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한부모 가족을 위한 복지선교적 실천방안 KCI 등재

Welfare Missional Practice and Alternative for Single Parent Family

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/240669
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 6,700원
선교신학 (Theology of Mission)
한국선교신학회 (The Korean Society of Mission Studies)

This study deals with welfare missional practice of local church for the single parents family. This article focuses on carrying the welfare missional alternatives to the single parents family in the Korea context. The single parents family has so many difficulties about children problems such as health, economic, social, and human relationship. Because their problems brought out home collapse, divorce society. This article explains some opinions the task of social institutions, governments, and local churches. They should be need counseling, care, financial support, study support, and program development from local churches and social welfare institutions. I want to suggests several kinds about welfare missional practice for the single parents family. First, local church and pastor should be change paradigms about social service mission. The church mission could be act for the single parents family. Second, the welfare missional practices are making network among social welfare group, local church, Christian NGO, and government. Third, local churches support program development and service improvement for single parents family.

  • 전석재(백석대학교, 선교학) | Jeon Seok Jae
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