서남부 간척지에서 벼 담수표면직파재배시 토양 염농도 별 파종전 후 합리적인 물관리 방법을 구명하고자 2004~2005 년에 걸쳐 호남농업연구소 계화도출장소 시험포장인 세사양토(문포통)에서 남평벼를 공시하여 로타리 후 환수횟수와 파종 후 물관리 방법을 각기 달리하여 입모 및 쌀 수량등을 검토한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 저염토양에서는 로타리 후 1회 환수, 파종 후에는 낙수 관리해 주어야 입모가 양호하고 쌀 수량이 감소되지 않았다. 2. 중염토양에서는 로타리 후 3회 환수, 파종 후에는 담수관리 하되 2일 간격으로 환수를 실시해 주어야 입모가 양호하고 쌀 수량감소가 적었다. 3. 따라서 서남부 간척지에서 벼 담수표면직파재배시 입모 및 쌀 수량 등을 고려할 때 저염답에서는 로타리 후 1회 환수, 파종 후에는 낙수관리, 중염답에서는 로타리 후 3회 환수, 파종 후에는 담수관리하되 2일 간격으로 환수하는 것이 유리하다.
This study was conducted to suggest proper water management practices after and before broadcasting of rice seed on flooded paddy surface at reclaimed saline soil with two different saline levels in Gyehwado Substation of Honam Agricultural Research Institute (HARI) NICS, RDA for two years from 2004 to 2005. The stable seedling stand in low saline soil of 0.1% salinity was obtained by one time of water exchange after soil rotary Whereas in medium saline soilof 0.3% salinity, three times of water exchange was required for the stable seedling stand. Milled rice yield was not affected by frequency of water exchange in low saline soil, while it decreased sharply in one and two times of water exchange compared with three times of water exchange in medium saline soil. Irrigation water immediately after direct seeding increased the number of seeding stand in low saline soil. With the increase in the interval of water exchange after direct seeding, the milled rice yield decreased. Although the continuous water flowing showed the most number of seedling stand and was increased milled rice yield compared with the others interval of water exchange in medium saline soil, the number of seedling stand and milled rice wasn't significantly different up to exchange of two days interval compared with the continuous water flowing.