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환경조건에 따른 감국의 생육특성, 카로티노이드 함량 및 Peroxidase의 활성 KCI 등재

Growth Characteristics, Carotenoid Contents and Peroxidase Activity of Dendranthema indicum under Different Environmental Conditions

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/243853
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
화훼연구 (Flower Research Journal)
한국화훼학회 (Korean Society for Floricultural Science)

감국(Dendranthema indicum)의 환경조건에 따른 개화기의 초장, 개화소요일수, 카로티노이드 함량 및 peroxidase 활성을 고랭지(대관령, 표고 800m)와 평난 지(강릉, 표고 20m)의 노지와 온실에서 각각 비교하여 원예화 개발 가능성을 검토하였다. 환경조건에 따른 광 량은 고랭지 노지 > 평난지 노지 > 고랭지 온실 > 평난지 온실 순으로 감소하였다. 고랭지의 노지에서는 UV A와 UV B의 세기가 22.4, 3.02W·m-2로 평난지 노지의 19.9, 2.24W·m-2보다 각각 12.6, 34.8% 더 강했다. 감국의 초장은 평난지의 온실조건에서 가장 컸 으나 개화는 고랭지의 노지에서 가장 빨랐다. 감국 꽃 의 주요 색소인 카로티노이드는 고랭지의 온실에서 60.9OD·g-1으로 가장 많았다. 그러나 peroxidase 활성 은 평난지의 온실에서 자란 식물체에서 5.72unit·mg-1 protein 가장 높았다.

Present study was conducted to investigate the growth characteristics, carotenoid contents and peroxidase activity of Dendranthema indicum grown under different environmental conditions. Physiological growth characteristics, carotenoid content and peroxidase activity were studied in Dendranthema indicum, which was grown at highland (Daegwalryeng, 800 m above the sea level) and lowland (Gangneung, 20 m above the sea level), and the results were compared with those obtained in greenhouse and field at these sites in 2005. Photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) was the highest at the highland field. The UV A and UV B irradiation in highland wwas found to be significantly higher by 12.6 and 34.8%, respectively, than those in lowland. Average air temperature was 15.9~17.0oC in the highland field, 20.3~20.8oC in the highland greenhouse, 21.1~22.0oC in the lowland field, and 22.5~24.4oC in lowland greenhouse. Plant height in lowland was significantly greater. Wild flowers grown in highland in autumn flowered earlier than in lowland. Comparing the two environments, the carotenoid concentration of Dendranthema indicum grown at highland was greater than that at lowland. Plants in the higher altitude regions have a much more effective protection mechanism against oxidative damage as compared with plants in the lower altitude regions. The antioxidant protection required high amounts of carotenoids. The leaves of Dendranthema indicum grown in lowland showed the higher peroxidase activity.

  • 김수정(고령지농업연구소 원예과) | Su Jeong Kim Corresponding author
  • 이준구(고령지농업연구소 원예과) | Jun Gu Lee
  • 유동림(고령지농업연구소 원예과) | Dong-Lim Yoo
  • 서종택(고령지농업연구소 원예과) | Jong Taek Suh
  • 이호선(농림부 국립종자원 동부지원) | Ho-Sun Lee