternatus adults harboring PWN from all the three cases, 20 adults (38.5%) were harboring more than 5,000 PWNs per beetle. And these 20 adults were harboring 97.9% of the total PWNs in 52 adults. Second, we checked the daily escape of PWNs from M. alternatus and M. saltuarius collected at pine forest infested with PWN. The PWN escaped from their vector body for 34.9±12.4 days for M. alternatus, and for 23.9±16.2 days for M. saltuarius, reaching at peak escape during the 2nd week of emergence of the two vector species. A 44.5 and 47.2% to the total PWNs escaped from vector body within 2 weeks of vector emergence for M. alternatus and M. saltuarius, respectively. The number of PWNs escaped from each vector was 3,570.6±5,189.2 and 1,556.2±1,710.3 for M. alternatus and M. saltuarius, respectively.