1993-98년 동안 농촌진흥청의 벼직파재배 연구현황과 연구자원 배분의 경제적 합리성에 관한 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 벼직파기술분야별 연구는 과거에는 기초연구부문에 집중되었으나 최근에는 직접 농민들의 현장애로를 타개하기 위한 파종, 입모, 잡초방제, 물관리 등 기능적 문제점을 해결하기 위한 연구투자가 확대되었다. 2. 직파재배의 초기에는 파종과 품종육성 부문에 연구투자가 크게 이루어졌으나 최근에는 그 비중이 줄어들고 시비개선, 잡초 방제, 물관리 부문에 대한 연구자원 배분이 늘어나고 있다. 3. 토양관리와 입모에 관한 연구비중은 줄어들고 있어 농민들의 이 부문에 대한 현장 애로는 크게 감소된 것으로 나타났다. 4. 벼직파재배에 대한 연구의 경제적 성과와 연구자원 배분은 기술분야별 일치성이 커서 합리적인 연구자원 배분이 이루어지고 있다.
Appropriate allocation of personal and financial resources of a research organization is important for the successful accomplishment of its goals. Direct-seeding of rice is a technology compatible with sustainable agriculturer and much research on the technology has been carried out in the research institutes of Rural Development Adminstration (RDA). We analyzed, with a special interest in research on rice direct-seeding technology, patterns of resource allocation in RDA by technology to evaluate congruency levels in research resource allocation. Research on direct-seeding technology had been focused on its fundamental field in the past. However, research to solve the practical difficulties encountered by farmers such as those in seedling establishment weed control, and water management practices, has been increased in recent years. Research resource allocation had largely been made to the projects for variety and seeding-technology development in the early years, however, allocation to the projects for the fertilization, weed control, and water management fields has been increased in recent years. Allocation of resources to the projects in soil management and seedling establishment categories was decreased, indicating that difficulties encountered by farmers in these fields were mostly solved. High congruency between economic outcome of research and allocation of resources by technology categories indicates a rational allocation of resources for research on direct-seeding of vice in RDA.