An Analytical Study on the Youngjeob Dogam Zabmulsek Euigwae of Choson Dynasty (1609, 1643 year)
To analyze food material and table wares in daily reception dishes of Choson Dynasty, studied historic book 'Young jeob Dogam Zabmulsek Euigwae' (1609, 1643 year) described the daily reception dishes for Chinese envoy in Choson Dynasty. The results obtained from this study are as follows. 1. Food material for reception Chinese envoy were vegetable, pickled vegetable, soup (?水), brown seaweed, kelp, green seaweed, garlic, pine mushroom, mushroom, driedfish, fish egg, shrimp, pork, pheasant, fowl, salted fish shrimp and etc, various fruits preserved in honey, green peajelly, buck wheat jelly and bean curd. 2. The table wares were rice bowl(鉢里), small bowl of porcelain(甫兒), water bowl(大貼), plate(貼是), small dish(鍾子), small earthen ware jar(東海), jar(缸), pottery(甕), table(盤), chopsticks(?), washbowl(洗面盆), earthen ware steamer(甑), kettle(釜), brazier(爐), measuring cup(升), unit of measure(合), meter(稱子), spoon(匙), chest (函), lid(蓋), large rice bowl(所羅) and bowl(椀).