시설 내 PPFD는 오전에는 남북동이, 오후에는 동서동이 높았다. 일평균 PPFD는 동서동이 높았는데, 이는 태양광의 입사각이 작아질 때 동서동의 수광면적이 증가되기 때문인 것으로 조사되었다. 고랑위 60cm 높이의 PPFD는 전 고랑에서 남북동이 동서동보다 높았으나 수량과는 관련이 없었다. 평균 기온은 동서동이 높았으나 2월중순 이후로는 태양고도가 높아짐에 따라 차이가 없었다. 지온은 동서동이 다소 높았고 이랑 간에 차이가 없었다. 과실수량은 동서동이 8% 많았는데, 이는 남쪽이랑의 과실이 수확기가 빨라서 초기수량이 많았기 때문이다. 동계 단동형 비닐하우스를 이용한 토마토 촉성재배는 반촉성재배와는 달리, 동서동 시설을 이용하는 것이 유리하였다.
This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of greenhouse orientation on the greenhouse environment and the growth and yield of tomato cv 'Momotaro-Yoku' in forcing culture. The photosynthetic phpton flux density (PPFD) of a.m was higher in north-south orientation than that in east-west orientation and it was opposed in the p.m. Mean PPFD of a day was higher in east-west orientation than that in north-south orientation because the light transmitting area became larger in east-west orientation with decrease of incidence angle. The PPFD at 60 cm point above ground of all furrows was poor due to shadows near plants and it was higher in north-south orientation than that in east-west orientation. The air temperature in the greenhouse was higher in east-west orientation than that in north-south orientation but there was no significant difference since mid February as solar altitude goes up. The soil temperature was some higher in east-west orientation than that in north-south orientation and there was not significant difference among ridges. In east-west orientation, as ripening was promoted, high early yield of tomato were obtained. So total yield was greater about 8% in east-west orientation than that in north-south orientation. Therefore, it was considered that east-west orientation is more advantageous than north-south orientation for forcing culture of tomato.